How does the value in column "Change %" derive?

Hi everyone,

I have a burning question… based on the picture below, i would like to find out how does the value in
the column " Change %" being computed?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Justin
first of all, you need to tell us where yo ugo tthis chart
i can take a guess and assume that this looks like TELETRADER or something like that
but if you could tell us where you got it, it would be much more helpful

now… CHANGE %
generally means (to state the obvious)
THE CHANGE IN PRICE OF THE EUR/USD… Expressed as a Percentage

Your next question will now be
"But Martin, a Change over what time frame ?"

now. the time frame here is DAILY , but Change % can mean ANNUALLY on charts like this
or it could mean the change from the Daily Open to the Daily Close then converted to %
it could mean the change on the fly from the current candlestick to the previous candlestick

this is why we need to contact whoever is running this site and ask them what the calculation is
Generally you will find they calculate it Annually or in this case it could be Daily

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your prompt reply .

I tried to insert the url here but was prompted that i am a new user and not allowed to post url.
Anyway the diagram is from the website ""


ok. let me check it out

Looks like is having a brain fart, the site is not responding and timing out… hehe

in the meantime while we cut to a commercial break hehe (so to speak)
here is some light reading to help you understand CHANGE

ok, Brain fart has ended

i spoke to a operator on chat
they said this

CHANGE % on their site ,
on a daily chart MEANS

  • it’s updated on the fly as price moves

  • it is the measure of the DIFFERENCE IN CHANGE between the CURRENT PRICE and the PREVIOUS DAY’S CLOSE PRICE

  • the difference is expressed as a percentage

Do you have the formula they used? Previous day’s close price meaning the value is not present on the current chart/data?

i told you the formula
it takes the CURRENT PRICE
it calculates the difference between the 2 prices
then it expresses the change (the Difference) as a %

simple as that
as for fixed and variable
it depends on the chart you are looking at Daily , Weekly whatever

but i suppose you could say that
the previous day’s close is the CONSTANT
the current running price (on the fly) is the variable that allows the resulting Change % to fluctuate on the fly

because the formula is measuring the difference
and what makes the result fluctuate is the variable of the current price, not the previous days close

but of course, the following day, YES, the close would be different from the close of the day before it… very likely

but then again, if you wanted it to be a constant, you would then be looking at a weekly chart and not a daily

but the formula is pretty simple

Previous Day close - Current price = X
convert X to a percentage of the Previous Day close


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Chill mate. :v:

Thank you for explaining it. :thumbsup:

I am chilled

You’re Welcome

i just didn’t want to insult you,
it’s a simple formula after all, just converting a number to a percentage of another number… basic high school maths

I was trying to compute for it but I always get different result. I guess I’ll try again. :smiley:

Thanks for the help, as always. :slight_smile:

well. yeah
you are going to get different results

Since the price of the previous day stays the same
HOWEVER the current price Fluctuates

it means that the difference will also change
and therefore when you express the difference as a percentage, it will also fluctuate

if you are not sure


    and i’ll work it out for you

you know what, i’m busy today,
give me a day or two, i’ll make you a spreadsheet that you can input figures into
and i’ll include the formulae in a drop down box
and you can use that spreadsheet

the formula is pretty much as simple as this

if you had $0 in your bank account
and i gave you $100
and on day 1 i ask you what is the change in % of your account balance from yesterday today

you would say 0%
and then lets say you spent $10 on the following day
and i ask you what is the difference in % between Day 1 and Day 4

well, because your account balance is now $90
it has reduced by $10 hence 10%

now if the account balance was say $400 to start with and you are left with $360
meaning you spent $40
it’s still 10% change in account balance

does that make sense

this is simple Fractions Decimals and Percentage, conversion, Basic High School math

or if you say your reference number is 10 (this represents 100%)
and you say the current number is 7

you want to represent 10 as 100% so Multiply by 10
and what you do to one you have to do to the other

so… 7 x 10 = 70

so if you now consider that the reference number is 100 and the new number is 70
the change is 30
hence 30% change

but in this case your percentage can be + or -

so the idea is if youprice is 1.1200 (this is representing 0% change)
if PRICE INCREASES by 1% it should read +1% change
if PRICE DROPS by 1% is should read - 1% change

whatever the previus day close is , will represent 0% change

does that help

I get it, Martin. :slight_smile: Thanks for your time explaining even though you’re busy.

I’m just basing my computation from the given data by @just.srad. So maybe the reason why I’m not getting the correct percentage is that the previous price is not provided. :smiley:

well yeah if you don’t have the reference price it’s not going to work hehe
that’s funny

that’s like saying
we are going to make 30% profit this year

… 30% OF WHAT ?? hehe

so… (sorry, i just had a good laugh)
i’m a believer in everything having an explanation
and after what you said previously, i just figured you haven’t brushed up on your math in a few years.

as basic as this sounds, i will admit that some of my generation also are lacking in their high school maths
although i doubt that would not know how to work a percentage of something.

but i thought it was that

but now that you’ve mentioned that you don’t have THE CONSTANT (Aka the Previous days price) it makes sense

i was going to make you a spreadsheet
do you still want me to do that for you ?

Hey mate @Tracer88
i accidentally found this link

i think this is perfect for what you want.
instead of me making a spredsheet


this is probably the best answer you are going to get

No need for spreadsheet, mate. I understand how it works. :smiley:

Oh and thank you for the link, I appreciate it a lot.

cool. no problem, thanks

Thanks Martin,

You went out all the way to make a call with the operator…And thanks for that.
I understand it now how the figure arrives.


One more question… if you or anyone has the answer …don’t mind sharing.

What is the significant of that "Change % " to my trade setup or to my trade ?
