I'm trying out the HLHB system!

yes today is boring … but after the run of jpy is ok… I had a good trade )

Haha! :smiley: Good for you then. :blush: I guess, for now, we could just relax and wait until our indicators hit the system’s criteria. :smiley:

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I guess today’s another slow day. :sweat_smile: Or I might have missed a move. Huhu. :frowning:

I’m watching a possible move for GBPUSD. :smiley: Just waiting til my indicators hit the criteria. :smiley:

How are you guys doing? :)) I initially wanted to just focus on GBP and EUR since I felt like it would be too overwhelming to include JPY. :sweat_smile: But, since the markets don’t seem as active, I might check the possible trades for yen too. :slight_smile:

i hope you’re not trading it with real funds, ria_rose, without having backtested it first to learn whether it actually has an edge?!

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Hi @flamingoproxy! :smiley: Haha. Thank you for the concern! :blush: Don’t worry 'cause I’m still on demo. :stuck_out_tongue: Tbh, I’m also still trying to save enough money to go live. Haha. :smiley: Hopefully before the year ends. Huhu. :sweat_smile:

Hi @ria_rose and you other guys!

Yes, as far as EU is concerned it has been a rather bumpy, going nowhere week. I’ve been a bit pre-occupied elsewhere but I have been in the market and I am putting this here just to prove that nasty things also happen to us veterans too, and is not just with Newbies! :smiley: :smiley:

I sold EU yesterday morning (my timezone) after some rather negative chart indications on most TFs. I put my stop “safely” above the recent highs about 30+ pips away, thinking that if it takes out that level then I don’t want to be short any more (arrow + rectangle on charts.) Next time I look all is going smugly well with a break through 1.1700 level. Yep this is going good!!!

Next time I look the market has shot up, taken out my stop by a few pips from the very peak, and promptly collapsed back to where I entered my position! I am sure I could see my charts grinning sarcastically at me!! :D:D

Well, this is exactly the " all part of the business" part of being a trader, and all one can do is look what the charts are now saying. Well, being such a sharp spike, nothing had changed on the charts, they were still negative, and there was no choice but to reinstate that short position.

Believe me, in such a situation, fresh from a stop out like that, it is as much a gut-wrenching situation for a veteran as it is for a Newbie just to go back into the market with the same trade and in the same direction! But I did.

Then, sometimes, even in forex, there is some justice for the persistent, disciplined trader, I closed that short just a few pips from the low (with my broker, anyway) just above the 1.1650 “psycho-support”

So I got whacked with a 30+ pip loss and recovered with a 60+ pip gain. I can live with that! :slight_smile:

But it only serves to underline what I feel about trading in the summer months. It is often better just to grab those pips when they appear and not anticipate big trends. Sure, they can still happen, but I haven’t often seen that in the holiday season. Maybe that is an interesting area to do some research on the HLHB approach…

I haven’t been looking in here much this week but I can’t see any replies from Huck…Has she abandoned the thread after saying “hello”? That would be a serious disappointment for me, anyway! :frowning:


Hi mate… this week I had not so much time… I trade only the first movement on JPY … let see next week…

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Here’s the link to Huck’s summary for last week. Seems you are now famous @ria_rose"! :slight_smile:

It is always a good habit to check and compare your own signals and actions during the previous week with Huck’s report in order to check your understanding of the method and, if you work with some variations on the main rules, then how you compared with the “real thing”! :slight_smile:


I only traded EU but, in accordance with my own variation on this, I was on the short side all week and it was a modestly profitable EU week.

There is surely room for some kind of change here to avoid sitting with a position in a market that has clearly changed direction through to when it eventually hits its stop?


Thanks for sharing this @anon46773462! :blush: This happens to me a lot! :sweat_smile: And I gotta admit that sometimes, it really just ruins my day. :frowning: (I know I’m not losing ACTUAL money haha but it just makes me sad especially if I came in confident with my trade. :P) But yeah, I guess it’s really just part of being a trader. :slight_smile: PLUS, you ended up with 60+ pips so that’s still such a good trade! :smiley:

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Happy happy monday guuuuys! :smiley: Haha. So I have two positions open right now. :slight_smile: I was so eager to get into the market again that I kinda jumped right in when my indicators matched the system’s criteria. Haha. :sweat_smile:

For GBP, I went long @ 1.32409.

