How to Spot a scammer here at Babpips

I’ve been around a bit and have some opinions based on the experiences of my life and the lives of family, friends, co-works, etc. IMO one of the keys to living a good life is earning your money doing something you enjoy at least 55% of the time.

Expecting to love your work everyday year after year I think is a bit naïve, even playboy photographers have bad days. If you can get the [I]good day to bad day[/I] ratio up over 65% and meet your current and future financial obligations, I’d say you’re golden and have won the brass ring. :18:

If you have a job you don’t like either find one you do like, or change the way you think about your current one and decide to start liking it. Hating what you do to earn your living year after year is a terrible way to go through life. :17:

PS Trading is not an easy t*t job , actually it’s the hardest job I’ve ever had and 4 out of 10 days I hate it! :44:

That may be true but there bad day is better than my good day at the office. What could make a bad day for him? run out of film maybe

I was wondering the same thing. What constitutes a bad day for a Playboy photographer? You are stuck snapping shots of the blonde when you really, really, really wanted the brunette that day? Life is just soooooo unfair.

Going back to the old film days, the advance mechanism isn’t working correctly and an hour after everyone and everything is packed up the photographer realizes instead of having 80 photos you have one photo exposed 80 times, happen to me more than once. I spent 30 years working as a commercial photographer, (never for Playboy) and have loads of disaster stories. :56:

With a million I’d start a business(a day care). And invest it draw interest. And buy a few houses/properties. And live on it for a few years to learn forex. I disagree with the comment about putting money back for your kids. I put 50 back automatically and invest it (s&p) sometimes I throw in a bit more in an account just for my kid. That’s a big boost. I hate to be mean but I really don’t think it matters how much money you make what matter is what you spend I really don’t make much but I cut back on stuff. I never buy a brand new car I only eat 2 meals a day and I try to stay away from buying stuff when I get gas and I don’t have cable or satellite I watch Netflix or download :-D. Little cut backs like this add up.

Apparently you miss read what I said or took it the wrong way…

That post was towards BostonEJ mostly about saving for college lol.I think it is a parents responsibility. My parents co signed a car that was it. But they took social security they drew on me and paid their house of 10 years early. If this is directed to me :-D. I agreed with what you said piphanger. I’m good with my money 1million would be a big boost in my learning curve and provide security.

Ahh I thought you were stating about me putting money away for kids, my parents never did that and I’ve had a job since I was 10…and they were hard working jobs like construction and brick mason…I just want a better life for my kids then the hell I went through…

Lots of demand nowadays with the supply of kids going up lol.

and sadly, the supply of stay-at-home parents going way down.

I have regular job, and I’m in Forex trading. Practicing on demo 9 months already, and I don’t think about starting with real money in the next 3-4 months.

The thing is that I like my current job, and I like trading even more. Even when I start real trading, I’m not going to quit my job. That would be highly irrational, because my job is stable source of income, while Forex is not.

Ah yes it makes more sense to trader part time until you know more about trading and then move on to being a full time trader…
Makes more sense to hold on to the stable monthly pay packet. Frankly, on the topic of college funds, well do think its the parents responsibility to provide for their kids until college…after that, they are on their own

Few parents have the choice in this world :frowning:

If the parents don’t have the money to pay for college, send them to military…My brother join the US Airforce 5 years ago. He still in active duty now in South Korea and he loves it and would like to make it as a career. He is now 23 years old. Before he join in, he just want to stay home and play video games. Today, he become a good man that I couldn’t imagine that he will be. He is independent, mature, and responsible…plus he got to travel and see the world…so proud of him…I wish our parents see him grow before they both pass away…

why not just open a forex mini account? theres no reason to demo trade for more than a couple of weeks, let alone more than a year. demo trading and trading live are about as similar as playing call of duty online and being in an actual shootout.

Lol that made me laugh (genuinely out loud) but I have to agree with you, I have often thought of it that way myself.

lol thats the way it feels for me. i used to trade stocks, now im demo trading forex while im looking for a broker and it feels nothing like actually trading. it feels more like a game than anything. ill be disciplined and trade how i normally would, then ill see something high risk and take it just for the hell of it, knowing it will have no effect on me whatsoever lol. i know i would never trade like that live, but its fun when using a demo account lol.

In COD I’ll lob a grenade then run towards where it is going to land, laying down suppressing fire and figuring I won’t quite be inside the blast radius when it goes off. I’m very, very brave on COD etc. Easy to be brave when getting shot doesn’t sting.

Opening a micro account and funding it with $100- 200? I see no reason in that. I’d probably blow it up in matter of days.

I know, I know…I jump in and out of these threads without really joining them from the early stage…but!

I’ve seen this sort of response regarding ‘demo’ vs ‘real’ accounts many times before; not only in this forum but all of them, it’s a hot topic and never seems to rest.

I personally actually have the complete opposite view to demo accounts. Providing you treat them with the respect that they deserve they are a 100% mirror image to a live account. The only fundamental difference is of course slippage - that’s it, nothing else.

I’ve been on and off from demo accounts and use them as a core method for the research of new trading ideas - this in my view is exactly what they should be used for. Testing.

And before you say the ever popular phrase ‘physiological effects’, demo accounts and live accounts have nothing to do with this. This is down to you, it’s not built into the market - it’s an external element of your own trading. With enough significant testing and a large sample size of historical testing you should already have the confidence you require when trading a live account. This will keep the ‘trading emotions’ to a respectable minimum.

Demo accounts are the ultimate trading tool that you will ever stumble across, so treat them with the respect they deserve and then you will have no nasty surprises when making the transformation to a live account. I saw absolutely no difference from demo to live :wink: