I will be posting free accurate price action signals here so watch out

I see nothing to panic since your stops is at breakeven on the eurusd trade, [B]the worst case is for us to get out on a 1% loss on trade 27[/B].
so dont panic we are still in a win-win situation

If price break and close above [B]1.31400(another level that where large buystops and large sell limits are positioned ) [/B]on the eurusd trade we may likely be in a home run: i pray that happens.
also USD Core CPI m/m is coming out in 1hr time so this also will have alittle effect on the eurusd trade.

How many pips do you expect it to go up by?

I set this up to move the s/l at 50 pips once it reached the 50 mark and actually it closed at 51.1 pips which is a nice earnings. Thanks horlique!

am happy you have recover back some of the Gbpaud trade.

Thanks, now should i buy more euro or let it be?

iwill humbly advise you wait till next trade.

Thanks for the advice!

just have a little patience we will definitely have better trades in near future, i know u are eager to build it back fast.

Just moved my stop up by 30 pips to protect some profit on EU

Stops taken at 40 pips, so that’s almost clawed back the money lost on the GA trade. Nice one Horlique, look forward to the next trade.

good one; lets wait for the next trade. On some of accounts i exit at 51pips. But on one account the trade is still on.

Hi Horlique,
I traded Eu/Us and open 1.3067, Im up by 65 pips as of this hour and move my SL at 1.3090. Should I stop it or continue to target 125…Thanks man…I profit again!

on some accounts am still holding . Make sure you lock in good amount of pips. Keep holding the trade. You can use trailing stop

am happy you are making some good pips from these signals, am glad.

if the market close above 1.3140 we may be in a good home run on eurusd; so if you are holding the eurusd buy trade continue lets see what happens next.

@pcossid whats your pip count now on the eurusd trade.

Is that a stop run at a resistance level I can see on the EU 1hr? Could a reversal be on the cards? What do you think Horlique?

its like a spinning stop but the bulls are very powerful now(very few sellers now in this market), but one has to lock in good amount of pips.

If there’s a strong pullback and then a retracement like on the 10th, I’ll be heading short.