How to start with $100 and turn it into 1 Million in 100 trading days!

Cog…not sure if you got past the title to read the first post, but it was a sarcastic title.

The real goal here is to run $1,000 up to an amount that could produce middle class american income on a per monthly basis, within 36 months.

Still a noteworty accomplishment, but by by no means what $100 to a million in 100 days would be.

By the way, forget the nerves, discipline, and wisdom… $100 to a million in 100 days would be absolutely an incredible jaw dropping stroke of luck.

The best I’ve EVER heard of that I believe was likely true was someone who posted an account record of 3-4 months of trading running $1,000 up to just over $100,000.

He was a successful trader, and a medical doctor. Every quarter, he would take $1000 out of his primary trading account, and go for broke.

He ended up broke (if i remember correctly) about 80% of the time. the other 20%, he did well. But on a rare one time ocassion, he did better than well. he did unbelieveably incredibly well, and brought in just over $100K.

I remember this story from over 5 years ago, so I might be getting some of the details wrong. But, it’s not that far off from
his acccomplishment.

he was the first to say it was amazing luck. he also said he traded full time for his own retirement account, and had been doing so for years successfully (and i think he eluded to a 7 figure account).

So, we’re talking about a very successful trader, years of experience, trying this 3-4 times a year with 1K each time, just to push it, and ONE TIME out of at least 6 or 7, he made 4 figures into 6.

I would venture to speculate that no one in the history of trading has ever run $100 into a million, with access to rare insider info, or something extraordinary like this.

No “normal” trader, no matter how gifted or amazing, could do this, IMO.

If you have information of a single person ever who did this, please let me know.


What the markets sentiment is for tonight, and what they are focusing on:

Currently, market sentiment for risk markets (including euro, gbp, aud, and to a lesser
degree chf) is bearish. swings up should be seen as pullbacks. The focus of the bear
market sentiment is:

  1. Bond yields in italy and now france.

  2. how confident the markets are to a smoothing of the euro crisis. Right now,
    division and complication are rising, not falling.

  3. The “risk of contagion” of the euro debt crisis affecting other countries such
    as south korea (and other asian economies), as well as a Fitch comments that there
    is a 50 Bln exposure to euro debt for U.S. banks.

  4. specifically tied to AUD - concern over chinas real estate market is causing
    a great deal of instability and worry for AUD, which is the major currency most closely
    tied to chinas economy.

Current sentiment for safety markets (including the USD and JPY) is bullish
swings down should be seen as pullbacks. Over the last 6 months, the dollar has gained
4.4% and the yen over 9% against a basked of 9 large developed nation currencies.
The dollar is strong because of it’s reserve currency status, and the yen because japan
doesn’t need foreign money to balance current accounts.

over the medium to long term…JPY may be best…but due to recent US news of a surprising

the U.S. dollar is probably the hot bullish currency for this london/NY trading


The most important thing right now are the results of upcoming debt auctions, and the yields
they will command, specifically for france and spain. Until this auction, I expect
overall more bearish than bullish sentiment, and these auctions will determine if sentiment
improves, or remains bearish

Therefore, I will be looking to take trades in all major currency pairs as long USD and
JPY, short the other majors. An eye on chinese news if i’m taking any AUD trades.

Any potential trade I would take contrary to this would be for a quick target and
quick stops…as a “push through low liquidity to size” trade, in preparation of
larger traders targeting stops to fill orders for a move to the short side.

I just finished my pre trading sentiment analysis and was in general risk off as well. But the situation between USD vs JPY becomes more interesting as well as where the BoJ stands on this intervention either blatant or “stealth”. (i guess i care cause i hold a position there). Also the downgrade of 10 German lenders and the strain of the contagion in France puts a strain on one of the strongest economic alliances between nations of the EZ. So far the Euro session has confirmed this Risk off sentiment. Anyway don’t mean to thread jack just to show a different perspective but same result. RISK OFF.

