

Like all the other 500-word posts on this stupid thread, your 500-word post is a waste of time for anyone who bothers to read it.

Why is his post a waste of time…? And why is this thread “stupid”?

I don’t consider this thread stupid. Its a good example of a failed “guru” which aftermath we still ponder. Like some people still wonder why Murdock did what he did. He eventually knew he’ll crash or maybe he didn’t?..

Concerning 500-word posts. I will clarify a bit - i was talking about posts which analysis one key point in my mentioned list. For example writing an essay on why he cannot show his tracked account. Or going into detail explanations about his tools. I just wanted to put all pros and cons in one list :wink: To summarize key points.

P.s. In Murdock case at least they jailed him. However ICT is still haunting other sites and still claiming his “True wisdom”. Plus we occasionally meet another of his victims who cannot rap his mind around simple, but at the same time horrifying truth that they wasted a lot of time on his material and they would need to start from beginning if they wake up.

I swore I wouldn’t contribute to this nonsense - and - I really don’t know what the thread is about - other than some guru named ICT.

But here is one fact I will share with EVERYONE - believer’s and disbelievers alike -

[B]I’ve grown 1000% as a trader - since - I’ve QUIT listening to this guy. (It was a blessing to me when he was banned so long ago)[/B]

I’m not saying he is wrong or right - -I am just saying it wasn’t for me. (and I do have a personal opinion that likely it isn’t right for anyone - – other than learning about yourself)

I guess - if you guys want to waste your time in this thread that’s your business - as you can see by my NOT taking part in the swarray - I have moved on.

I just thought my statements in bold may help someone- that’s all.

Hi Perch, good to see you, and good to know that trading is going ok.

I often wonder what is happening to all the ‘old’ posters from the past.

BTW, not so sure re the banning thing, I suspect that maybe he just left.

LOL All I have to say is why the “F” are people still wasting time posting about this psycho? He obviously has some major mental issues. Seriously. Why not spend your time reading up on something of value; like VSA :wink: This is my first post to this thread. Please let it be the last post of this thread.

Welcome to the thread! :wink:

"@ICT_MHuddleston’s tweets are protected.

Only confirmed followers have access to @ICT_MHuddleston’s Tweets and complete profile. Click the “Follow” button to send a follow request."

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

This remind me of scientology

Yeh it would be easier to follow Kim Jong what’s his name in North Korea on Twitter, probably similar actually with all the rants & threats of total destruction blah blah blah lol!

To tell the truth I still use the guys concepts to a degree, because as many say it’s pretty generic S/R, fibs, divergence etc, but what really boils my blood is his TOTAL lack of transparency.

The last video of his I watched showed his fxbook all nicely recovered, of course there’s no links & no numbers so he should have saved himself the effort & drawn a line with his pencil on a piece of toilet paper for us to marvel at… same thing really.
His excuse was something to the effect of, it’s private cause it is what it is, or something like that… whatever!

It is a bit harsh of me to make such critical comments, but after following him for a couple of years & him calling us his “B1tche$” at the end of it all, that sums up his arrogant infantile attitude, shame really cause I did learn some stuff from him.

Never mind, move on…

Wow. I’ve been trying to find some of ICT’s old material for ideas. He protects his Tweets? o_O

Here’s an idea: Don’t.

Why not? If the guy can resuse them to create something good…