How low will Bitcoin go?

@Johnscott31 That is some really good information. And I concur with you on this, the recent dip was pretty much expected as the market had suddenly gained a quick momentum after its previous crash. And this recent dip is pretty beneficial for the market as it has given a room for more buyers to step in and buy BTC for a good bargain price. About BTC’s price, I think it would increase from here on as it found its ground after touching the 52k mark. You never know we may see a sharp rise in price in the coming days.

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I’ve spent many a year trading the precious metals market - especially silver.

In my neophyte days I fell for all the hype that silver was going to da moon.

It popped higher to $49.00 and I was pretty much caught like a dear in headlights holding my leveraged position all the way down to below $20.

For many years before I’d heard how silver was the best investment in the world, and how the big shorts were trapped.

Well I felt alot of pain over the next year as the market crashed and I had taken too much damage to sell my position.

Fast forward to 2021 - the Bitcoin crowd remind very much of the silver crowd - and my memories of those losses will always be fresh in my mind.

While the reasons for being bullish for btc, or silver are different the euphoria and hopeium is the same .

So I’m always weary whenever I hear how perfect any given investment or trade is.

It may come to pass that BTC really is what it’s believed to be - I may even trade it from time to time.

But unlike many in this sector or market I’m nowhere near married to opinion.

And I guess I silently annoy a few bit bulls with my negative prognosis.

But one of the biggest truisms in the market is that the bigger the upmove the larger the downmove.

Sentiment ALWAYS needs to be rebalanced - and until CNBC stops talking about it I have to take the view the bottom is not in.

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I agree. Remember when the banks and big hedge funds were too big to fail?

Whenever people start throwing money at something, the fuse is already lit.

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I really hope Bitcoin is not another bubble, because if it is, when it bursts it’s going to be painful.

In 24 hours bitcoin low $ 37,260.20.

Here’s the upper end projections from one corner of the world for 2021. It’s from last year, and it didn’t happen, but PlanB thinks we’re still in the range of possibility for hitting $100k.

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Even with the war going on? That’s interesting.

His thesis from 2019 regarding modeling of price of bitcoin. (S2F)

He’s an anonymous quant investor. Dutch I think. Very knowledgeable about bitcoin specifically.

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Checked out his Twitter. Interesting profile, will be following.

1 hr and 20 minutes if you want to hear financial nerds talk shop.

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I think Bitcoin going low today 0.94%.

It does seem somewhat bearish at the moment. We’ll see.

The White House is seeking to regulate the crypto market, undoubtedly at least partially due to the war in Ukraine. There will be more turbulent times ahead, I fear.

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I disagree - “they” are scared Sh**less about the potential escape of “Money” from teh control of “those who know best” - into the hands of “ordinary folk!”

Whatever excuses “they” come up with - it is in reality all about "keeping the plebs in their place " ! :slightly_smiling_face:

[ edit - some years ago - I started this thread ;

  • I now believe I was WRONG !
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You hit the nail on the head.

There is no specific answer for this but we very well know bitcoin is the strongest traded currency and is not going to end anytime soon. It’s true that currently the market is going down but it will soon rise up. No doubt the downfall has affected the market but it will soon recover.

Digital crypto funds are building their assets recently. Perhaps that’s a sign that we’re in for some moves towards the sky!

$180 million in the week ending April. Not too shabby.

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I don’t think we can ever know that. It’s up to our analysis what we think is a low price at which we can buy it.

We’re trading at $37831. If you go to the first post from almost 1 year ago, we’re considerably lower than April 2021 highs, the good ole days of bitcoin. I think we’ve got lower to go unfortunately.

What a difference a week makes. Trading at $31745, down 17%! Hopefully we hold $29200-29500.

L1’s have been hammered over the last week!