How the world would look like when internet does not exist today?

What is that? Nuclear missile launch control?

How about this?



Don’t tell anyone the codes for nuclear Armageddon.

The days when you needed extra transport just to carry a battery pack!

It’s hard to believe people once felt cool having a phone like that…a brick would have been more convenient to carry around with you.

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Read these ;

Give your child a great start

Watch out for these

Punish small - but Do punish - be consistent - dont let them “get away with it”.- But avoid saying “you’re grounded for 6 weeks” - then 2 hours later saying “clear off out - you’re getting under my feet !” (I HAVE seen that happen !)

Praise doesn’t have to be huge - but it has to be gifted, when it’s deserved.

Random rewards are better at “Conditioning” than consistent rewards ! (look that up)

Let them know they are loved and safe with you and your partner.

Send them to mix with other kids at an early age so they learn “people skills”

You are there to get them to a stage where they can make good decisions and leave home as adults well equipped to handle the world. You need to let them take a little more control of their own lives each year until eventually they can just say “i’m going out” and you ask “What time are you likely to be back love ?”

They need to be allowed to make their own mistakes - even if you forsee that they are going to be hurt - if they get small hurts early, they won’t get “Killed” as adults.

Talk to them! discuss things with them like “Do you really think that CO2 could possibly cause Global warming ?” Teach them to question everything they are told and demand explanations when people won’t (Or can’t) explain !

Teach them that “risk” is not always bad - that we all take thousands of risks every day.

Here’s acouple more ;

everyone knows that !

And just because you want to take your kids seriously here’s one for you - trust me it will improve your “hit rate” no end ! :wink:

a seducer’s manual !


Good stuff in this post, Falstaff. Thanks for sharing!


Interesting topic.

Some of the replies from people who were’nt around pre-internet are intriguing and show the difficulty in trying to understand something based on what you have seen and heard, rather than what you have experienced.

For instance;

Globalisation has been around for generations, its nothing new. For the common man, the rise of low-cost airlines had a significant impact of our understanding of other cultures.

Not sure why we would need to queue for the office. I doubt I went to the bank more than a couple of times a year, I used credit cards and cheques mostly, only used cash for small payments. We still had tv selling products - jewellery, holidays, etc. Clothes, toys, gifts were mail-ordered from catalogues, newspapers, or magazines.

Small and new business possibly found it easier to get established and grow as they didnt have to compete with global giants like Alibaba, Amazon, and Ebay.

There was a lot less scamming, no keyboard warriors bravely shouting their mouths off from the anomymnity of their bedrooms, it was harder for extremists to find information or supporters without risking exposing themselves.

Socially, you tended to have a wider circle of friends who you would meet up with. There was probably less envy and greed as we weren’t exposed to excessive wealth of others anywhere near as much as nowadays

Best of all, there were no internet “celebrities”, no Kardashians nor other talentless wannabees.

The internet is somewhat of a double-edged sword. It’s hard to argue against it being a force for the better, even though it has opened up some of the less tasteful and positive sides of life.

I find one main problem people have is the need to be connected all the time. Maybe that has to do with the dopamine hit things like social media and other platforms give to our brains.

Personally, I can live without all those distractions, but our brains are steadily conditioning themselves to this modern way of functioning.

Yes, and I always found it funny that people would sit in Internet cafes (remember those) talking to people on the other side of the world, yet wouldn’t even talk to or acknowledge the person sitting next to them.

Amen to that…

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That’s huge help and lot of Interesting stuffs really. Thanks @Falstaff for sharing your strong advice (I do believe that it’s from your core experience). I will catch these books as suggested. Appreciate your valuable time.

I watched the movie “Courageous” and it really helps for being a good father and husband (these characters you have shared are mostly there). Lovin’ it.

I completely agree here. Many of these celebs live lives impossible to reach for most and then only display the most superficial things of their day-to-day. But, I will say, for some, seeing what they think is a better life just might get them off the couch and doing something positive for themselves.

Funny you write this. Google/Android just released their digital wellbeing app, that tracks your phone and app usage and allows you to set alerts and limits, so you can… stop using the phone/app. I think that says a lot about Google. They’re realizing that the addictive nature of the phone/app/connected world is a real thing and that they should do something about it.

Of course, with no Internet, people with addictive personalities would most likely gravitate to something else.