And for EUR, I also went long @ 1.16862

Do any of you guys trade OANDA? :slight_smile: I just noticed that they also changed the format. Haha. Or is this something that I could change too since I kinda like the old format better. :smile: I missed you guys over the weekend! :blush: Haha. I hope we all have super amazing weeks!


HAHAHAHA OMG!!! :smile: :smile: It’s actually thanks to you guys and your opinions that this thread even got noticed. Hahaha. :blush:

Yeah. :frowning: I’ve been thinking about that too. :thinking: Like, I want to really test the system so I want to stick to the rules etc. But it’s also hard to watch a trade where the market’s obviously changed its direction. :thinking:


[quote=“ria_rose, post:111, topic:156573”]
I was so eager to get into the market again that I kinda jumped right in when my indicators matched the system’s criteria. Haha. :sweat_smile:

For GBP, I went long @ 1.32409.
And for EUR, I also went long @ 1.16862 [/quote]

I also saw both these signals on Friday afternoon, but I really don’t understand why they did not show up in @Huck’s report for last week. According to that, she ended the week with no position in EU and a continued short in GU. I don’t see what I am reading wrong that I would have been, like you, long on both from Friday? (It is really beginning to bother me that I am seeing different signals!!!). She also has my sympathy for the stoploss on that EU long! It was apparently stopped out at 1.1609 - which must have been just about the lowest level for the entire week before rising up again, because my two broker accounts only show a low of 1.1612 and 1.1613!!! That is really depressing when that happens…

Actually, I didn’t leave any trade open over the weekend because of the Trump/Putin meeting here in Finland today…and with Mr Trump’s hostile comments towards anything EU, it would have been an open risk.

Although GU is still positive this morning, I am watching that 4H 200 SMA. You can see below that it held well after the GU sell last week and we are again approaching it from below - will it hold yet again or will we break through it this time?!! On the other hand we are above the Fri close and the Friday daily pivot. So I am waiting for a break of one or other of these regions before entering GU.

EU is also still looking positive on the 1H system, but I am a bit nervous of going long yet since the longer TFs are still a bit flat/ negative and it is Monday morning…My own variation on this system has also given a buy signal except for one key criterion which is still saying “not yet, baby” - but it is looking good so far this morning…

So I am cowardly sidelined, waiting for an all-clear.

GU 1H chart: note the earlier tests of the 4-hour 200 SMA blue line last week (in the rectangle):


Well, here we are, we made it up to that 4H 200 SMA. As far as the HLHB system is concerned, all is looking ok and is indicating some strength - will we break though it this time…


Looks like GU is really struggling with this zone. Note the RSI is threatening to cross back to the negative side and price is now back to where we closed last Friday…

EU is not looking quite so soft but is hardly setting me alight with enthusiasm either. Although all the techs are (mildly) positive the PA is really dull today. Bearing in mind this latest move started last Friday around 1.1666 I am not going to enter it now ( I did buy earlier but ditched it with a few pips profit due to lack of follow-through and the fact that we are enjoying a 30 deg+ heatwave here at the moment!! :smiley: )

Being ultra-conservative on trading I am going to skip a late entry into either of these and wait for the next signal - even though it means digging out the push bike this week whilst the ferrari stays in the garage :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


That got me to thinking @anon46773462 - I went back and looked myself up ! - Joined Sept 28 last year, so After the “don’t come back 'til labour day” part of “Sell in May and go away” saying.

So I’ve never actually been through a summer on Forex ! - I think you may be right - perhaps there is some merit for those who like their "Backtesting to split the year up into the “main year” and the “Holiday season” - see whether there is any advantage to trading just one tranche of the year, or switching styles perhaps in the summer ? - as you observe :sunglasses:

Anyway - looking back at GU, the big move started on 17 April, so in theory too early - and it went down 700 pips by May 2 so one could say either “well that saying doesn’t work then !” - Or a more cynical person than I might say - "Well perhaps they all shorted it to go down over those 2 weeks so they could pay for their holidays ? " - So down 700 pips in a frtnight and then not really doing very much for the last 10 weeks !