No jacking apology requried. anything that can contribute to this thread is welcome by all, unless I say otherwise (which i highly doubt I will…as this if for learning, mine, and that of others)

Anyway, levels i’m looking at:

AUD/USD, short from about: 1.0150 - 1.0200

GBP/USD, just bouncing some very technically significant levels… likely no trade here as techs are in opposition to sentiment
however, a good short opp around 1.5860

EUR/USD, short possibility around 1.3500, and then around 1.3600 - 1.3620

AUD/CAD, short opp around 1.3500

These will likely be the the levels i will be trading…will possibly add more later.

Long aud/cad at 1.3026

21 pip target
21 pip stop
risking 0.20%

aud/cad closed at 1.0320. very small loss… will comment more later

I was just going to post my chart on the other thread for this one…I too have that one tagged for a short there at 1.015 …the upper grey shaded zone. This is a 5min chart.


Currently have a short on eur/usd at 1.3432

target 28,
stop 30
risking 0.30%

its a push into liquidity trade. sentiment is very bearish, and size will gather around the full number. a few other factors that i won’t go into, but i’m comfortable with the trade over all.

also, another short entry at 1.3547

30 pip stop
60 pip target
risking 0.35%

Sweet…I really like it. It should be a solid trading opportunity, especially considering current sentiment

SO, for my journal right now, I’ve been thinking about how I was so sure about the
movment the the eur/usd for 2-3 swing out during the euro session of nov 14th-nov-15th,
which for me was monday evening, tuesday morning… and right now, during todays session
I really have no idea, except that i want to push short around 1.3430, and short around
1.3550, and short from somewhere around 1.3600-1.3660

I know well enough that if i’m not sure about the next swing or two (like now)…don’t trade.

However, I am trying to figure out what exactly I saw 2 trading days ago that enabled me
to read the market like a book that day, when today, i feel as if I only am able to
understand a few specific chapters, if indeed I am able to turn to those specific chapters

So, with that being said… I noticed one of the things I saw was we had bounced up on
nov 10th and 11th, without really coming into any substantial daily demand zone.

Then, we came into a substantial daily supply zone on Friday, Nov 11th. Then, on market open
this week we sold off strong on sunday/monday. And although we came into what was technically a
"fresh daily demand level", It was a weaker level IMO…because price was really still
moving down to significant size… around 1.3360, which is the next really solid
daily demand zone.

Also, the weekly candle chart indicated that we were selling off from a weekly supply
zone, but not yet into the top of the weekly demand zone, which started around 1.3520

With this being the case…we were essentially “between size” on the weekly, and even
on the daily.

Also, the market had sold off strong…and just hovered, but not rebounded. When a
fresh selloff begins from what was recently a decent move up from about 1.3500 to 1.3800,
it is common for the first stalling point to not generate much of a bounce… due to
so many players covering longs when a move FIRST reverses.

I think knowing that this was the BEGINNING of a move down gave me the confidence to know
that the move down would very very likely continue from that point… and not just a
little ways…but a long ways.

Furthermore, I knew when london was opening…that the current price of eur/usd which was
at a low would not be a price that major players would want to start selling off at.
so, they would push up at least a little higher to trap some shorts and stop them out,
using their stops as the fill orders for the larger players reversal from the long buyup…to
a net short position.

Ok. there it is. Based on being high on the absolute supply demand curve, and price
action from the previous 30 hours lead me to believe that price was not only moving lower,
but was just START to move lower. So I was VERY CONFIDENT on a further down move.

but being so low at the london open, and knowing how institutional traders look for liquidity
and the best fills possible, I knew a push up was likley, only to reverse, and push lower
into what became later a demand zone…which I took a long trade then, and made a profit.

Tonight, we have sold off more, but haven’t had much of a bounce. we are much closer
to the larger term, more important demand zones, and, price yesterday was almost an
inside bar… which hits at market indescision, and the LACK OF clear directional intentions
for today.

