I admit it, I purchased Anton Kreil NEW 2,999 $ Forex trading cource

I fail to understand that you added this post to take out your grudge against him here rather than helping anyone who would have stumbled upon your post in a hope to find something useful. Good going

Watching his videos for the past weeks, I must admit, now I’m bloody good at excel, never like spreadsheets. I think what you get out of it is exactly how open are you to stuff. I read load on trading, demo for years. Have am a live account, not doing well but not bad either.

Nice Job… basically pirating someone’s product on a well-known website. Idiotic, at best.

Just because something is expensive, doesn’t automatically a rip-off.

Frankly, I don’t trust or believe your evaluation of the course for even a moment. I see comments like this everywhere… in every industry.

I think Anton does stocks, not forex

Hello torulf39 could you send me the course too? thanks

Hi mate, do you still have the updated Excel sheets? I’m currently updating them, but if you’re willing to send them over, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks!