How to Spot a scammer here at Babpips

Curse you and your ingenious powers of detection. I thought my cunning playing of the long game would have been enough to throw you off the scent, but you have discovered my secret identity within an identity (or two). It is clearly time for me to assemble some basic provisions - I’m going with some salted beef and a bottle or two of ginger beer - and hurry off into the night. I will head across the moor, noone would risk that terrain at night, particularly not during this storm. With a little luck I can stay ahead of the mob, unless they unleash the hounds. In which case I will pick a fitting location for my last stand, perhaps atop a waterfall.

Hya Andrew…:slight_smile: or David or Dave or Linda? Well, why couldn’t it not be a Linda…?

No, I mean a post from Keane actually asking for money, or directing people to his pay site, or any of the other things that people round here don’t like, rather than simply posting his trading style and being a little terse with criticsm which unless I have missed something is all he has done up to this point.

I am ex-law enforcement myself, and in this case there would be no grounds for arrest and certainly no grounds for a charge, so this would never get in front of a judge.

I’m not saying that anyone is right or wrong, I am simply saying that he has not yet unleashed any scam, if indeed that is his intention. At this point his thread is scam-free so I will treat him as such.

Problem with that is the event will never happen, Jefferson was far, far too clever for that.

If he applied his social engineering skills in a productive manner he could probably make some decent money.

Maybe it is the thrill of the chase or that the temper tantrums makes legitimate work out of the question, maybe a combo of both or something different altogether.

Jeffersons scams involve a multi-stage progression away from the site before any question of payment comes into it, by that stage it’s too late.

So we shut new joiners down when they post details of their trading just in case they turn out to be a scammer? I can’t go along with that.

If someone pays for something that they are not sure of, if they have not done their due diligence (which might include asking for views on BP) then surely they are at fault at that point. I would rather the odd mug lose some money because they were not careful with it rather than that BP move along the lines of a police state where we all jump on anyone new just because we thought they threw people off their threads a little quickly and posted a trading style that was similar to a previous scammer (when there is nothing that unusual in the strategy as presented so that is hardly much of a field narrower in any case).

I don’t know Keane at all, and frankly it makes no difference to me whether he is as he presents himself or not, but I am speaking up for a principle here that I do think is important - a default presumption of innocence. Some people are getting overexcited here and jumping on a bandwagon that risks becoming a witch hunt, and anyone with a reasonable grasp will know that that is an unhealthy road which never leads anywhere good.

Okay people, it is all okay! Simon is not convinced so continue to follow him until he scams you, he is ex-law enforcement so it must be okay.

I prefer to warn people…:slight_smile: But that is not something that the police doesn’t do very often, they commonly come after-the-fact, despite clues and warnings.

I am very curious what ‘The Saint’ would have done in this case. He doesn’t appear to me as a strict fact follower, but actingon his guts… You know the character Simon? :wink:

Well you are shooting us down in the act to honestly try to warn other people. I am really surprised that you are still with, ‘they have to do their own due dilligence’… They mostly newcomers!!! I would expect that such a senior poster as you here would look after them a bit more.

The sarcasm’s a little cheap, but then it’s not the first time that you have baited me on here, and rushed into a post without thinking.

There’s no seniority here - it appears, looking at your posts from yesterday and now this return to the theme, that you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder when it comes to the whole ‘honorary FX-Men thing’. As I told you yesterday, it was applied to my login when I hit my 1000th post. Post count on here has nothing to do with seniority or talking sense. I’m not here to look after people, I exchange trading ideas, I learn from others and hopefully sometimes they learn from me. But in terms of this discussion, I’m not shooting you down, I’m putting the other side, I’m introducing balance. When there is a scam I will happily air that and educate others if I think that that will be helpful, but the tone that is creeping in here makes me worry for the balance of the site going forwards, so I spoke up, just as others have done for their viewpoint. I have not seen him scam. If people pay for something that they are not sure of, then they are making a mistake, we can only take the nanny state so far. For us to jump in at this point is not protection, as that should not, in most cases, be preemptive. This is like something out of Minority Report.

Now on many levels, grow up.

I think you know from conversations we’ve had that this is far from my modus operandi.

Indeed it is important, I’m going to take a break from this topic and the forum for the rest of the week to consider and reflect.

Indeed I do, absolutely, I have no hesitation about that: but that seems to be the way that the group view is heading, and that concerns me, so I felt I had to speak up, it’s just how I am wired. Sorry if I appeared to focus on you, that was not my intention.

