How to keep track of live events?

 Forex Factory -  This site offers the most updated and current news that affects a trading session. Key indicators and news releases are depicted in a unique color coded system to illustrate the severity of the situation.

I use the economic calendar quite a lot to keep track of the events happening around me. I also maintain a trading journal where I record the ins and outs of all my trades to learn from them later. Apart from that, I also keep an eye on social media and news for the latest market trends that can help me make my decisions.

I agree with you, It is important to find to right source for latest news updates and announcements so you can search for various websites and take help of your freinds or people who are already trading for this.

I got my Google News and Google alerts on my phone and email. And then if you look all the way up, there’s a link to Calendar. Boom! Mind blown.

DailyFX, FXStreet got plenty of news too.

I refer to the economic calendar to know what’s happening around the world. I refer to the dailyfx economic calendar. You should know how to use this as there are many indicators such as events marked in red are the one which you need to be aware of and should act accordingly. I use to see it each morning and note what the major events are.

You can keep your eyes on the Economic Calendar, FX street, Bloomberg, DailyFX.

To be aware about all the recent events in the market is the core of trading. You can keep a track of it by keeping a regular check at the news with apps like and fxstreet.

You can keep track of all the important events through economic calender. I prefer FX street but you can search for other websites as well.

dailyfx. fxstreet and forexfactory are my go-to’s for live event data.

The economic calendar so far has been doing pretty good to keep me updated about the latest moves in the market. Or else, the next best step is to sit in front of your computer and refresh the screen after every 5 minutes, of course if you can spend this much time in it.

For scheduled news events; use new release providers like

For impromptu news items; keep an eye on news channels, particular business or finance related like

Hope that helps.

Refer FX street, you’ll find everything here, All important news realted to upcoming events.

To stay updated with the latest news, I usually visit Yahoo Finance.

Major turns on the chart often happen because of an unexpected news event. You can download various news apps on your mobile to get regular updates

Economic Calendar is an easy way to keep track of important economic events that could impact your trading. It will help you to quickly analyse the market

Check some event calaenders available online.

I can totally relate to your concern, because I go through the same. The bottom line is to always be on your toes and by that I mean, always aware about the news, driving conclusions, understanding the impact that it can have on the trading instrument and on the market.

Thank you so much for your information. Social media is currently the best education site and it is possible to gain a lot of knowledge from it.

You can keep visiting websites like Yahoo Finance to stay updated with the latest news.

Who are you following on social media?