
Or just leave the door wide open so you won’t break that door and not to worry about replacing it :wink:

A prime example of how guys and girls look at things… We just like to break stuff…:slight_smile:

Ha! See I knew it. You guys just wanted to know the women perspective…lol… Your Welcome :slight_smile:

Don’t break the house!!!

Go back & read the 2nd half of post #16 again.
I think that tells you all you need to know about how much respect he has for retail traders.

His response to your reply in post #65 is pretty much how I interpreted it too.

I read it too. I also read a very similar post of his on another thread & what comes across loud & clear in both posts is that he respects hightly motivated, driven individuals who use their initiative & guile to try & achieve their goals, regardless whether they’re retailers or institutional traders.

The primary benefit & by product of successful trading is receiving a lot of money.
You yourself have admitted as much in this thread.

I can see now why you’re still here 5 years down the road wasting your time sparring with all & sundry still digging yourself out of a financial hole.
Funny, but I don’t see any of those guys on here.
I wonder why.

What’s happened to one or two of your recent posts?
They were here a few minutes ago. I didn’t notice anything particularly offensive warranting deletion by a moderator?!

He deleted them himself.
He was either embarrassed after reflecting on their content, or simply did it as a childish strop to upset the post reference flow of comments that compact highlighted a few posts further back.

[B]several people here like talking someone when only have bad result.

One thing that i know, he already proof him self with his lesson. And i’m not thinking only one or two bad result will change this fact.

We should cheer him up. Then support him, just like another member here.
Or we will loss lot of his resourcefull lesson like now :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

And another impact is make babypips more worse than before, coz lot of experienced trader will loss in faith and start to abandon this site due to meaningless comments from only newcomers. Thinking deeply what will happen and the effect for lot of people here, not only for our ego[/B]

We sure do like to learn those things… So any insights are much appreciated!

Well, I give the guy credit for obtaining the success he’s been building up to. Now he can just learn from Lori, run his own workshops, develop his own website and not have to worry about people openly questioning him.

From a marketing perspective, he did it perfectly. His only flaw was openly trading when he knew he clearly lacked the actual talent. And his occasional meltdowns didn’t help either.

It wasn’t better when he remained the man behind the curtain. It’s against guru code to reveal too much. And now you can see why.

I know this picture has been posted before somewhere, but it still sums up the difference between the sexes quite nicely

Haha! That’s too Funny HoG…:slight_smile:
Well, I am glad they are colorful so it’s easy for me to pick which one…lol…
Women just trying to figure out other “alternative” and what if scenarios…

Off topic again, but do it anyway.

The relation between these two opinions always bugged me, but I never dared to confront my wife with them:

  1. Men have simple minds.
  2. Men don’t understand women!

If we men have simple minds it should be obvious that we don’t understand women! Saying that others have a simple mind implies that they are more complex themselves. But I don’t understand why they than act surprised when we don’t understand them?

Also, my wife thinks I can read mind (at least she expects I can read hers). If that means that she can read mind, why can’t she read mine but still expects me to read hers? And doesn’t that imply that she can’t be understood without understanding what she isn’t saying to me? Than why am I always in trouble when I say that she is not clear to me?

Sighs, it is all too mind boggling for me… I am so lucky that she was willing to marry me anyway, even with my obvious flaws as a man…:slight_smile:

Whats the name of the fund that Lori claims he is running?

Chris Lori is a registered CTA and fund manager for a private firm where he manages funds on behalf of private and institutional clients worldwide.

I don’t think he is trading a public fund, more a money manager.

Lol. It seems like you are thinking too much…haha

Well, not all women are like that but if they were your job is just to listen…
and listen well…that’s the best thing you can do :stuck_out_tongue:

No clue. I only know what his bio says of him.

Hahaha… Yes, that confirmed what I learned that from the move The Smurfs… (I have a four year old daughter)

Female boss to male employee: “Don’t give me what I ask, but give me what I want, or you will be fired!”

awww…that’s cute. Well, sounds like you are out numbered…lol…best of good-luck!

Thanks! I need that luck… :wink: Nah, they are great… :slight_smile: I just love it when my daughter stands up to me and put me in my place, it is so cute to see her so wise already…:slight_smile: I should stop, I can continue for hours with talking about them…:slight_smile: