How to Spot a scammer here at Babpips

Now your getting it…:slight_smile:

Public accounts. I am still not convinced how that will work. Don’t get me wrong, I like to particpate in such an account, but only for a small portion of my trading. I am afraid that argues will arise during the ride, when peeps have a system that under performs. Gourps of people and a heap of money normally don’t go well together… But I hope that I will be wrong, honestly.

something tells me you wont see ICT’s trades live as they are happening, at least not to the point of be able to follow a long…

a live account should not be used just so that others can tag along for free, but as a way to openly show you performance. ICT has already given you a trading method, and you will be able to see historical trades in the history section providing it is set to public. If your just interested in the public account so that you can mirror trade then you have the wrong idea.

Ah ICT…fair enough, we will wait for you to post the update and we will take a look at it…looking forward to it and hey, for what it’s worth, will definitely review your live trades…

That’s like saying no to someone offering you a million dollars for free, and telling them nah at my 9-5 J.O.B. I will eventually make it, just have to keep working at moving up the ladder…

Yes i would like to be able to do this on my own, but why is everyone so against making money while you learn the process…?

ICT, all talk.

I’m with you on this Piphanger. Even i would trade on my own. But it’s not going to pump into my mind overnight. I’ve been trading since a year and still struggling, i do know that it takes time to reach consistency level. But till then if we can make money while learning, that will help a lot.

Is 2013 gonna be the year for Million dollar run ? Hope so…

Goodbye Andrew Keane / David Jefferson / David Robertson / Nick Vaughn or whatever your name is in real life.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Props to chching for starting the thread.

I’m not with either of you on this…at least for me personally. If someone gave me $1million for free, I’m sure I’d blow through that and be right back to where I started or worse. I don’t want anyone to give me anything for free. I want to learn it and do it on my own. If I earned free money, it would be a crutch preventing me from doing it on my own if it ever went away.

Maybe I just know myself to be that way and everyone is different. I couldn’t make money freely while learning as I’d stop learning and just think I’d be making money forever.


You are correct for yourself, but for me if i was given a million I could quit my job and be set for 20 plus years, during that 20 years I would have plenty of free time, and time I could learn without feeling rushed. I would have 8 plus hours everyday to study…where as now its more like I can’t even watch a full ICT video in the spare time I have…usually takes two sessions.

Understood that everyone is different. But if I got a million, I’d be spending it by paying off debts, buying myself stuff, and maybe putting some aside or learning forex with it and losing it all. Since I dont know how to make that million on my own I’d be right back where I am now or thinking there’s no urgency to learn cause I now have my $.

You’re a better person than I to be able to stay focused once you have your money and still be motivated enough to learn/study without being pulled in other directions given the new freedom.


I’d be curious to know the average income and occupation of a Babypipper. I work for a living and apparently is one of the few that loves doing what I do. No complaints on pay either. The degrading nature of the employed is just not discussed in my circles as its seemingly a moot point.

For most of all of us, this is a free world and opportunity is abundant. The trade off is coupled between smart and efficient work.

I would almost argue that it would be difficult to become a financial success in any venture if the attitude required to get there is clouded on the lack of self drive and the constant blaming of others.

Forex should not be an escape from the job. The odds are strikingly against you. You’re odds are better at improving your immediate financial position and skill set to gain employment you can respect and appreciate.

Forex is an extremely high risk market and it should be treated as such. It’s not a vehicle to put food on the table and gas in your car. Your safe dollar investments should take care of such critical needs.

I don’t know your life, but if I could quit my J.O.B. I would do everything in my power to never go back to one. That means spending my million as wisely as I could and invest it the best I know how…the freedom is more important to me then buying stuff and living like a king…I could live in a trailer for all I can, but you know what I would have freedom and a much happier life…

But who are we kidding, the JOB will be with me probably the rest of my life…just have to focus on trying to make the best out of a miserable life…that is the American dream anymore…

I would if I didn’t have kids and wife but I have to look out for their futures as well as my own…50k wouldn’t cut it…that would only get me by for 2 years that is if I didn’t save for their college funds…

My parents said they are spending any money they have for their enjoyment since they earned it. I don’t blame them for it. I should work for the same opportunity.

Don’t worry I have more debt coming my way when my parents get old…

Hopefully your reason for trading is not to solely get out of debt :wink:
Statistics suggest you’ll just be adding to it!!!

Nope just to have freedom…debt comes second…:slight_smile: