How to start with $100 and turn it into 1 Million in 100 trading days!

just covered last part of my short at +6 pips

got long eur/usd at 1.3562

stop 50

target 50

risking 0.25%

moving target on half my eur/usd long back to about 1.3635

profit taken on first halfā€¦at 45 pips.

stop moved up to 1.3535 now


between the 6 pips made on the last half of my eur/usd short, and the 45 pips made on half of my eur/usd long from 1.3562, I am now up another 0.1425% today.

this brings my daily profit so far up to 0.6675%

about 2/3 of 1 percent. not too shabby all things considered. Will update when eur/usd trade resolves.


moved stops to BE on eur/usd trade.

another long entry at 1.3554, stop 35 pips. target 70 pips.
risking 0.25%

P.S. make that 1.3556, and a 0.20% risk

modified stop at 1.3562 down to 1.3542

happens to be that a stop at 1.3562 may barely get hitā€¦and then price push up again strong.

iā€™d hate to get stopped out on this last half and then see price rally all my way.

so, i now am taking a 5:1 reward:riskā€¦ and itā€™s on a very small percentage of my account

I will be profitable today regardless of the resultā€¦ and i put myself in a situation that if iā€™m only right 21% of the time hereā€¦i make a profit.

Againā€¦ good trading if i do say so myself :slight_smile:


and nowā€¦ the order to go long at 1.3556 is now an order to go long at 1.3551, with a 38 pip stop, and 76 pip target.

sorry for all the jumping around guys! lolā€¦just want ot get this right, and since this is happening fastā€¦I am very confident in the strength of the setupā€¦but am trying to account for all of what I see before I take exactly what i want, and i want to get it public ASAP so iā€™ts not posted ā€œafterwardā€

Normallyā€¦this juggling process is done in my head, but iā€™m doing it on this thread nowā€¦so go with it for the time being


hi Jay,

I am new to this blog. do you have any other mentoring service other then this??


Keep it up jay! Hard work earns solid results.
Your journal is pretty good, probably you have it well organized at home hehehe, but never forget that there are other things which are equally important as this journalā€¦ yeah, Iā€™m talking about eating, sleeping and some leisureā€¦ never forget to strengthen your mind, body and spirit!!

Good luck and guts, make it true!

Okā€¦cancelled final long order on eur/usd at 1.3552. I keep second guessing itā€¦and if i have to second guess it this muchā€¦
Itā€™s not worth my risking.

SOā€¦i have half my original long from 1.3562 still onā€¦and if it stops outā€¦ it stops out. (around 1.3540 something)

Thats itā€¦done for the day.


I have another thread on here that has a few videos i made. many of my trades here will be diffferent than what i outline in the videosā€¦but the videos provide an example of some of my strongest setups.

there are over here:

I also do a lot of free stuff in the baby pips chat room. Iā€™m there a bit these daysā€¦sya, 3-5 times a week mostly during asian or london sessions.

As for personal mentoring, i have done this in the past on a very limited basis (as inā€¦ iā€™ve been trading for 7 years nowā€¦and iā€™ve worked with 5 people). Itā€™s not something i undertake lightlyā€¦because I donā€™t take on someone unless i think i can get them successful. So far, iā€™ve been wrong twice, correct 3 times.

But i donā€™t do this as a business. I trade for a living. I like to help out othersā€¦so i do some stuff here on pips.

I sent you a PM with a bit more infoā€¦ and I applaud you for trying to find a mentor, as i think they are the best way to go, but to best answer your question: no, donā€™t have a service. I do take on the rare person when I feel i can help them. otherwise, i donā€™t.


Thanks buddy. are you saying i donā€™t have enough free time? lol. as I saidā€¦ balance is my bigger problemā€¦not focus.

at any rateā€¦iā€™m right now ok with this, as I very much want to move my trading to the next levelā€¦ I have no problem focusing intenstly on my trading from now until the holiday at least.

Thanks for the props. iā€™m pretty sure I can do this. but time will tell.


