How long did you test your trading strategy?

We all know that finding a winning strategy takes time and effort. How long did you put your trading strategy to the test?


do you mean how much time I spend to develop strategy? or how much time to verify strategy? Regards Greg

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400 pips per day per one strategy?

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How long did you train to become a great football defender?
That’s up to you your skills and your instruments!
Maybe you are smart and you can do it faster; maybe you are lucky; maybe you use a better platform; there is no specified answer here! There is only one advice: take care of yourself and your money!


I used somebody else’s strategy! Whole bunch of people were trading it live. I followed along, traded it on demo for a bit to get a hang of the timing and signals (5 min scalping). And then I jumped on the wagon and went live! I’m not profitable, but I have more winners than losers. It’s just my losers are big, but that’s my fault, not the strategy.


I found a slightly reliable trading strategy after running 3 years of effort and struggle with the market.

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How long you should test a strategy depends on what you’re trying to prove.

You might be trying to learn the steps in a well known profitable strategy, and understand how you personally would apply it in practice.

Or, as a complete beginner who has never made any money trading, you might have invented a strategy that not a single person in the history of the financial markets ever in the past thought of.


hello Chocomoley
Duration of testing a strategy depends on strategy can vary from some weeks to some months. Testing the strategies before applying it to a live account is crucial.

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Finding a 100% winning trading strategy is difficult but after two years of attempt, I found a strategy that gives me average profit if I follow money management tactics.

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Initially I traded based on my wild guesses seeing the market chart. But gradually I walked towards improvement and started to understand the exact market nature. It took me almost two and half years to make a good strategy for me.

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The way people are talking here and telling their trading stories makes me feel like I’m living in another world, or that they’re from out of this world. Maybe they’re just living their dreams. :woman_shrugging:

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Ask a group of traders any question about trading and you will get more opinions than there are traders in the group. But that’s not a weakness, that’s trading.

At the heart of it we can all look at the same chart and we can all come up with different ways to use it. There is no one right answer, but happily there are many possibly right answers.


I tested my strategy for almost three years and it came through several rectifications in the meantime.

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I tested my trading strategy for more than two years and then I became able to find a good strategy for me.

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it’s not about “how long”!

it’s sometimes partly about “over how many trades” but mostly “over what range of market conditions”

if you test a trend-trading system over a trending market it makes no difference if it was trending for a day, a week, a month or a year: the test will be positive

the results will still be horrible, if you then use the system and market ranges instead of trending

it’s about robustness, and robustness isn’t about “how long”

it’s about quality, not quantity


I took me one and a half year and I am still trying to develop a better trading strategy for better trading performance.

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Great post! Bookmarked!


I’m OK with possible answers, but I can’t stand those nonsensical answers that sound like fantasies.

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Fantasies are all some traders have…

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I’m still developing my first strategy. A part of the developing process is testing, and I’m sure even after I’m happy with it I will continue to test as the markets change and what works yesterday won’t work tomorrow.