How to Spot a scammer here at Babpips

And the ban hammer has come down on me.

I am now blocked from the thread presumably for politely suggesting an easy way for him to prove who he was and stop all the scammer speculation.

Not really what I would expect from someone who was genuine.

In the thread on the other forum someone has pointed out that

“2/3 of his 3 “friends” have virtually no post counts and their only “friend” is the man himself.”


“Now has no friends, presumably to look less suspicious.”

Just keeps getting fishier and fishier.

another box ticked… now, he’s going to reveal who actually ICT is, lol

…this time the storyline develops rather quickly, thought… now we approaching the last phase of the show, I believe… he’s not allowed to ‘‘teach’’ here anymore, so would invite those interested elsewhere…

you need to think something more different next time pall… and dont think people are [U]that[/U] short memoried… you’r last stunt was only couple months ago… and, I’ll give a free tip: the scenario ‘‘ex-pro trader here to teach’’ is sooo worn out, try something new next time :wink:

p.s. obviously, I cant post in his threads, thats why addressing him here.

Well, he is leaving us for a couple of weeks now. Two weeks earlier.

Andrew Keane:
"Oh one last post until the new year, defiantly last one until then.

I want everyone to notice how every opportunitie I have gave him to take me on, he has weaseled out of it with false counter ‘offers’.

The offer was plain and simple to start with, we start £100 each and donate it all at the end to charity, profit and all. But nope, he had to try and change it weasel out, then I offered £50,000 to start with each, again weaseled out with false counter offer, then I offered that we start with only £5,000, ONCE again, he weasels out by trying to make himself look good and mighty with a false counter offer.

He can’t accept the challenge, he ha to weasels out with false counter offers, and aggressive posts to try and make himself look might and good.

Just accept the challenge plain and simple, but he can’t as he will be found out."

Am curious what will happen in January…:slight_smile:

Andrew Keane:

"See you on January 14th.

By the way, big news about who ICT really is coming real soon, along with real photos to prove who is really is what what he is.

The clown is running the biggest scam going collecting your emails address with his buds and pumping you silly under different names and domains, has been for years.

The image hes built for you here to to gain your trust, lots of freebies ect, but the reason if a massive trading focused email list to punt around selling crap for a crust.

Open a new email account, email him or type your email into one of his pages were emails are required, don’t sign up for anything else. Sit back a few days and watch how you start receiving 5-8 emails ever week promoting $200+ trading systems and courses, EA’s ect. The chances of you noticing in your normal email account is zero as you probably already get lots a junk everyday. But for this purpose open a new account and do what I said.

Hes a conman!"

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

I’m not an ICT devotee but I have checked out a few of his threads, has anyone ever known him to collect email addresses?

Because I sure haven’t.

Funny thing is the last time I saw this kind of slightly unhinged, accusatory, aggressive, sensationalist, smoke screen cover up style posting was when David Jefferson used to be active on the forum.

Well it either begins today or it won’t ever. I am motivated… He can become the greatest thing on Babypips if he takes me down. Why wouldn’t he go for it if he felt he had a snowball’s chance in Hades?

Average Joe meets ICT. I already know the outcome… and it always ends the same. They try to see if I can fund a large, in their eyes, account… in attempts to see if I have money for real. They get called on it… then character assasination begins.

I save emails of those who express appreciation for my work that is freely shared. I never save email addresses. I get emailed daily requesting teaching in exchange for money… and it always get’s replied the same way. I do not charge money for teaching… I make enough not to. I direct them to Babypips and Youtube.

I can’t wait to see the “ICT” he thinks he knows lol.

Just keep doing your thing ICT, You have mad respect from most of us here, and I know your not, but dont sweat it bro…

Hei IdeFX, u sure recently be here !! ^^
Why u hide hottie topic like this to me?? -

I think he already success, when another people like us cant do.
Now he made his name one of the legend here. When people start to say his name, he sure raise his popularity -__-
(hmm… i wonder how much his name appear all over on this forum ^
^ )

I choose him as MVP for this month, yep on Dec 12. :slight_smile:

:18: … you mean scammer of the month … thanks for the people who mentioned his name … he should be popular now … but guess what … every one now knows that SCAM=A.K

After being alerted to the new thread it’s was obvious this guy was David Jefferson or whatever his real name is. Lol. Keep up the great work ICT. Wow he ran away like a chicken. Glad to see members on baby pips didn’t fall for his latest scam. After the last one here he hit up Forex Factory and caught a few suckers. May the power of the people detroy the scammer.