Yes, I think I’m about done with this thread, too!

Ahh, is that a fact? I expected something better. I challenged your arguments, I threw in some sarcasme and may have been too strong to your liking. And you did the same. However, I didn’t judge you as a person based on what you said here, and actually that is the end of line for me.

You may love me or hate me, but that is not important to me. I am true to myself, even if that gets me in to problems.

I just dont see how this is true. Its never to late till you open your wallet. Look it is my opinion that everyone that did get scammed by Jefferson deserved to be scammed. They opened there wallet to someone they didnt know in hopes of getting rich. Well look at them now. They are rich in wisdom. Guess they got what they wanted.

This new guy although I do have my suspicions about has not asked for a dime and if he does you are still the one that has to pony of the dough. Give the guy some slack and when he asks for money send it to the mods and he will end up on that long list of banned babypipsters.

And yes police will arrest people on suspicions but not with out some evidence to support that suspicion.

Whats you problem man? If you got an issue with this Andrew guy and feel the need to save the world from his evil intentions then do so in a respectful manner please. That Andrew has shown nothing to be labeled a scam. Just because a few think he is someone else does not mean anything.

Also as a “senior” member of this site I will say it is not my job to protect newbies of scams. It is my job to guide them to learn the ropes for free. Now if they feel the need to give there money to someone they dont know then that is not my problem. Only god can help that idiot not me.

I don’t think it is a case of shutting down new joiners as much as members attempting to self-police the forum as best they can with the limited tools at their disposal. Petefader’s early foray into the land of BabyPips, for example, was met with much the same skepticism, rudeness and nonesense as the threads currently under question. It all boiled down to a simple request: “put up or shut up.” Pete “put up.” He has since provided, in my opinion, invaluable contributions about his methods of trading and now no one doubts his intentions, even if they may remain skeptical of his methods of trading and consider it nonsense. He simply survived the trial by fire.

That said, I personally don’t care whether a scammer posts on the forum or not. Caveat emptor holds true thoughout life, especially on the internet. If I find value in a thread or methodology posted, I will follow it. If I don’t (which is usually the case) I simply move along to another one.

The poster in question should, in my opinion, certainly continue posting and his thread should live or die on its merits. So far, the similarities between the two personas is striking and, in my opinion, they are one in the same. Who knows? He may accidentally post something of value. If i turns out to be a scam, so be it. Those who would be taken in would lose their hard earned money to him anyway or to some other scam (assuming they have money left after sending checks and account numbers to simply assist in the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars that rightfully belong to the daughter of the former Nigerian oil minister).

In the meantime, forum members pointing out that newbies should swim carefully in shark infested waters, and even pointing out that they think they see a fin breaking the surface in a certain thread is perfectly acceptable.

Well I guess it dont matter as I just noticed the guy was banned anyway

Conceptually, I entirely agree with you. My hesitation entered simply as for me we have gone somewhat further than the ideal set out in your closing sentence.

Regardless of his banning etc., I was simply defending what I see as an important line in the sand, a principle of free speech. But I’m obviously happy for each of us to place that line wherever we each prefer to have it.

Thank you, though, for being rather more balanced about it than some of your comrades-at-arms!

As long as he was banned for being untruthful, rather than simply for the controversy surrounding the reaction to his arrival.

I dont think babypips would ban someone for not getting a warm welcome here but then again I am not a mod. For if that was the case why am I still allowed to troll these pages?

You’re like that strange old uncle in the corner, Bob, we all keep you around because you amuse us and have a heart of gold. You’re a ban-proof legend in these parts.

I stated my problem multiple times. But you appear to overread it (again). And how have I been unrespectful? I didn’t bring in the authority argument? I didn’t bring up an old post for which i apologized to Simon directly. I didn’t say what I think of Simon as a person? So, help me to understand what I did wrong? I just joked a bit about the ex-law enforcement. Well, sentence me to death for that. If that is all I did wrong… Well, aren’t the two of you a bit harse?

I already said that my expectation seemed to be incorrect, so why do you bring it up again? You may judge me on feeling responsible, pointing out a possible scam and the fun of investigating it. Yes, I do feel the need to help others and to protect against bad stuff. If that this doesn’t fit in your life values, that is fine. It only feels strange to me. I never said that senior members HAD to do that, I only expressed my expectation. I am sorry that that is my expectation. Thank you for teaching me that that was silly thought.