I will be posting free accurate price action signals here so watch out

some of these trades have ran into decent profits so please move stops to breakeven cos we are expecting a big news today at 8;30 am EST (non farm payrol).

a good trade am out with decent profits looking forward to milk some pips from ‘‘Non farm payrol’’

Great calls Horlique going into NFP with a nice bit of “ammunition” thank you

I have had a bit of time out this summer but looking back you have took a bit of unfair stick

Profits are easily eaten up during August with lower trading volumes I know a lot of traders take a break or trade half sizes through the summer

You’ve rode it out …fair play to you …let the doubters step aside

Forwards …onwards …and upwards

All the Best

Any GBP/JPY signals?
But nevertheless, thank you for you input!
I will follow.


Am just surprise about your 89% loss post. Well when the outcome is not good, people do say whatever they want. Even people who have benefited alot from this thread will always come back to say negative comments about the thread.[/QUOTE]

Some were good and I can say that but there were many SL’s which add up quickly. Perhaps I had something to do with it as well not getting in at the precise moment etc. I did not take every trade and I did not go for the full 100 to 120 pips because I tried to play it safe but the losses on the account I used to follow you were substantial. All in all it is my responsibility and I stopped using the signals from this thread. I am not beating you up but I am saying that unfortunately your signals did not work for me in the past. I have no hard feelings but I don’t know about you.

yes August was a rough month, the other months price action was very profitable and a make a decent profits. Am happy the good days are coming back gradually. The market is becoming normal again. Hopefully profits will start rolling in. Happy weekend.

I really appreciate your positive comments for the past days i have been bombarded with negative criticisms/fault finders. Surprisingly coming from persons who have benefited alot from this thread ,hahahahahahahaha. Anyway thats life.

Ho my god… Now I get you Horlique2…

They actually think there’s is some one in here that cares if they are following or not… Or why…

Amazing… They keep posting away…

To bad admin can’t do something about it…

Like Cleaning the thread…

Hi Horlique. Thanks for the signals. I used your signals and set my own SL and TP limits. Overall, it was profitable. Appreciate the pips!

Me too…

you are welcome , happy weekend.
Am happy that you made some pips from the last setup. Hopefully more pips will be coming our way.


it does appear from your post that you like to have the final word so if you reply I will give you that satisfaction and not reply back … especially as you no longer follow Horliques trades so pointless posting good or bad on this thread

Horlique trades with a set of rules that he stands by, I think looking back he has proved this over the summer …even when things were not going quite his way…The whole idea of sticking by a set of guidelines is having the ability to follow them and stick to them

If you were not entering at the price given or trying to ride profits to the price given by “playing it safe” as you say you had no chance and should not of been taking the trades anyway …taking profits of 10,20,30 pips with a stop of 50,60 pips was only ever going to end bad for you that was not playing safe … that was not being able to hold a trade … a very hard thing to do I might add but an integral part and very important part of trading

If one is following a system/signals that has a 1 to 2 % risk per trade one should position there account to be able to handle losses of 1 and 2 % ie divide your capital by 50 and then you have potentially 50 trades at 2% risk in the time it takes Horlique to have 50 losses of 2% you will find profits of 1 to 4% will outway the losses and over time your account will move forward patience is key… patience to ride a loseing streak and patience to hold a trade it… appears that you are equipped with neither …now that might sound harsh CP and I certainly do not mean to get at you … you were given entries/stops and potential take profits and updated through out the trade so posting things like “losses on your account were substantial” really is not a great thing to put on someones thread …when it would appear your inability to act correctly was the only “substantial” thing that was really going on… I am sure traders following the thread correctly have come to the same conclusions from your above post and for anyone new to it or unsure please try and understand what I have written …It is only fair to Horlique and above all only fair to your own trading account

I wish you well in the pursuit of your trading goals CP and until you reach them I will quite happily keep helping to take your stops and $ out of the game …no hard feelings its all part of the learning

I am applying my previous rule as far as you are concerned. I don’t see why people get bent out of shape when reality is displayed. Perhaps they are living in an alternative reality and cannot afford the truth. In no way did I offend what seems to be the posters “god” (horlique). It seems like lesser minded individuals who cannot face the truth and cannot tolerate those who are straight forward and direct about things have a tendency to attack. It seems the poster cannot live without constant help and your fear is that he might stop posting and the person posting might not have an outlet to channel your current meaningless state of being. It is a shame that people such as the poster finds diversion and merriment in constantly confusing the neutral with negative. The poster should strive to be correct and not politically correct. This could have come to an end quite some time ago if the feeble accepted reality and abandoned their state of denial. As stated before horlique2 should be commended for his good deeds but the truth is the truth. If it did not work for me but perhaps it does for others.

It was rough August and many lost bigtime for selling GBP/JPY, and not listening to you haha! anyways I would like to thank you bro for making me profit a total of +480 pips for july and august! my strategy? my strategy is simply paying attention to your/horliques signal and set my own limit, an easy limit…
Guys, remember not everything is from horliques, you have to do you’re part too, and that’s setting your limit and your stops. Horlique’s is just a suggestion and a technical one I presume, he’s given you’ll the halfway to win, it’s up to you, us to finish it.
Again thanks BRO!!! you are the guru!

Guys, remember not everything is from horliques, you have to do you’re part too, and that’s setting your limit and your stops. Horlique’s is just a suggestion and a technical one I presume, he’s given you’ll the halfway to win, it’s up to you, us to finish it.
Again thanks BRO!!! you are the guru![/QUOTE]

This is very true’

Too bad bro it didn’t work for you, but my +480 pips mean one thing, it worked for me. I don’t know what method you do, but mine is simple (refer to my previous post). Maybe my scalping method works, I am not technical and well versed in this field and I suck in this area but I do know how to observe and play around the suggested signals. No need to be a rocket scientist (I am in real).
Try revisit your strategy bro. Let’s thank the man. Peace


Too bad bro it didn’t work for you, but my +480 pips mean one thing, it worked for me. I don’t know what method you do, but mine is simple (refer to my previous post). Maybe my scalping method works, I am not technical and well versed in this field and I suck in this area but I do know how to observe and play around the suggested signals. No need to be a rocket scientist (I am in real).[/QUOTE]

If its not rocket science why are you relying on someone else to give you signals.

The rocket science is not about the technicalities…it’s about the overarching observation of the trend, it’s the " how you play around it". Do you need a textbook for that? nah it’s common sense.

I followed this yesterday and made about +90, is this still good for today Horlique? Thanks

I wish you open a zulu or mirrortrading (FXCM) bro, I will follow you.

This thread is getting really interesting. Am happy that some people who perfectly followed signals from this thread did make some profits.I believe theres nothing wrong to follow ones signal provided the person is learning in the process. I learned faster by following other peoples free forex signals in the beginning years of my trading journey so i see it as an obligation to do the same to others(am not doing this for any cheap popularity on babypips). 2008 i was following trading calls from a popular trading blog this really help me to make money and also building my confidence in forex. Theres no need for all this offensive exchange of words if this thread has not been helpful to your trading activities theres no need coming here to pollute the mind of others by exchanging offensive words. Forex is a very personal business. I started this thread for positive reasons it was not to offend or insult anyone. PLEASE LETS TRY TO EXCHANGE FRIENDLY WORDS, I APOLOGIZE IF MY POSTS OFFENDS ANYONE, WE ARE ALL IN FOREX TO MAKE MONIES NOT TO MAKE ENEMIES.

thats a good one please dont keep any open trade over the weekend due to gap. Am happy you made some decent pips. Hopefully next week will be better.