MVP, success,legend? I’m pretty sure you have no idea what you are talking about. He has posted 1 trade idea so far that didn’t work out too well. I would hardly call that successful, nor would I call that a failure, but I surely wouldn’t call it what you have

I never read any of the David Jefferson thread, so I’m not sure who he is, or if Andrew is the same person. I am reserving judgment on him, until, or if, he tries to sell something or lure traders away into a paid chat room.

Until I have more info to make a judgement call, I sure am enjoying the fireworks. I really am hoping he was a professional trader, watching 2 heavyweights go at it sure would be educational and entertaining, otherwise it may end up like Mike Tyson’s first 5 pro fights- 30 second knockouts

Spidy, you should have watched the new posts, instead of chatting while working…:slight_smile: Yeah, it doesn’t matter when they talk about you, as long as they talk about you…:slight_smile: Well, my purpose is just to inform… It is fine with me if he stays, as long as he doesn’t trick people.

Hahaha, great choice…:slight_smile: See you in the chat Spidy…:wink:

You know, ‘until’ is when he has already made his success. I thought a bout it as well. But the scammers are not nice to us, and if he isn’t, well at least we were on the case.

It is like crime, prevention or reconstruction. I prefer prevention.

But in the normal/real world I would agree with you, but still then it may be too late. If he is a scammer, he will not be giving the money back when we say: “Hey, that is not nice to take that guy’s money! We have been watching you but didn’t take action until we caught you with the murder weapon smoking in your hand, so give the money back!”

If he is the real deal and want to stay here, he can make a new account.

But next time when it looks like you are being scammed, I and perhaps the others will wait until it happened. If that makes you feel better.

ahaha, he will become legend, i know that. Use ur positive thinking to get my mindset lazydogs. Unless u cant know what am i sayin right or not. Check in the future, my word :slight_smile:

Hei, but surely he already became MVP this month. Coz he got so many attention from us. Kinda jealous, ahaha -___-

Nice avatar IdeFX, i like that… resemble u in a spesific aspect i think :slight_smile:

Scammers are generally much too clever to do this, it will start with a twitter account or similar.

This is the 1st degree of seperation, and it’s obviously never a paid service.

This will also be pushed or hinted at in the thread by other “members” normally who have low post counts and joined at a similar time.

Earlier today he had 3 friends. Two of these joined within the last month. had very low post counts with the majority in the suspicous thread bigging up or ‘like’ ing OP’s posts.

This got pointed out on a different forum, now everyone has magically and seemingly simultaneously unfriended each other.

The suspicous thread already has links to a twitter account which was (coincedentally) set up at the same time as the BP membership.

Then the twitter will divert people to a blog/forum/chatroom. This will probably be mentioned in the thread as well but not by OP.

Only then will the “It’s taking up too much time” and/or “I want only to keep serious people involved” will start and only then will costs start to be introduced.

If critical mass has been hit then the OP will rant and rage about the treatment received at BP and close the thread to stop any more discussion.

Although google is a useful tool for searching

You may want to consider:


Reverse image searching tool not 100% guaranteed but it will search through a lot of stock photo’s as well as internet images people may have posted


A comprehensive stalking tool… If you can narrow down your search parameters like name, location, or username it will search to see if said person has maybe a youtube, facebook page, etc. If said person exists and with the age we live in now its most likely if their really self promoting they’ll have fallen in the category of a search hit.

I use number 2 quite frequently as a means of intelligence gathering as well as tracking. Its good short of paying for public records from a place but that’s if you want to do a criminal search

Ah…now that sounds like a certain thread about one person/broker at large and btw, not going to mention that person least I get canned…And yes, on being asked to explain in detail, we all got a private message with link and a pay me $ liner…

I have two email addresses. One I have used on forex sites and yes, I get spammed on there with all kinds of offers daily.
The other is my “real” email which I hardly ever share, and that one I have used to send an email to ICT about a year ago.
Guess what, I have never been spammed with forex related material on my real email account ever!

Enough said…

Isn’t this all a bit over the top, though? I haven’t seen any evidence that the new arrival is scamming people, yet - all I have seen is him post elements of his trading style and be a little blunt with anyone he find critical. Neither of those makes him a scammer. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

The thread starter doesn’t seem to be describing a “scammer”. He’s describing a “marketer”.