Ok allā€¦final score is 0.62% profit todayā€¦

Okā€¦[B]turns out the final profit in my account as of the end of this week is: $1020.88[/B]

Well, as it turns out, I finished this week up 2.05%

Not bad, considering i never risked anywhere above 0.40% per trade.

Had I been risking a flat 1% per tradeā€¦this week would have been up about 6%-7%ā€¦give or take.

And my winrate is nothing to sneeze at (at least this week! lol). I had 21 seperate trades. 15 winners, 6 losers.
That puts me at a [B]71.42% win rate for this week over all[/B]

I will be posting more up over the weekend. I find the weekens are when I do my best work. I can take more time, consider the previous few daysā€¦ reflect over what felt right, and what felt wrong. I have time to review more trades, and my rules. see what i followed and what i didnā€™tā€¦and if i didnā€™tā€¦why not. See what I can build onā€¦and see what I need to tear down and start over from.

One might think that once one learns a method or strategyā€¦this is good enough, and that the rich traders have it so easy, because they can work 15 hours a week from home in their underwear.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

To reach a level of sustained profitability it takes both a method/systemā€¦but then it takes a massive amount of work, both internal and with the method to develop what is needed to execute on that method/system most effectively.

It sounds trivial. Itā€™s the opposite. The method is trivial. being able to master it and make optimal use out of it is what determines success or failure.

After years of workā€¦if one decides they are happy with their successā€¦they can likely work less for a long time.

However, if market conditions changeā€¦and their edge goes away (as it often can through the years), they need to start over and redevelop this.

And for those who seek to make the jaw dropping, biography worthy, yacht buying, jet setting type returns?

The work tirelessly. Every single one of them.

Itā€™s like the guy or girl you see all fit as the run up and down the beach. you think ā€œgeeā€¦they have a perfect body. they dont need to run.ā€

itā€™;s BECAUSE they run more than most that they have what they do. itā€™s also how the keep it.

SO this weekend, like most weekends, will be very productive for my trading.


Nice one, good to see someone making a nice profit. Finally closed my third week into the month at +40.33%, todays trade helped allot, even though we were against each other :slight_smile:

+16.36% for the week, end of month target of +65% ROIā€¦no pressure to perform at all!!

Keep it up!

Jezzā€¦good job manā€¦really :slight_smile:

I couldnā€™t stomach the risk per trade you take thoā€¦ 5% is just too high for meā€¦not to mention likely jepordize my overall success. Had I done the same, iā€™d be up about 30%+ for the weekā€¦but thatā€™s just unsustainable, for me or anyone else IMO.

Of courseā€¦ you and I have already discussed this i thinkā€¦no? :wink:

Anywayā€¦sincerely, glad everything worked out for you well. just get those filters, tone it back a notchā€¦ and youā€™re likely on your way to a new career as a full time trader!


I am going to be looking at bollinger bands, and looking at when an upper or lower level has been breached, for example, todayā€™s trade on fiber before it starting falling broke the upper region of the bollinger band, indicating that price has been overbought at an unsustainable pace. These bollinger break outs may be used to help me enter a trade more aggressively, as its more confirmation that price is on the reversal/retrace. Usually I wait quite a while before entering a trade with CCD, but bollinger bands could improve my entry price, and thus reduce the exit price and inturn improve the win rate as im not aiming for such overpriced TPā€™s.

But hey, who knows, part of me wants to keep it simple as possible, conflicting indicators is a hate for me. It would drive me crazy :slight_smile:

Awesome analogy Jay! :slight_smile:

Congrats for the 2% up. That adds up to 8% a month or with compounding even maybe 10%. Extending the math would be around 120% per year without compounding. If you can keep it at that level, you would after 5 years be at ~ 32k.

What I am interested more however is the max. drawdown. So that I can compare it with my bots. That max. drawdown is imho more important than single trade risks. If you could come up with that number say after every month or so that would be really nice.

Oh, good job so far.