How many people have actually completed the Free Babypips course

Not sure who the Mods/Admin are on this site, but is there anyway you could disclose the percentage of Babypips members that have actually completed the free education?

Just curious after another recent topic about mentorship and how few people actually put in the work.

Sharing the numbers may actually help some newbies by lighting a fire under them in seeing just how few people actually stick to something and learn - potentially inspiring them to put in the work.

Update: added Poll… Please be honest to help give a good snapshot.

  • I haven’t started the Babypips school but intend to
  • I haven’t started and don’t intend to
  • I have started but haven’t finished it yet
  • I have completely finished

0 voters


Haven’t finished the whole thing. I tend to jump around and probably haven’t marked every lesson I did complete. Man, there’s a lot to read. How much did you complete?

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I finished the BabyPips school. I also go back to some lessons to review if some thing aren’t clear to me. I guess people are attracted to mentorship because they think someone is there to guide them. But for me the BabyPips school is enough if a newbie is interested in putting in the work. Most of what we need to know is there.


Maybe you could do a poll question here lol. See how many people actually say they finished it?


This was helpful to know. I’m almost done and trying to figure out which broker to start a demo account.


Good idea, just created one :slight_smile:


I’ve been really curious about this also. Like couldn’t Babypips actually show us like a percentage or something? That’d be a really nice source of inspiration for most newbies. Some healthy drive!

I finished it some time ago though. I think in about three weeks or there about.

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Now what if the number was like 5% of all people who start with the first lesson lol. Would that still be inspiring? :sweat_smile:

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Answered! Hope more people here participate!

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I would say that figure wouldn’t be far off the mark unfortunately. I honestly think that would inspire more. It would show that why potentially so many people never achieve success in trading, because the majority are lazy and aren’t willing to put in the work up front for long term gain :slight_smile:


Great, thanks! Hope so too!

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I didn’t complete it until I started from the beginning & went in order marking every lesson I completed.

Prior to that I was jumping around & didn’t complete it.


This was helpful to know. I’m almost done.


I have just completed it.

Now time to go through it again from the start and take detailed notes.


Im almost finish with the school it has helped me out alot. Thanks Babypips


I’ve finished it twice over the years. Still go back to various topics from time to time to brush up on some points. Huge amount of information in there.


Completely forgotten if I ever finished it. :joy:


Time to get your demo account if you don’t already have one. I actually think its a good idea to have your demo account while you’re reading, even from the beginning.

Are you demo trading?


Just started “Summer school”


I found the web version too dramatic. I downloaded the pdf of the course and read instead. I finished it in just a matter of days.