I bought Fapturbo 1 year ago only try now problem is

I’m a newbie in forex but I’m not a newbie in trading (I have traded futures market for several years). I’m always amazed at newbies who either just believe in everything or in nothing: these are two equally convenient solutions (I paraphrase Henri Poincare the great scientist as I am myself a scientist engineer well versed in statistical engineering).

There are a lot of Automated Trading Systems that are scams but not all of them.

your welcome.

This is a thread I created. I’d like to get REAL answers if you’re adult enough.

If you’re Newbie please do not answer, I’m not really a newbie myself in trading I don’t need yet another “If it works why do they sell ?”. If you cannot find a good answer for sure you don’t know what Business is and you never made a dime because trading is like a business.

“…claiming your site is a blog and nothing else”

When did I say that? It’s a blog but whats the “nothing else” comment? I’ve never claimed my site to be anything that it’s not.

Your absolutely right about my blogs advertising, but it’s certainly not a squeeze page. My blog is an information portal first and a revenue provider second. You think I can do this for free. My site needs to be able to wash its own face. Why can’t I provide an excellent service and sell products on my site? One way or another every site on the internet does it. I only advertise products that I use. Fair and square I’m very honest about my site and results.

I’ve been doing this for over a year now, do you really think I’m going to fake my results. FAPT isn’t even the biggest craze anymore. I advertise other EA’s sometimes and I critique them fairly. But you would know this if you read my posts.

I understand that you’re flaming me. You’re probably sick of all the spammers and affiliates that grab money and run. I’m afraid I’m not playing that game. You sound like a negative individual or just a very cynical one, another flamer down on his luck maybe.

At least all the info is now available on what your site is, or isn’t and people can make up their own minds about it’s intent, your motives etc. Obviously I won’t be partaking in what you offer as I’m too down on my luck and don’t recognise a good thing when I see it, or rather can’t differentiate this from all the other crap out there that looks the same. Cynical, moi? Damn right. But I’m sure most others will be able to do so, now you’ve explained it all so well.

You’re not the first to burn me here. What you have discussed is not new. Maybe you missed post 11.

I’m not asking you to partake in anything, but I am trying to differentiate myself from all the other crap out there. Maybe you can make a few suggestions on how I can do that here.

I’m very cynical too when it comes to these products. But I will take some time to research someones efforts to see if they are on the level before harassing them. You clearly haven’t done that and have simply jumped to conclusions.

What’s ironic is that by flaming me here you are making it harder for someone who is honest to get his point across and by that end, potentially they will fail. By burning all the genuine people, you’ll only be left with all the scammers.

Posts of me defending myself are actually off topic considering I didn’t start this thread. So for all the flamers out there, take or leave my advice, I’m really not fussed.

Hank, could you please post the addres to your site? I’ve had FAPT for almost a year now, and have no idea what some of the setting affect or how they may affect the outcome of trades. I do know using the default settings hasn’t worked out so good for me, then again, I’m on a very small account, so every mistake hurts.

I’m afraid it is seen as advertising if I give out my details. In no way can I even tell you where you can find them on this site, however they do exist if you look hard enough! :rolleyes:

If it is mking money for hankfx , then why is he trying so hard to discredit everyone else.

Personally if CrapTurbo was working for me and someone else disagreed, i would not care because it makes me money and it dosent make money for the other person. I wouldnt spend so many posts trying to make a point…

It’s a bit strong to say I’m discrediting others. It’s not as if “others” have come up with solutions or useful information. All those you refer to as “others” are actually flamers.

I also like to defend myself against flamers, because it’s these people that have nothing better to do than complain. They’re a breed of unbalanced individuals. There are obviously exceptions.

I’m not interested in what flamers have to say, because it’s always personal. I don’t mind having a battle over FAPT or other EA’s - why? Because it’s constructive.

I tested FapTurbo (flopturbo) quite some time ago. Basically, I found it to be a piece of crap. I also personally witnessed a “live” account being doctored.[I]i.e.[/I] There was a losing trade and a few minutes later the trade had mysteriously disappeared (if only I could do that in my account).

I could also share my idea that FapTurbo, FRWC and IamFX are all the same people but it doesn’t really matter. I will just say in my soft-spoken way that

[B]I think they are nothing better than a ring of thieves ![/B]

IMHO, of course.

I still trade with fapturbo. recently they update to the version 50. now we have one more scalping pair which is gbp usd.

The 3 things matter for fapturbo to be profitable:

  1. low spreads , i wont give any links to brokers, just make sure your broker spreads are low. you can check for example on free services like mt4spreads.com
  2. Settings. default settings normally suck becuase too many people use them. i use my own settings + rob casey’s
  3. choose the pairs that show profitable results. sometimes it is good to give up a pair when it is not performing well. for example i gave up usdcad recently and continue this pair on demo only untli i feel it is profitable again. forex goes in cycles and all these pairs do the same.

What system do they use? Martingale or something?

the previous post is 5 years ago! how did you even find this :smiley:

May be i was always lucky but i met developers (even free EAs) who always answered my questions.

Your answers abou t changes on demo and real accounts.
Because quotes on demo accounts and real accounts can be different/
Also, developer can change data on demo acoount so to make fool of you and allure you.

EA is working with a system.but all the time it do not work.so,i think you can change the EA and try to use another one.do not depend upon one ea.try to other high profitable ea.

I just started using FAP turbo and I will say the reality here: It is a scalping system. I have tried it for 48 hours exactly.
In this 48 hours FAP turbo did: 3 trades. With a total profit of $0.05 (5 cents) on a balance of $1000 (one thousand dollars). My annual projected profit therefore is $ 10 which is 1% of profit in a year.

During the same 48 hours, I manully made: about 100 manual scalp trades. I did it manually and my profit on an account with $1000 was $4. My annual projected profit therefore is $800 which is a profit of 80% in a year.

If I make $10 every year with FAP Turbo, it will take me about 15 years to recover the paid price

I’m not saying here FAP Turbo is a scam or crap, but… well… it is

Ok after more than 200 hours trading. FAP Turbo only managed to open 3 trades with a total profit of $0.05 (5 cents) on a $1000 account. These are the real results and the real profit produced with FAP Turbo: a total of 5 cents in 4 days, which reduces my yearly estimation from $10 to $2.5 and from 1% to 0.25% a year.

Conclusion: The scientific method proves that FAP Turbo makes an annual profit of 0.25% a year and it takes 60 years to recover the price you pay for the robot.

Buy the robot now and your grand-grandchildren will be able to enjoy some profit after the price of the robot is paid in full.
With $2.5 a year they’ll be able to purchase a nice packet of bubble gum.

Nobody uses it anymore?