I'm trying out the HLHB system!

no riarose I’m not full time trader but trading is a serious job and needs enough commitment

I was in that trade too closed with -21

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Hi Ria, magandang hapon from the Ranch and Estate.

I have a couple of suggestions.

  1. Get hold of your emotions, too much emotion can lead to a big deflation later. Along with this remove the word “Hope” from your trading vocabulary, hoping changes nothing and can lead to a false sense of something, I have known of traders who pray during a trade, ummmm well, I kinda think if one is religious, prayer should be limited to spiritual and personal growth, by the way it never works out for these folks, then they not only feel like failures, but they feel like their deity has abandoned them, no bueno. We cannot allow ourselves to get to high or too low, if you don’t nip this in the Bud now, you will have even more trouble later on.

Think of when you go to the market in Sultan Kudarat, if you buy a hat, and you bargain the price, I doubt you are jumping up and down with joy when you buy it, its just a hat. That is how you have to see each trade, a business transaction. Not your whole “Soul On A Roll”, just a business transaction.

  1. If you can afford it, please pick up a copy of Dr Elders latest book, if you can’t afford it your library might have one, or his first book even that would be good.

  2. Read through my couch thread, it will help you see things as they are. We humans like to see things as we would like them to be, and in many circumstances in life this is a good thing, it is just not helpful in trading.

  3. Try looking at the Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis, thread by the Gator, see if your trades line up with his analysis, or vice versa, if there is a weakness see if the trend catcher follows this weakness, it might be worth your time.

The Ever Hoping For Your Success VIPER

Liber8 _bob

Oh Just In Case for those of you north of Orlando


Hello @ria_rose,

I think one of the limitations of the HLHB system is to catch short term trends, this is good if the trader can
spend time watching charts but in my specific case usually I’m missing signals because I was working or some trends just reverse meanwhile I’m sleeping.

I try to open trades in the morning and then follow up with the mobile app in the office from time to time.

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Hello @TradeViper,

What is the name of your thread?


Hey A, you got me just before gitten to bed :wink:

The Ever Ready For The Arms Of Morpheus VIPER

Liber8 _bob

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Hello @TradeViper,

Thanks for the quick answer I will read the thread

Magandang hapon @TradeViper! :smiley: Haha. Always makes me smile when you try to speak in Filipino. :stuck_out_tongue: Haha. :slight_smile:

Yeah. :frowning: I guess this has always been my weakness. :open_mouth: I sometimes get too invested and end up letting my emotions get the best of me. :sweat: I perfectly understand what you’re trying to say and I’ll really try to control mu emotions better! :smiley: I’ll toughen up a bit. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll keep these in mind TV! :smiley: And I’ll check out your thread too. :blush: Thank you so much for your tips! :smiley: I really realllyyyy appreciate it! :blush: I also hope for your continuous trading success! :smile:

Yeah. :sweat: I ended with -24 on that one. :frowning:

Yeah. :frowning: I also think that. :open_mouth: I think Huck’s working on improving the system so it could also catch short trends and she’ll probably let us know if she does promising tweaks to the system. :smiley: I guess for us, it’s really best to close all trades before we go to sleep to avoid ending up in the red. :sweat_smile:

Nice thread you have here :slight_smile:
I am looking forward for your work on this system,

Hi pioter
the weekly results are very different. previous week was good and finished in green but this week in red
how long are you testing it ?

Hi guuuys! :smiley: Happy Wednesday! :blush: It was my birthday week so I was really busy meeting with my friends and family! :sweat_smile: BUT I’M BACK NOW. :smiley: Haha.

Just checked my charts this morning and it looks like I missed a really good upward trend for both GBP and EUR. :frowning:

Those could have been really good pips!!! :cold_sweat: As Dennis also mentioned in his thread, it seems like we’re back to ranging markets now. :thinking: I just have to keep monitoring my charts and indicators.

Were you guys able to catch this trend? :smiley: How was iiiit huhu

Hi guuuuys! :smiley: I haven’t been able to update this thread for a while. :sweat_smile: Sorry about that. :open_mouth: But, I’ll try to demo trade more. :smiley:

I’m now watching GBPUSD and waiting for the indicators to meet the criteria of the system. :smiley:

Ooooh. So close! Huhu. :sweat_smile:
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing trading week ahead! :smiley:

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I got in at this one (although a bit later than I would have wanted). :sweat_smile: :smiley: But right now, I went LONG @ 1.28669. :smiley:

Still looking good on the GBPUSD guys. :smiley: I’m still up trying to decide when I’d close my position: whether I’d leave it since it’s showing potential or close it just to be safe :thinking: :thinking:

Good morning everyooone! :blush: So just an update on my GBPUSD trade yesterday I left it open and although the market changed direction, I was still able to grab 10 pips from it. :smiley:

Now, I’m watching my GBP chart again and waiting for my 10 EMA to cross my 5 EMA before I put in a short position. :smile:

I’m also currently long for USDJPY @ 111.172. :smiley:

How are you guys today? :slight_smile:

I closed my USDJPY position @ 111.247 with just 7 pips. :slight_smile: Still better than nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:

hi ria
I replaced RSI & ADX with Money Index Flow( level 50) . seems better
I didn’t take any of your trades as they’re against the current trend of H1

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Hello M! :smiley: :smiley: What’s the Money Index Flow? Huhu. :open_mouth: Not sure if I’ve heard of it before. :confused: How do you use it?