How to Spot a scammer here at Babpips

Well, Simon, you obviously were raised with what appear to be time-honored English sensibilities and good manners. Americans lost those those bad habits long ago.:wink:

Look I was simply responding to some of your comments as they seemed a little over the top. I am not trying to get into it with you. As none of this actually matters to me. I had something to say and I said it thats all

Lol I like to think so. And some of the greatest gentlemen I know are Americans, they just package it slightly differently, sometimes!

I would simply like to know if it was the same personā€¦ thatā€™s all. Beyond thatā€¦ it is what it is. Does Babypips provide this information?



as it was expected flushpokerplayer has been banned too.
ā€œandrewā€ is not that stupid to create a 2nd account with same ip the next day he said he left, i think he forced that ban, was the only way to escape from these situationā€¦
really sad we wouldnt see the ict vs master scammer duel.
There is someone disposed to replace andrew in a friendly way? If not, ict, could you do it anyway?
not only for charity, it would be a really interesting and encouraging show.

If I had a penny for all the scam messages I get regularly, from the usual dose of snake oil salesmen to scam links and messages posted through forumsā€¦sigh.
Moving on, on the poster,well we have to wait for 2013 for a feedback on his strategy and et alā€¦probably, he has gone down to macchupicchu to wait for dec 21stā€¦now thatā€™s an idea.

Nowā€¦ nowā€¦ this is a sincere question. I know other forums label offenders banned with the Scarlet Letter of their sinsā€¦ I was asking those that know better than me on this subject.

It would be something to consider for those that find themselves bannedā€¦ it would provide a disclosure atleast. Iā€™d like to be seen as not one who ā€œmuscledā€ him away. If it was what we suppose it isā€¦ whatā€™s the harm in making it known?

Well contest or notā€¦ I am going Live with an account in 2013. I wonā€™t be selling you signals. I wonā€™t be teaching you new things to hook you. I will simply put everything I shared here over the last few yearsā€¦ into action. I will do my very best to record everything in video and yes MyFxBook will be linked to it.

All my trades, wins and losses will be under the scrutiny of each and all of you. I do not have anything to prove so to speakā€¦ I already put my hand to the plow in teaching for free. I am looking forward to returning to Trading solely and running a bit free. I am just dragging you on for the ride. :wink:

It will be documented in a New Thread. I will post when I can and make no promises of scheduled contributions. Being part of a forum and having had the exposure to these things like I haveā€¦ I knowā€¦ yes you heard this before from meā€¦ I know what you are looking for. I know what you want to see. I am simply going to be the one to do it.

I sell nothingā€¦ so I feel no pressure of lost sales if I hit a losing streak. I already disclosed how I will trade Liveā€¦ so I wonā€™t fear those asking about the method. Iā€™m not doing this for any other reasonā€¦ aside fromā€¦ I told you soā€¦ and in time you could too.

I am no Forum Heroā€¦ I am a Trader that is very passionate about what I do and share. If anyone challenges me, I will take them up on it. The contest means nothing reallyā€¦ I know my results will be above expectations and you will see this in 2013.

Now looking forwardā€¦ I aim to please those looking for real documented success without wild drawdowns and overleveraged trading that to me, and to any other sane person, equates to little more than lottery Trading. I will take 5k to a million dollars in real time Live Trading and it will be documented.

To further aid in my personal ā€œchallengeā€ā€¦ I even concluded it may be in fact through FXCM. We have a nice Rep from their firm right here on the Forums and Ops a threadā€¦ perhaps they can further support the documentation and confirm to this communityā€¦ I am what I am and I do what I doā€¦ for real. Itā€™s my goal to illustrate this.

In a business that sees so many failures and horror stories and yet new sheep willingly walk into the ā€œSlaughterhouseā€. They lob down their money buying lottery accounts on the hopes they somehow will get to riches on moving averages and bollinger bandsā€¦ and cry foul they took my money. You need a plan and a solid mindset or your charts will merely be maps to losing your money faster than you think.

If it takes me 36 months like I thinkā€¦ so be it. If it takes longerā€¦ so be it. It will showcase what a real Trader does and how it can happen. Who knowsā€¦ I might be on CNBC soon giving Babypips a shout out on camera lol.

Never say N.E.V.E.R. :57:

I very much look forward to this ICT!

Itā€™s about time to see how itā€™s done :wink:

Well if you will take a challenge. I challenge you to see who will make the least amount of money next year.

I bet your account balance that I will win :smiley:

I just noticed that too. Seems as though Andrew liked to create too many alter egoā€™s from the same IP address. Is that considered a multiple personality disorder?

Yes it isā€¦ looking forward to it as well. :57:

lol I think you have uncovered the Holy Grail in Equity and Risk Management!

ICT, so if someone does except this challenge, what stops them from watching your myfxbook account and taking the same trades?

To be honest I would like to see what you stated a couple days agoā€¦Starting Balance $1000 and limited to only trading twice per weekā€¦By doing this I would like to see you run it to a Millionā€¦

I will even provide the $1000 account for you to do it with :smiley:

and by the way, keeping all trades under 2% risk, none of this running the account up fast at the beginning and then dropping down risk like you did on the last challenge

Whoā€™s system is it now? :slight_smile:

Actually his because these are the rules he has set aside for usā€¦You must not follow his threadā€¦:wink:

This could be interesting, Iā€™m also starting a serious account come the new year. Is this the year for public accounts, finally!

Hahaha, okayā€¦:slight_smile: I didnā€™t get it at firstā€¦:slight_smile: Do your thing we want to learn, BUT follow these rulesā€¦:wink: