How to determine confirmed swing high and low

I’m new to forex.I was reading about swing high and low but it didn’t clearly explain how should determine confirm swing high and low.Can someone tells me please?

I think the answer is here.

Nope.I did not get the point.
I want to know how to determine the confirm swing low and high?

There is always interpretation when it comes to chart so I think it would be a mistake to say something along the lines of “this is definitely a swing high” or something of that nature. Having said that, when you get used to reading charts, it just becomes apparent what you think a swing high or low looks like to you.

In an uptrend (also interpretation), a swing high is a new high followed by a slight downtrend. A swing low is a new higher low followed by an uptrend.

Downtrend is just opposite.

Maybe going on youtube will be better so you can get a visual.

Also, I don’t use it when I trade, but the ZigZag indicator in MT4 can give you a much better idea of what the swings are.

This is as good an explanation as I have seen. But if you find something else it might provide a different explanation. I don’t think its a hard and fast definition so it is open to different interpretations.

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