How to skip money loosing

Dear experts,

It’s really urgent pls. I need your help to skip minus trade and overcome my current bad position as you can see graph. I’ve attached my pictures.



welcome to the forum, Sohel!

if you need to ask people in a forum for advice about an individual trade, then you’re nowhere near to trade a real-money account yet

i offer advice, anyway:-

  1. close all/any open trades

  2. remove all funds from your live account

  3. read this post

  4. when you’re ready, start what will be a long, slow, gradual and careful journey right here

and good luck!! :sunglasses:

(ps: where is “bd”?)

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Sorry, I understood and thanks for your advice. I really need an alternat way to minimize the lose. I started this trade with $30. I won all the trades I did since last week, though these are smalls. At this moment, account balance is $109. Bur unfortunately I have a trade with -146.40. I needed your advise when or where should I closed or open trades. Thanks.

Nobody can possibly do this without knowing anything about your trading plan.

We would just be guessing what’s best for you.

The fact that you seem not to understand this is another reason why you obviously shouldn’t yet be trading with real money.

I wish you good luck, but you need to stop trading now and start a long learning process first before eventually, in future, trying a few hundred trades on a demo account.

But even that only after you have a robust trading plan, otherwise it won‘t help you much.

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Okay, thanks for valuable advise. I shouldn’t start trading. I understood that I’m not well known. But will try with demo now.

we all started off knowing nothing! :slight_smile:

don’t do that - it won’t help you, yet

no criticism but you don’t yet have anything to demo and won’t learn from it what you need to learn

this thread will help you!

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Accept those losses. Learn from it and move on.

Welcome to the trading world!!

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Welcome to Babypips

Looks like you’ve already completed your first lesson, and luckily it’s only cost you a small amount. You’d be surprised how many people blow their saving before they realise they shouldn’t be trading a live account.

I think you need to follow the above advice and close any live trades and move away from you live trading account. Only go back to live trading when you’ve completed comprehensive basic training to understand how the markets work etc, and also not until you’re constantly profitable on a demo account.

Make no mistake, learning to trade the markets is insanely difficult and takes years to master, that’s why so few succeed. As a way of a comparison. Financial trading is to the finance industry as brain surgery is to the medical industry. How many brain surgeons do you know? Exactly!

Luckily you can find all the basic education you need to start your trading journey for free here on Babypips in the School of Pipsology. My advice is not to do any kind of trading, including demo trading until you’ve finished all the lessons in this course. Also, remember what you learn in this course is only the basics, if you want to become profitable you will need to seek out future education.

I wish you good luck


Absolutely right. This just can’t be said often enough.