How to start with $100 and turn it into 1 Million in 100 trading days!

Risk off is what I’d expect as well today. However, I probably won’t trade today. Letz see what my bot is doing. It all looks a little mixed up for losses in my spaghetti bowl, lol.

Bucks…i will answer your response to my PM by this saturday…sorry, just been so busy!

Ok…re-entered USD/CAD long at 1.0240, because crude oil came to a decent supply zone around 101.20, and has started to turn around.

risking 0.25%
35 pip stop
55 pip target

Lets see!


AMAZING THREAD!!! :slight_smile: Jay ur my hero after Clint ofc, i give u 90% that u gonna succeed. This is must read for all newbs like me :slight_smile: Thank you for this thread <3

Forgot to add bucks…i totally agree with your spaghetti assessment. as I posted my thoughts earlier, I now know why I see this…but the bottom line is, today is a lite trading day for me…and this will likely be my last trade. Win, lose, or draw.


Thanks Kuzia! I’m really no match for Clint, for his superpowers far exceed my own, but to be thought of in the hero light is still nice to hear.

Glad your getting something out of it. :slight_smile: feel free to continue to watch, and lets both hope I can pull this off.


wow… this never happens. sloppy stop placement on usd/cad and i’m still in the trade long. it spiked down about 0.6 pips from my stop, but i had it about 3 pips below. :::shrug:::

geez… feel kinda dumb for not getting stopped out. I usually don’t make those mistakes, because in the long run, they are costly.

Anyway, this will possibly be my last trade…unless a eur/usd triggers. Or…possibly ONE MORE re-entry on usd/cad, as I think crude is about to sell off prettty strong.

but i’m really not sure about that. gonna take a few minutes away…gain some proper perspective, and decide at that time.


Yea, my bot made a little with a long today. My next spot to watch is ~ 13750. Or if it goes lower then I’ll see. Don’t worry about the reply btw.

Anyways, happy pips and lots of it! :slight_smile:

Kinda a slow day in forex for me. However, I had a great day trading oil futures…mostly short.

All I traded in my futures account today…here’s ascreen shot

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closed 50% of usd/cad long out at 1.2081

stopst at BE. final target 1.2095

Now up a guaranteed 0.126% for the day… and if final target hits on usd/cad up 0.322%

So, another profitable day. that makes every day this week. so far profitable. by the way, the orders on eur/usd are both still in play.

Today was 2 winning trades, 2 losing trades. However, the first trade of the day was an impulsive trade…and I shouldn’t have taken it.

Depening on how this last half of the usd/cad trade ends up… if i had been risking 1%, it would be another day where I make either about 0.5%, or 1.25%

Will post the dolalr amount total tomorrow once usd/cad resolves.


closed 1/4 of usd/cad at 1.02587

profit on this quarter position: 0.084%

stoped moved to 1.0250

total profit for the day:0.21%

still waiting for final quarter to resolve.


profit taken at 1.0291 on final quarter.

total profit for the day: 0.30%


Moving a bit further…faster… at 1.45% ROI.[/B]

slow but steady…will be increasing risk.


Just got long on Long AUD/USD from 0.9990.

stop 30 pips
target 60 pips
risking 0.30%

keep rockin it Jay, good stuff man

reduced target to 35 pips while i’m away from keyboard. will post any changes if I am back before trade resolves


AUD/USD hit target, profit 0.35%

took half profit on eur/aud short at 1.3547

profit taken at 1.3517

0.175% profit
Stop moved to 1.3560

Now can’t lose on this trade

P.S. WHOOOPS! typo…it wasn’t eur/aud…it was short eur/usd…the pic below will show the trade.

sorry guys!


This eur/usd entry was listed earlier yesterday, if you go back a few pages, you’ll see where I put it up.

anyway…here’s a pic of the trade. i wanted to give a pic, since it may not be clear to some that I took the trade, since the entry price was from 24 hours ago on this thread. From now on…if I intendt to keep an entry valid…I will specifiy that.

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stop moved to BE on eur/usd short from 1.3547

guaranteed 0.525% profit for the day.

Hey…call me crazy…but half a percent a day? that starts to look like a solid daily number eh?

Considering my risk was less than half a percent on both aud/usd and eur/usd trades… this is particularly good.

2 trades, 2 guaranteed winners. 100% win rate so far today.

Still have a eur/usd short order at 1.3432, 30 stop, 30 target. other than that one trade…nothing else is in the system today.

I’m quite satisfied with this weeks results in terms of success rate. but, in terms of ROI, still too slow.

In particular what was nice about this week was my worst day was 50% winners, 50% losers, and still showed a profit.

Every single day this week was profitable, and I averaged about a 70%+ win rate per trade.

Solid numbers by anyone’s standards I should think (well…at least mine anyway!)

I will look to start trading between 0.35% and 0.45% risk next week.