I guess it will be easy enough to see whether they “Buy it all back again” come September and push it back up as a nice bonus for themselves to start the new trading year ! (the “Brexit negotiations” should be ripening around then to give the analysts a nice little “Reason” perhaps ?) I know in the “Days of the Dow” we used to get quite nervous around that time - (seeming to note a pattern that mostly, historical crashes came seemed to come around then )

Certainly I’m finding it hard to find entries on the system we are studying for GU - The prospects of finding a 400 pip move using a 150 pip SL are looking quite challenging at the moment. I can only see that with any conviction on the upside, although I am wondering whether that principle might be a little too “Cast in stone” to apply across all pairs ? EURUSD seems to make bigger pip moves and it might be more achievable there perhaps ?

I’m sure the principles of this system do have a place and since I have always strucggled “getting in on trends” I’m finding it educational even though it goes against my natural “bent”.

I did manage to get a “Back of an envelope trade” this (yesterday now) morning at 1.3252 with aTP at 1.3283 - but I was going out so I left a Stop in place at 1.3210 and came back to a 30 pip “pretend profit” - but in reality that was not based on the system, I could just “Hear the harpy song” of 1.3285 as a previous high and played it.

As you said “Grabbing a few pips”

I’ll try and get a “proper entry” tomorrow - but the weather is forecast cooler, so I have a load of Outside jobs which need doing, so I might get distracted by the need to open the gate and the like !

As you said that “friday trade” was a clear entry but I too lost my nerve on that - what with Mr Trump stamping all over Europe at the weekend and Mrs May getting knocked from pillar to post, it all seemed just too risky !

It’s well into Asia here and it’s sitting 1.3234 like it’s nailed there, so I expect we’ll get a move tomorrow perhaps.

Happy pipping today folks :grinning:


Hi @anon46773462 thanks for sharing your comments are really helpful!

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This is exactly what I see as the current problem with this method if one uses it as a mechanical system. There may well be overall moves exceeding 400 pips but when the market moves relatively slowly this kind of move is unlikely to be “in a straight line”. So when one uses such short-term MA’s as 5- and 10- periods on a short term TF like 1H then the crossovers are very likely to throw you out of the move before it has reached its full potential. Thus there is the risk that it is fragmenting the overall trend - that is, if there is a trend!

The impact of this potential fragmentation of an underlying trend is that the system starts to respond to reverse signals and trailing stops rather than hitting targets. This is disturbing because, as everyone knows, any MA crossover system using crossovers for both entry and exits is going to fail, and trailing stops give back too much of any earlier gain.

One other reason why maybe the bigger/faster trend moves are not so frequent could be the current policy of Central Banks to manage economies and inflation pressures via small, iterative interest rate moves. If the expectations are usually in the region of 0.25% changes then that is no driver for big moves. I think this is one reason why even NFP does not produce the same impact as a few years back.

Brexit, of course, has its own, unique impact at present on both the Euro and the pound and it is difficult to compare with earlier years for seasonal implications. But we did comment on another thread how markets die whenever the US is on holiday, which may well indicate the impact of the large volume of short-term speculative trading. So, we could certainly suspect that when it comes to currency dealing, whenever the US goes fishing the rest of the world stands still.

Personally, I think this HLHB system might work better on a 4H TF, but I know Huck did try that for a while and, even though it did produce good results, she felt that the 1H might be more productive.

But here I am waffling on again…

I am seriously thinking that I shouldn’t really be contributing to this thread as I am not a “purist” in following the HLHB criteria and I am not looking to trade a mechanical system. But I do like MAs and MA-based methods and Huck has been using this since at least 2015 - and its pedigree can be traced way back even to 2009! That is quite a history.

But I don’t want to be a “negatve” influence here and since Huck herself does not seem interested in answering any queries about her system that we may have, then I think I shouldn’t be commenting on it!

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Completely agreed with you… i use this system for intraday… it give good results , personally I close half position end of the day and the rest run with sl to breakeven…

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I think this is a good seasonal approach ( I noticed Dennis is thinking the same on his SW thread).

I bought EU this morning on the basis that there might be some heavy issues in the US today after M Trump’s visit here yesterday, which is not good for the USD, and since the EU HLHB is still in plus territory…but it is a day-trade and has got off to a good start, Anything could happen as the day progresses, but it is not a large position and I’ve already just moved my stop up…

TBH, it is more a case of just having something to look at rather than a serious commitment to a potential move :slight_smile: I start getting withdrawal symptoms after 2 days without a trade! :smiley: :smiley:

))))) me to long on EU

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