How to start with $100 and turn it into 1 Million in 100 trading days!

My final EU long order filled…completing this trade. 2 have stopped out so far.

also…my aud/usd short filled. could end OK…but so far…looking lie this might be a down day

It happens.


Last trade will be a short on E/U at 1.3428 - 1 pip below the last stop.

26 pips target
32 pip stop
risking 0.35%

aud/usd closed out 75% at 9905

final 25% of aud/usd closed out at 0.9917

Ok…so today actually didn’t do very bad at all! I still have the last portion of the eur/usd long order on. stop 1.3431, target 1.3570. Once price hits 1.3545, trail a stop so that the remaining distance to the target at all times retains a 1:1 RR ratio.
it then either stops out, or targets out.

Also…have the usd/jpy trade still on…and moved it’s target up from 76.52 all the way to 76.62.
this means now i am risking 0.35% to make 0.21%… but due to a some rhetoric coming from the BOJ…this may be all the target i get out of such a trade.

ALso, there are some SAF trades from levels posted up yesterday that will be valid to take, and I have a eur/usd short at 1.3429. 31 pip stop, 27 pip target. risking 0.35%

No idea if all will work, none will work, or some combination of them will or won’t work…

however, after all is said and done, there were 5 trades taken so far.

2 winning trades. one breakeven trade (made about 1 pip), and 1 trade that likely lost (though if the final order currently active on eur/usd hits or comes near hitting its target, this will probably be 3 winners).

So, with what we have completely resolved today, we have 2 winning trades, 1 break even, and one “losing”.

[B]if I disregard the breakeven…I have a 2:1 win ratio…or another 66% win ratio for the day

and profit right now stands at $0.33 profit.[/B]

[B]my current account balance is: $1021.21[/B]

i will count any trade that resolves after I wake up under that next days statistics. if it resloves before I wake up, then I will total the results for this day.

Now, i have my longer term levels and trade orders in the system, as well as the short eur/ust around 1.3430ish.

Willl find out the official total after a good nights sleep!


long eur/usd at 1.3458

stop 18 pips

target 28 pips

risking 0.3%

final trade of the day

CORRECTION: filled 1.3457

20 pip stop

28 pip target
risking 0.33%

Last nights Asian was always going to be a tough call as PA opened midway on the daily. Given this I just took a few 1h hi/lo bar trades for 20 and two 12’s. This mornings London looks a better bet. I’ll be watching EU into New York for a possible long off the daily low of 3430. Looking for a retrace on 1h for a good entry. Nice entry eremarket… I missed the last 1h bar entry and hoping it gets down to 3446 to jump in.

EDIT: Half closed at 24 pips and SL on second half moved to BE.

Good Job Jay

Extrapolator - MQL4 Code Base

While it was pretty accurate with the prediction for the last Asian session - don’t think it’s a holy grail. Albeit I guess it’s a nice tool for my toolbox. I just took some random charts and checked it and it was pretty accurate with direction. Won’t say anything about pips, though.

Here is the thread where I stumbled over the idea from DS and then posted some charts:

I guess if you play a little with the settings and then use it in specific periods, say m30 or others, it can be of value with other indis. It probably needs specific settings for every tf you use it. Because the wavelength changes, tho.

This is how it looks like right now on m30:

Great call eremarket btw.! It went down late (LO), but it went down. :slight_smile:

Bucks although the fourier thing interests me, I was being funny. You’re kidding right? Surely that picture is not your real chart? I can’t even see price on there! No wait… yeah I think I see it. It’s that green bit there in the middle… :smiley:

Sry, but if I use the whole chart, then bp will compress it (because it’s huge) and you can’t see the price either. Plus you couldn’t see the price anyways because of compression and can’t see the lines well.

Well, just grab that indi and play with it. As I said. It’s anyways not to predict anything regarding pips. Just the direction in the short time could be predicted in some circumstances.

I just posted the chart that you can see it predicts right now it will go down maybe and then go up. :slight_smile:

It will go down maybe and then up? hmm… brilliant insight! LOL Sorry I’m just being funny this morning don’t take it personal. This still the weekend for me since I’m off for the holidays!

