iForex indicies and crypto for long-term trading

If I’m a bot, then hwo can you explain this huh?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The guy accused Babypips of botfarming as far as I’m concerned🤦‍♂️ I have nothng to say about it

Not sure if it’s possible at babypips in the first place. I am sure that the moderation system here is the strictest. I saw some guy was banned just becaseu he created several similar topics.

Ah, those babypips allegations are ridiculous. I can’t name myself regular here but this is one of the best trading forums. Especially for new traders.

At least this guy distracted us a litle bit from the routine of the financial markets lol
Somtimes I really ned to step out and not think about charts, halving, Bitcoin ETF and stuff😮‍💨

Luckily I don’t buy all the coins short term, so I don’t have to follow the charts constanlty 24/7.
But there are some interesting things going on right now.
I am wondering why the hell bitcoin and ethereum took off like a rocket, whereas XRP or Ltc is chilling in the bottom.
Probably there are some fundamentals that i have no idea about.

Probably?! You must been living under the rock or something. There was a huge boost when the Bitcoin ETF news saw the light.
Since then some of the coins blasted off, and Bitcoin too, as a crypto flag bearer:D
Follow the news man

I took into account your advice and things got a bit more favorable :slight_smile:
I check the news published on Investing and sometimes read financial media, and yeah, how’s recent bitcoin rally to ya? folks say it has a potential to reach $100k, but it’s quite dubious, idk why,

Glad you followed the advice, news checking is important especially since you play long and don’t buy coins short term.
Bitcoin… ah. that s the hottest thing in info field today. $100k? when the price broke out the last resistance level I started to believe in these guesses, since there’s obvious uptrend, it’s touhg to say something may poteentially hold back the price.

Yep… since the end of the Feb the price has gained momentum and there are no signs the movement can be broken.
There were a couple of slight pullbacks on 5th March and 12th March, but it was because of asset’s overbought as i think. We’re gonna observe.

There are tons of interesting things happening recent times, yeah? Token 2049, BTC halving, surges of cocoa prices, Middle East tensions… I was keeping an eye on all of them to reap the benefits and had no time to come over this thread ;D
I believe it’s better to wrap up our conversation since as I see… there few of us left active here.

sure, man, I also have no time since I am busy with a lot of hassle around me nowadays. I even missed BTC halving imagine that? I just figured out the next Monday after having that the BTC didn’t react to halving drastically against the forecasts. I reckon it will be a very gradual price fall.
thanks for discussing many interesting things that have impacted my trading results :wink:

You’re welcome! I am sure we will meet again, so see you on the other side =)

P.S. Support your idea about gradual price decrease. Surprisingly the price broke out a couple of levels even after halving and started to rise a bit to $67k, but it’s a temporary effect I believe. Or maybe I am wrong, dunno, man…

It’s interesting to hear your perspective on the price movements post-halving! What factors do you think contributed to the temporary rise to $67k? And what indicators are you looking at to assess whether this upward trend is sustainable or indeed just a temporary effect?

Lol, I thought this place is already abandoned.
But thanks for the question!=) I suppose that the situation with BTC after halving can be explained by the overall hype around the coin, hence, there were big volumes and huge players pushed the price forward even though, there were assumptions that after halving the price would fall up to $50k level. Obviously, those who have lotta coins in the stash didn’t want to have the price dropped to $50k level, lmao.
I utilized classical kit of indicators such as MA and RSI. Also, I checked helluva macroeconomic data.

Hey, bro, nice to meet you again, but I guess the question was for me :DDD
NVM, thank you for sharing your opinion on that situation with btc halving. And yeah, your kit of indicators is rly classical, I’d say - unbeatable XD

I tracked only macroeconomic data, as BTC price is super sensitive to it. I pretty much share your opinion, th overall hype and guys with fat pockets did their thang.