Wow…this journaling stuff really works! I was really wondering how I knew so well two
london session ago…when today…i have no idea which way we’ll end up going, or even
which way we will go first.

Ok. it comes down to candlestick reading on the daily chart…sentiment bias…
and being high on the sup/dem curve…as well as having good distance below to find any
really significant demand… and last but not least, having shorter term price NOT bounce
off the first strong move down…usually indicating a lot more of that move down
to come.


well done Jay! i have just started forex demo trading 2 months back. will be following your thread.

long usd/cad from 1.0245
target 1.0296
stop 1.0210

risking 0.30%

Interesting thread, Jay, I might not have had much to say but I am lurking and appreciating. I particularly liked a longish post from yesterday, making the point that (and forgive me if the numbers are off) the $11 you have made on $1000 would equate to a double-digit percentage return had you traded at 1% risk. I trade at 1% risk every trade, and am heartened to have someone on here illustrating, real-time, that that can make plenty and that risking 5-10% per trade is not necessary to make a lot of money.

By the way, to illustrate our similarity of approach, I took almost the same USD/CAD trade half an hour ago, except my Entry was 1.0246. But what’s a pip or two between traders?!


Also, have another long order on usd/cad from 1.0267
targeting 29 pips
stop 30 pips.

risking 0.10% because it’s an additional entry to 1.0245.

Ah finally found the thread. Notebook to hand…Good Work Jay

Ya simon…thanks for the feedback man. really appreciate some of the profitable traders following this thread. I have been hesitent to state what I actually expect from this, because I figure actions speak louder than words, and of course time will tell, and I don’t want to set myself up for an ego trip or on of many possible drawback to stating “unbelieveable” results…but…

In my own trading, generally average a 15%- 25% ROI per month never taking more than 1%-1.5% risk per trade

Ok, now u can all lay it on me. tell me i’m full of it. tell me thats impossible. tell me I’m scamming…whatever… and I figured no reason to say this for those reasons.

So I fully expect to acheive this goal. I just know that in spite of my own success… this is still absolutely not immune to failure, and It could crap out. We are all only 1 bad trade away from ending our careers. Just 1.

But, we will all see as time goes on… “amazingly high” returns are not only possible…they are completely acheiveable if one makes a complete understanding of market dynamics their life.

G/J on the USD/CAD btw…i’m up 20 pips right now… guess we both did OK so far… but now as I type this…I can almost feel the loss coming! lol

Ego - killing trading accounts quickly…one boast at a time :wink:

Nuff said. Thanks for watching simon. I did this to prove to myself and others that the “impossible” is possible. triple diget annual ROI is doable for even the home based retail guy ,if they know what they are doing.


Long USD/CAD from 1.0245, stop moved to BE on HALF the position. Worst case scenario I only lose 0.15% now.

USD/CAD took half position at 1.0277

32 pip profit on half position.

stop moved to BE on the other half.

I understand the hesitation - people are often overly-obsessed with specific results, imho, when actually consistent profitability is the big issue and all that is needed to be wealthy at some point in the future - but I am entirely with you; I just aim for 10% each month, and if the market wants to give me more in any given month then that is great. 15-25% pcm is a perfectly reasonable target, imho, and one that many retail traders hit.

USD/CAD does seem to be going okay, currently - I am also short EUR/USD and NZD/USD. Of course, I elected not to go long on USD/CHF first thing this morning (UK) as I did not want to overexpose, and that is the one that would have hit TP already (would have been 0.9226)… always the way!

Regardless of all that, nice to see the markets being a little more predictable this week, things seem to be moving more progressively on both the Majors and the Minors. Yesterday was my best day in a little while, just playing the intraday trends on the Majors and Minors.

Completely agree with your closing para, and thank you for taking the time to post this thread - fascinating and reassuring stuff!