I'm trying out the HLHB system!

The HLHB system is off to a great start this 2019!

Do you have an idea as to when you’ll start trading live @ria_rose?

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Thank youuuu @baemax023! :smiley: Hahaha. Had to stay away for a bit to avoid overtrading since I had a really good week last week. :sweat_smile:

Yes it is! :blush: Hahaha. So exciting! :smiley: Makes me think that 2019 will really be a good year for me and my trading. :smiley: I’m actually looking into this thing called “trade expectancy” (?) to hopefully help me measure the effectiveness of the system. :open_mouth: If ever I end up with good profit within like 3 months, I’d probably go live then. :smiley: OMG Haha. I’m still trying to figure it out though. :thinking: How about you @purtle? :smiley: Have you gone live?

Helloooooo! :blush: How are you all doing? :blush: My past couple of trades have been very exciting so I decided to kinda step back just to make sure I don’t overtrade due to excitement. :stuck_out_tongue: Haha. But, anyway, I’m back and I’m now checking my charts! :smiley:

Oooh. :open_mouth: Look at that. Hmm. I wish I was able to hop in as price was just starting to move up. :open_mouth: But, I guess it’s too late for me now? I’m gonna wait for it to move the other direction. :open_mouth: Hopefully soon!

Hi guuuuys. :smiley: Happy Friday! :blush: I hope the week was fun and amazing for you guys cause it has been for me! :blush:

I currently have open positions right now but I’d say things are still pretty unstable atm. :open_mouth: I mean, I’m not yet confident that I’d end up with profits today. :sweat_smile: Anyway, here’s my GBPUSD chart:

I went short @ 1.31055. Right now, I’m 20 pips in the green, but price seems to be pretty erratic. :open_mouth:

What do you guys think of this? I have to check out news regarding this pair to see if there might be anything big coming up. :nerd_face:

Oh. AND I WAS RIGHT GUYS! :cold_sweat: While I was typing my post, I checked and I’m down to 12 pips. :open_mouth: Wow. That was fast. Huhu. Let’s see how this trade turns out. (Hopefully still in the green. :crossed_fingers:)

For EURUSD, you guys can see that my RSI went above 50 so I went long @ 1.13248. This is yet again a trade that I have to keep an eye on if I don’t want to lose so much. :sweat_smile:

My GBPUSD position’s back up at 31 pips. :crossed_fingers: Looks like I really have to keep a close watch on my chart. :open_mouth:

We had an emergency over here and I ended up getting stopped out with just 10 pips for my GBPUSD trade. :open_mouth: I’m kinda sad that I wasn’t able to close the trade earlier, but I guess, I should be happy that I still didn’t end up in the red. :blush:

On the other hand, price is going up for my EURUSD long position. :smiley: I plan to close this soon since I’m gonna go out with my family tonight. :sweat_smile: Right now though, I’m at 20 pips. :smiley:

Looks like I need to go now. :open_mouth: So I’m closing my position @ 1.13409 with 16 pips. :smiley:

Good night guuuuys! :blush: Have a happy weekend! :blush:


I actually have lol. Just gathering all the courage I have to put together a trading journal like what you’ve done here. Hoping I don’t blow it all out in 2 weeks lol


OMG! :smile: I’m soooo excited for you! Huhu. Good luck on your trading! I’m looking forward to your journal! :blush:

Hello guuuuys! :blush: Happy Mondaaay! :smiley: How were your weekends? I hope you all were able to rest well. :blush:

Anyway, I’m looking at my charts right now, still waiting for a good position. :thinking: Looks like I was a bit late for both EURUSD and GBPUSD. :sweat_smile: Prices have already gone way past my indicators. :open_mouth:

Oooh. :smiley: Looks like GBPUSD price is starting to go down. :smiley: I’ll wait until price goes below my 50 RSI before jumping in though. :smiley: I’ll watch over this pair for now!

We’ve finally touched 50 RSI! :smiley: But, I’m not in a rush anyway so I’ll wait for it to go below. :smiley:

One of your problems Ria is you are trading against the dominant trend. Take a look at the daily. Look back to your completed trades. Were you more successful when you traded with the trend? Just trying to give you a helping hand here. I love the refreshing excitement and honesty of your posts. Really hope you become successful!


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OMG. Thank you so much for dropping by my thread @tonymand. :blush: And thank you for your wise words. :blush: I’m honored to have you here, and I’m really flattered to hear those from you. :smiley:

Hmm. :thinking: I checked my most successful trades and compared my positions to the daily trend, and it seems like I snatch bigger profits when I trade against the overall daily trend. :confused: Hmm. I guess that’s just because I usually close my positions before the end of the day. :open_mouth: BUT, I will definitely keep this in mind! :smiley: I’ll see if this kind of trading works for me. :slight_smile:

I do have a question, though. :open_mouth: I’m not really sure how to determine the “dominant” trend. Does it depend on the time frame? :open_mouth: Like, for example, you have a downtrend on the hourly chart, but an uptrend on a daily, the dominant trend is upward? :smiley: Thank you soooo much! :blush:

The trends can be very different on different timeframes and depending how you look at the chart but in general the answer to your question is yes. Take a look at the weekly. We have had 3 weeks of HH and HL therefore up along with the daily. But you might also say it is oscillating between 1.26 and 1.32. Incidentally, since your counter-trend moves are successful you are right to ask why and see if you can tie that down a bit more. For instance this pair is at a strong Weekly (but not monthly) resistance so maybe you will catch the move away from 1.32 before it makes another run at this area or maybe it goes through or is rejected back to 1.26. Oh the ambiguity of trading - you have to love it!


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