There are gold nuggets out there almost everywhere in the mud. Which most people won’t see. Why would I take it personal? If it makes money for me that’s all what I care about. I mean, just generally speaking. Don’t take it personal. :slight_smile:

just exited half of the final E/U long position at 1.3525.

0.15% profit

Stop moved to BE.

now going for 1.3460 final target

Another net profitable day… officially!


Account Balance: $1022.74[/B]

To all who have been following and commenting…thanks a lot. I will get back to these later today. Right now, I’m hungry,
and still tired.

Breakfast. and then bed again, and then I’ll respond to each who have posted here. (bucks, money talon, nikkita, etc)


P.S. Sorry guys… I calculated this out without checking my account itself. Forgot about my last trade. it lost. so… I actually
had a small losing day

[B]ACTUAL BALANCE: $1019.66[/B] - two trades still open. half of the last portion of eur/usd long, and one usd/jpy short.


As MUCH AS MY EGO would love to have 6 for 6 winning days in a row… it didn’t happen. sh*t. lol

I do feel really great though about things playing out almost exactly as I thought they would. I will go back through and analyze what went wrong. In summary I jumped the gun a bit on my staggered entry, somewhat overtraded when I added to the “trade” when price was near it’s low without taking an appropriate stop loss, and a few other minor things. More details after my nap.


long eur/usd at 1.3477

stop 36 pips
target 36 pips

p.s. risking 0.15%
modify stop to 40 pip stop
target to 40 as well

went long at 3480 now.
30 stop
40 target
risking 0.15%

Order above filled at 3481.

so i’m long eur/usd from 1.3481,1
30 stop
40 target
risking 0.15%

Also… wanted to mention this is much like my staggered entry on eur/usd yesterday

Because I’m taking it on two prices… i’m halving the risk per entry. reason is that the 1.XX80 and 1.XX20 levels are popular institutional buy levels. I think price has a bit lower to go, but i wouldn’t want to miss the entire trade when it was so close to my entry price anyway.

Also, i can now take a lower entry, that would give me a better chance of success with a slightly tighter stop and better RR

so, the other 0.15% entry is now at 1.3470. 30 stop, 50 target


Trade taken off the 4h… Low lo… TP high hi? You’ll know exactly to what I’m referring if you are? :33:

RC, I’ll tell you what I tell everyone else. I don’t think in time frames. There’s price. there is time. they are often combined to calculate “rate of change” which we often refer to as “trend” or “price action”\

But there is no such thing as “trading off the 4 hour”, or 1 hr, or 1 min, or 1 week for that matter.

I look at every chart from at least daily on down to 1 minute, for just about every single trade I take. I focus in on the time frames i find the most relevent. whats the most relevent? well, when I look at a chart i’m looking to determine SOMETHING SPECIFIC as to where an opportunity lies. depending on the opporunity and the situation it exists within, I will look for a few different things specifically.

I will then switch over through every time frame to detemine which ones best show me what i’m looking for, and which ones best show me what I may want to be careful about.

I also don’t look at “TF” even then. I look to see what the candles MEAN. as in… where a large block of limit buy orders has been in the past… or where a zone of relatively low liquidity lies. I also look at candle charts primarily through the lens of a “point and figure” chartist. I want to see relative new highs and/or lows…etc. stuff like this.

If this sounds too complicated for you, or for most, to learn how to effectively look at so much without confusion… THATS FANTASTIC!!! It means I will consistently be able to buy the low and sell the high and reverse back and do it again all day long and make money 80%+ of my trading days…without having to worry about someone getting good enough to exploit the little, subtle edges that I can.

So ya. it’s harder than just “well i see a 1 hour pinbar. that means buy!” But it means i can actually understand the story behind whats happening…and know when things are changing, or when i should pull the plug… more accurately and much sooner than my competition.

Theres more too it as well. but that’s a general idea of how I approach the “what time frame?!?!?” question.

There is price. there is time. there is change. I look at whatever I need to best understand what it all means.


to be frank man, i spent 5 seconds in this particular example looking at the 4hr chart, before deciting that 15 min chart best showed me what i was looking for. I then broker it down further, to see where size was previously on the 5 min chart to see how to best place a stop.


P.S. covered half my positing long at + 10 pips. i don’t like hte wicks i’m seeing on the 15 minute chart.