If You Won 50 Million in the Lottery Would you Still Trade Forex?

I believe the vast majority of people who trade forex do so in the hope of making money. So if you suddenly find yourself with 50 million to spare would you still be trading? I would, but not to make any REAL money, I just enjoy this business of trading and testing my wits against the big bad market.


I’ve never done the lottery but if I had 50 million I wouldn’t need to worry about making more money.


Yes, I would trade for a few more years, then try to win the lottery again


Definitely. I’d turn that into $100 million in no time!


But seriously, it’s tough to say because life would probably change drastically, as well as your day to day activities.

I’d like to think I would continue on, improving on what I’ve worked so long and hard to achieve.


God is always telling me to help him by buying a ticket.


WHEN I have that kind of money to spare. I will hire traders to trade for me. I will start searching for talented, profitable traders who trade with small accounts just because they can’t afford it, yet even with small accounts still profitable overall.

My Plan is to hire them and trade, I provide them the capital, and profit share probably 70% for them 30% for me. May be it’ll change for different profit categories. When I have that amount, that’s what I’ll do.


If I had that much money, I’d quit my job, set all my EAs loose on real accounts and keep developing them along with my AI ideas as a hobby. This would be for fun rather than money and I wouldn’t risk much.

I’d probably spend a few months doing nothing first though


No i wouldn’t trade anymore. I would just live of dividends.


Sure. I trade 1million. Forex trading would be my expensive hobby at that point! :sunglasses:

Absolutely not! If I won a whopping 50 million in the lottery, I’d probably be sipping tropical drinks on a private beach, surrounded by palm trees and a team of butlers.


Bro you are the GOAT

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it might look funny but yes i will
i will not use my 50 millions of course i just trade with 2000-3000 lev to have trading in my life
it learned and learns me a lot, it really helps me to make better decision
also i think it makes me excitement so i will do it always

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Sure, I would. I continue trading, and no matter how much money I have, I keep doing it.

I enjoy trading and am constantly trying to learn more about it. So, if I gain millions, I will continue trading.

Oh boy, totally! Why wouldn’t I, in fact, thats all I would do on any given day. I’d build myself the perfect set-up at home, great monitors, maybe even great terminals to watch the markets. Obviously the first thing I would do is set-up an infrastructure in a way that me and my family will be financially secure no matter what, I’d invest in all the real assets, dividend bringing, income making things and so on. I’d trade with what’s left.

Imagine being able to do what you really like and enjoy without any worries, time constraints et cetera. Your psychology will be much much better. And with a better psychology, you could achieve so many things in a better, more relaxed, calm and collected way.


I would with a $1 000 000 accont I will never lose in the long run.

Trading is definitely for you if you are confident in that. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah…I’ll Stop Trading Forex For Money And start trading Forex for the Psychology Benefits.Forex’s a two edged Sword.Good and Bad :v:t2:

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I will just chill out once I have this opportunity and won’t trade anymore because trading is a pain.