How does the shark alert indicator works

You’re not an aviation nut in an aviation forum. Try I used to work in the aviation industry and would frequent the forums there. Folks knew the nuts and bolts of the airline industry, maybe not so much the engineering but the commercial side for sure.

I’m in a poker forum and I can read code. I asked for a high level overview of what it was doing. What’s wrong with asking?

Nothing at all.

nothing at all
and people a free to respond and how to respond
as long as they are not disrespectful
it is called freedom of speech
only free people know this concept

Make up your mind. This area of the forum is to discuss trading ideas freely. Not promote proprietary products.

I do not promote anything
and not willing to tell you how it works
Thanks for your interest

Well, this is frank and direct, but this also has to be the end of my interest in this indicator.

i will always defend and respect your right to choose tommor

No you promote this indicator here and in other threads. This entire thread is meant to promote your indicator and in this one too.

Misleading and false in every way. You are happy with a 2/7 pass rate when you were the one claiming 100% safety. You claimed to have spotted the NZD move when you picked up 2/7 of the moves by accident. Even missed the bigger GBP/NZD slip.

Your indicator doesn’t even work the way you claim it does.

Where does this indicator live? You have a website or something? Tradingview?

just google my username

So you’re not pushing a membership, but pushing a membership.