
ah that’s funny, another tt troll for the ignore list.

It’s nice when the come out en masse like that. ciao

Edit: double post, man this is a slow connection. BP server problems? Well anyway, with a personality like that some of you must find it difficult being a member of a social species.

oh yea, paypal sux. Peace out! :smiley:


Here you go…

Identify an clear directional bias on[B] “your favorite” [/B]timeframe.

If [B]“your” [/B]bias is up, buy dips.

If [B]“your” [/B]bias is down, sell rallies.

Is that too hard to understand? :wink:

ah finally a clear translation! Thanks :slight_smile:
rred was right about you.


I love the Capt and might get an infractal for saying this but what the heck. The bucks I dropped for his advanced “one on one” program is the best money I’ve ever spent on trading. :39: :39: :39:

Noted D-pip. However I’m trying to convince Mrs HoG to drop some bucks on two new pairs of golf shoes and a new Taylormade driver ahead of our Florida trip this summer. Might be a tricky sell on the Captain with her LOL !!

But like I say, noted my friend.

You must be a captain currency sock puppet :smiley:

i see you never read that Carnegie book I sent you then?

steady on d-pip me old china, you’ll blow his fuses doling out all that confusing information all in one go.
tut tut. :slight_smile:

nah, he’s just a guy who appreciates the fact that quality doesn’t have to equal quantity.

Wish I could stick the missus on an ignore list so effortlessly.

Anyway, wasn’t there some kind of inner circle at Fimat run by that strange kid from Jersey with the big chin who used to scribble his lunch orders on the daily brief notes.
He couldn’t count for toffee either.

herman the german!

well you know what to do now…insult her number crunching & laugh in her face.
then when she strops off be sure & direct her taxi to my den, i’ll tutor her numbers all night long & all the next day too.

come to think of it, can you wait till next weekend…i’ve still got my younger brother here & he’s several shades prettier & 5 laps fitter than me.
hot with numbers too as I recall.

that must be my post quota hit for 2013
see you when the next big cheese causes a wave.
play nice [B]read that book[/B]!!

Is that a fetish?
What kind of site is this anyway?

Just because you guys think its confusing material doesn’t mean it doesn’t work or can’t work if you don’t know how to apply it correctly.

I’ll guarantee a large majority of you, without using google, don’t know this and can’t tell me how to make a nuclear reactor from a common albeit necessary household item and FYI you require a large quantity of it. But I’m betting you either googled or are too lazy to and going to call me a liar doesn’t make it not possible because I understand the periodic table and/or fission better than you do.

Granted, it is long, its dry material, and there is a learning curve involved but if trading was that easy you’d all be millionares and there’d be more people doing it.

Maybe you should look up trying to join the NFA or CFTC or police them since you guys seem to make this a job/hobby of trying to crack down on everything you don’t understand hell lets go torch the NASA and the Library in congress and the Vatican Library if we have time. (Please destroy the vatican library -kevin)

One of my big problems with this early on was. My bias was short and I would look for retraces that were to deep and they would break market structure to the upside. Vice versa. You can make anything sound simple. In practice it’s a lot more complicated.

It doesn’t matter how easy it is. It’s human nature always trying to improve things. In trading, that leads to failure at least 90% of the time…

I see it on here all the time. Quotes like “I should have gotten in earlier”, or “I should have stayed in longer”, or “how could I have profited better from that move” will be the eventual death of most accounts.

It’s an imperfect science at best. You WILL lose occasionally. Most people can’t take those losses. They think small losing trades are some sort of stigma of failure.

But it IS easy. And most people COULD do it. But most people CAN’T follow rules, and most people are patently impatient.

Bad combos for a trading mentality.

Edit: For a good trading role model, think Forrest Gump. The same thing every time, time after time. It’s actually quite boring. Einstein would never work. He’d be too busy trying to come up with a mathematical equation to identify every market condition. That’s the problem with most of us. Overthinking…

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This is the best post I have read all month.

That’s what I was thinking lol. I really wish they’d add a like option for the mobile app.

hello im forrest gump. I like shrimps. Do you like shrimps? I like shrimps. I have a shrimp boat. whud you like to see a picture of my shrimp boat? I keep it in my wallit. The picture I mean, not the boat, cause you cant put a boat in yor wallit well you can but it would stretch it out a bit an it wouldnt fit in your pocket. One time there was this storm at sea and it floated away and it sank. The walit I mean, not the boat, cause I still have the boat but that’s why I cant show y0u a pictur of my shrimp boat. This mornin I was lookin for some socks to put on my feet… cause you cant put shrimps on your feet… well you can but they tend to fall off and after a few days in your shoes they don’t smell too good. So you should put socks on your feet and you shoud go to the store and you should buy bubba gumps shrimps and then you shud go home and eat them… uh the shrimps I mean, not the socks, cause you cant eat socks… well you can but theyre kind of tough and after a few days in your shoes they don’t smell too good. Socks are kind of like shrimps that way. One time I went to this place called france and ate some shrimps but they called them es car gots. they looked more lilke snails than shrimps. they have funny names for stuff over there. its almost like a foren language. my moma used to say life is like a box of shrimps… or wus that chocolits… well anyway I like shrimps…

and mg is the standup comic LOL

I didn’t say they were or are better traders than anybody akeakamai. Like everyone else who congregates in these joints, they’re in this game to make as much money as possible.
Who cares whether it’s theirs or someone else’s dough that’s achieving that aim?

It would have taken them donkeys years to accumulate the kind of capital & confidence required to trade the size they do. What they did was dramatically accelerate & short-circuit the learning curve by tapping into personal on-the-job tuition, support, infrastructure & the most valuable benefit of all…business networking access. You can’t buy that type of experience, especially the client contact potential.

There are two types of people in this world.
Those who sit by & watch it happen & those who take action & make it happen.
When opportunity comes knocking, you need to kick that door down with everything you got, because if you don’t someone else sure as hell will.


Right :slight_smile: