I'm going Pro, giving the day job up and living the dream, any advice?

Good luck buddy! It is just about having faith in yourself. I ma sure you will make. The first step is the hardest. No one sees journey just the end, you will have many critics and bumps but in the end who dares wins.

Thank you so much man, exactly its to easy never to try. but nothing ventured nothing gained.

My Motto is ā€œvictoria non praedaā€

victory not loot, basically focus on being right and winning and not on how much you will gain, master the art and money will come.



When you are ready to go PRO, you just know itā€¦ After years of partial trading besides a day job etc you just know when the day has come. There is something to it that is personal and happens to those who try long enough and never give up. NO matter what everybody else says or advice you to, it is what lies within you that mattersā€¦

No good luck from meā€¦luck is for gamblersā€¦

BUTā€¦ congratulations on stepping up and I wish you a fantastic journey :slight_smile:

So Darth. Have you started yet and if so how are you going? Will you be posting updates? Also any clues on what you are doing to be successful?

Yeah, how you doing so far? How has the experience been so far?

If you are confident about your trading skills and if you are making profit and earning more that your present job then its a good decision, but do consider every aspect as its a very big decision.

So after taking a week to fund my accounts and set it all up yesterday was my first day. And to be truthful a bad start. But i put to much pressure on myself. And today Iā€™ve relaxed and doing much better.



Strange experience Iā€™m not used to enjoying my work lol

[QUOTE=ā€œdarthfrancis;700584ā€] So after taking a week to fund my accounts and set it all up yesterday was my first day. And to be truthful a bad start. But i put to much pressure on myself. And today Iā€™ve relaxed and doing much better. 'best darth[/QUOTE]

Hi Darth,

Itā€™s good to know you started your first day. And I wanted to go pro too.

Iā€™ve tried also not to keep looking at the charts all the time because it is very addictive. Itā€™s hard for me but Iā€™m also trying to accomplish avoiding watching the charts all the time.

What do you do to feel relaxed?


Wing chun. But being a dad and a trader donā€™t get much time for much else.



Small world, thereā€™s a lot of us around.

its awesome did a 4 hours seminar on sunday ( no breaks only to get some water), could barely lift me arms the next day lol.

Plenty of Chi Sau or Luk Sau by the sound of it :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=ā€œeddieb;701037ā€] Plenty of Chi Sau or Luk Sau by the sound of it :)[/QUOTE]

I want to learn it too

there was plenty of everything. lol



In the spirit of community, ā€œGood luck, and congratulationsā€. I look forward to starting a similar thread in a few yearsā€¦

Any updates dartfrancis?

How was your week? :slight_smile:

good, being a full time trader iā€™ve had to change my approach as i forgot a few important things namely self coaching, the power of postive reinforcement. had to go back to mr small account as iā€™m looking for a decent trade copier program/ea to trade 2 accounts at the same time. until then i wonā€™t be able to use my big accounts.

but iā€™m definitely back in the saddle :wink:



just to let you guys know iā€™ve havenā€™t been doing too well. i seem to be struggling with discipline. or lack of it. any advice?

Hi Darth,

To directly nswer your question I will give you expreince rather than advise. I think Discipline is the approach if you want to trade for a living. You need to have a planned and patient approach. Emotion will KILL you here! So in my experience I have in life as well as in work an agenda you might call it like in life, I get up every morning, pray and do a little meditation to get centered. I can think clearer and can now plan responses rather than react to them emotionally. (Well, thats the goalā€¦losing money is ALWAYS emotional for me!)

In trading its kind of the same and I am not new to trading but I am new to Forex and when I dont take the time to practice patience and trade because Im feeling this is a good setup (and it prob is) I will make newbie mistakes like not setting up my stop loss and so now I have turned the entire day into a fiasco of waiting and watching and wasting time when I could be doing other things. So anyway its about the small Ƥgenda"for meā€¦consistency is my goal.