How much money did you start trading with? when you first started trading

At First I started with a mini account with $500 and lost it all in record time. So now I’m keeping away from a Live account until I’m sure I’m ready.

Edit, double post.

$1,500 (all in, out of the money binary= $37.5k) was my first trade through a broker in 2010. That trade paid out so well i been trying to figure out how to do it again!
I have been playing with a couple of hundred the last two years. I still got the first windfall chilling in a CFD bond until I can figure out how to trade confidently/intelligently.

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I’ve started tarding with 200$ .Now I’m trading with 1k.


Please also share the time it took from start to now. Thx.

I’m currently in demo mode. I plan to go live in a few months with 10K, and full time by the end of the year.


I started with just $150 back in 2004. I lost them in 3-4 week and then a friend of mine borrowed me $3000. In a couple of months I managed to turn them in $10 000 trading the news. Unfortunately news trading is dead long time ago and in the last 4 years I trade with about $10,000 and withdraw the profit (if any).

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from where you have learned ? would you mind to tell ?

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I started with $150 blew it up add 100 more blew it up, stop a year come back studying now i am planning to invest $1000 with a plan this time

It doesn’t matter how big your first deposit is, as long as you don’t risk more than you can afford to lose.

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I am the same $50 blew up 10 time each tine I change from Zulutrading . To trading my self and studying more and finding my own trading plan

Turn my last $50 to $500 … Withdraw $300
$300 to $1000 withdraw $500

Once I got to $1000 I study even more and enjoy trading more and sulp my income a little

But thinking back I am glad I didn’t start with $500

Started to trade about 7 months ago with 500$ deposit. Must say that i’m doing quite well))

When I started trading I started with 100$ . I lost it fairly quickly :wink: Now I have a 5k account

20,000 with a mentor

[QUOTE=“kashix;519243”]20,000 with a mentor[/QUOTE]

Wow that alot . I could only picture the emotion you losing $50 a pip

I think it also come down to how much saving you have .

If you never traded forex and won lotto and wanted to try with 100k that different. To a 21 year old student starting with $100

care to share your strategies? I’m about to give up! I can’t seem to do anything right. My broker is FXCM.I follow what the Pros do and I fail, then I t=do my stratefies and that fails too! So I’m thinking if I started to follow a newbie’s strategy that it might work since I’m a newbie myself! Care to Share?

I started with $250 first time when i invested in forex real account. I directly make trades in standard account. it was my mistake . i should start with micro account.i loose half of my amount in just first week , Then I realize the importance of risk management and experience. i go back again todemo trading and make some more practice.

Hi Zenwest,

You mention that you follow what the pros do and still fail. Could you a bit more specific? Everyone has losing trades, but traders who are successful in the long term make more money from their winning trades than they lose on their losing trades.

What’s your approach to risk management? How much leverage do you use? What percentage of your equity do you risk per trade? The answers to these questions might reveal potential areas for improvement.


When i first plan to trade in forex i started with 100$.

I remember i just start with 70$ and i can make profit from my first trade but i can’t remember it exactly.

Specifically I joined up with Mirror Trader at my broker. On their platform they have various automated trading strategies that have been compiled by professional Forex traders who have made it their livelihood. Strategies such as On the River, ExcoticFX, Breakout2@DFX, Momentum 2, Tidal Wave …etc. I joined them all in hopes to gain Pips. I compared my trades with their trades after a month and found that I gained more pips than they did, yet they lost more Pips than my trades which I had set manually. Bottom line…At the end of the month my trades and the Pro traders wiped out my account which I then had to refund. It just proves that being a Newbie or being a Pro does not matter in the unpredictable world of FOREX where no one can predict future movement.You can however maybe get a hint at it with all the different Indicators…but at the end it’s all about timing and gut feelings. Don’t you agree?

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