I'm going Pro, giving the day job up and living the dream, any advice?

Hello Darth,

Perhaps a break for a day or two might help. Relax, have a massage or go for a swim and get a good night sleep. Not sure if this works for you but it does for me. After that its back to the old routine, plan your trade and trade your plan. I try to keep it as simple, and focused as possible.

Good luck, hope my answer is of any benefit

no its good thank you. my trading plan has been in my head but decided printing it in big letters in front of me might help ;-p

You should see my roomā€¦the walls are filled with tables, rules, remindersā€¦somehow i love it

Did you quit your job and ā€˜go proā€™ before you had a proven trading plan in place that had successfully earned you money for over a 12 month period?

Hi DarthFrancis!

You have just leaped into the business which most of the people dream to be in full time but because of the fear hesitate to get into it full time. I would say that all the best for you and since you said you are a scalper, be very much sure of trading discipline and keep going.

personally i would not quit a good decently paid job until i had [U]atleast[/U] 6mths experiance of trading a real account profitably under my belt, ā€¦depending on the paid job and my circumstances i may decide that that i want 12 months under belt.

it is a tricky one though. depending on his trading style, his hours of work, and time of day his setups tend to appear ā€¦having a job may really be stifyling his progress as well as profits.

but if he quit a decently paid job without a minimum of 6 profitable months under his belt on a real account, i do think this was a bit prematureā€¦

i lost my job i was made redundant. but have years of experience and this was a window of opportunity to go pro. i had to take it. but no i not successfully but thats not the trading plans fault its my mindest. but this time to spend every moment has made me a better trader.

yeah maybe so, but when life throughs you lemons time to make lemonade. mmm. if it didnā€™t try to do this now i would have regretted my whole life and thats a life unfullfilled. and iā€™m down but far from out. iā€™ve forgotten alot and after going through some old stuff plus trading a big account well it f***ed me up a bit as i had some tech issues that ended up costing me big time but most was my own doing.

I agree with. I didnā€™t know your full circumstances before but if you are unemployed right now, now would be an ideal oppertunity to give it try. I am a person who would rather try and loose [and be propper skint for a while], then go into another desk job [or boring job that i care nothing for], i just hope you have a backup plan incase it doesnā€™t go your way [eg: an alternative source of income whilst you are trading to help support yourself, or enough savings to live on for a while]

thanks for the vote of the confidence, yeah iā€™ve got savings and a medical pension theats helps a bit. also with my skills i think it wouldnā€™t take me long to find empolyment and get a half decent wage but i believe i can do this.

When you said you were going pro, I thought that it was after years of experience trading and proving your system works. Its not even a matter of months, it is years that you have to be testing your strategy, discipline and patience over and over again, without quitting your day job. Then after all those years and earning enough in Forex to support yourself, then you may go ahead and say you are going pro. You cannot call yourself a pro, not yet.

well iā€™ve gone pro as i do this professional meaning its my job. just to add iā€™m doing better now.


Hi Darth, Do you know anyone who is making constant profits scalping and if so over what period of time? It would be interesting to hear from others on this forum if they know anyone too.

Hello Goforextra

My experience of scalping: It is possible to Constantly make profits scalping ranging from 0.1% daily to 0.5% daily risking only 0.2-0.4% of your cap. I tried risking 1-2% and it was possible to double that and make 1-2% daily constantly on small time frames of 1-5 minutes or slightly bigger time frames of 15-30 min. Once i entered with 10% of my cap (by mistake) and ended the say 11% growth in Cap. Since it was a mistake and outside the scope of MM i try not to make that mistake again.

What i dont like about scalping is the amount of time and focus needed behind the screen. Everynow and then scalping can be fun but not the usual way to trade for myself.

Thanks for your reply Oceanmen. That is what I thought too much time watching the screen. There must be easier ways to make 5% plus per month. Judging by the response to my question, so far seems like nobody can claim to be a professional scalper.

Trust me, forex trading business has the potential of making money which no other work or business can provide. But for this one needs to be strong minded and have good discipline which can help them to succeed in the forex trading business.

I wish you all the best. Just be strong minded and develop or use the existing strategy which suits your portfolio and trading style. Never quit from the discipline which can help you survive in the forex market for long and make good money. Control your negative emotions.

What sort of trading strategy are you going to be using to trade full time?

my mentor made 10-50% daily scalping. trying to follow in his footsteps.


i said i was going pro i donā€™t think iā€™ve called myself a pro? did i. correct me if i did.



scalping m1 and m5 using PA and trading the h4.