If youre having a bad day (not trading related), do you still trade?

Very good advice.

but you might lose money making bad decisions vs job where you will still get paid to do whatever it is if not too difficult.

It’s a tough call. Trading with a distracted or negative mindset can lead to poor decisions. Taking a break to sort out personal issues might be a good idea. Your mental well-being is crucial for successful trading.

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Other than taking a break, I recommend you guys do some of these activities to boost your trading.


This is a good way of looking at it too. That it must be REALLY bad for you not to be able to focus on trading Kind of in the same vein as what @THE_GOATE wrote.

Personally, I take a step back and give myself a breather. Clear mind = better trading decisions.

How long do you usually give it?

Not anymore. My advice. Best way is to avoid any external potential negativity from Mon - Fri 00:00 -23:59

Yeah, because it helps me to distract from this bad day.
Even though I realize the negative impact of different bad things during the day on trading, but I presume that when you plunge headlong into trading it helps to forget about different thigns ocurred during the day.
At least it works out for me, I don’t believe it may suit everybody because we all have different mindset, temper and behaviour.

Nah, on rough days, I skip trading. My emotions and financial decisions don’t mix well, you know?

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Oh, I’ve been there. I usually take a step back from trading. It’s super important to be in the right headspace. If I’m distracted or upset, I know I won’t make the best decisions. So, yeah, I’d probably sit it out and wait until I’m feeling more centered. Better safe than sorry, right? Take care of yourself first! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yeah, same. When I’m having a rough day, I normally avoid to trade.

i think in 95percent of cases i do not trade
i know how a bad mood can ruin my trades so i try my best to avoid it

If family issues or conflicts are messing with your head, it’s probably a good idea to take a break from trading for a bit. Emotions can mess with your judgment, and trading requires a clear mind.

Its advised to not trade when I am under stress or pressure, so I dont.

If you need judgement in Ur open trade,you are in danger

On days when I’m not feeling my best, I’ve learned it’s better to step back from trading. Previously, I tried to push through regardless of my mood, but this often clouded my judgment. Now, I prioritize mental clarity over the urge to trade every day…

I’m having a bad day if I can’t trade.

If family or work conflicts are affecting you, it might be wise to take a break from trading. Clear mind, better decisions.

During times of personal stress or conflict, I prefer to pause my trading activities. I feel that it helps to avoid decisions clouded by emotions.

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