Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Sounds simple enough, but if it were that way, there would be many more people making money in forex. A method can produce both winners and losers in forex. If you have the same method, but a different risk management, different trade management, you can go from hero to zero very quickly.

I think that even if ICT were to map out exactly what he was trading - he has multiple concepts - people would blindly follow, and most of those would quite possibly fail as they are so focussed on ICT’s entry and not necessarily the whole package, being entry, management and risk. A persons psychology is also very important to help manage that trade.

As ICT, and many others have said before, the 3 M’s. Mind, Method and Management :slight_smile:

And as far as critics disappearing. That will not happen, even if ICT turned this into a million in one year. Haters just hate - no reason behind it, so they will just pick anything they find - even down to spelling in the end.

I do silly. :34:

A large portion will be equally divided to three of my favorite charities with this account. Do your homework for effective Trolling Mr. Puppet

So how do you know whether its going to be Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday…? And which of the two is going to occur… A high or a low… And the scale of magnitude of the high or low…???

The high of what?

I’d say if market structure and flow is bearish the probability is a high forming and should be backed up with support and resistance.

Here’s some fundementals. COT shows commercials net short and it was at a resistance price. So why should I bother with all those reports? Also turtle soup.

So you pick highs and lows by reading those reports? If they’re reading them and I can see what they’re doing I don’t see much point in wasting my time. Now that said I would like you to start a thread :-D. I would like to learn even if I don’t use the info daily I still think it would be interesting and useful. Id also like to point out I was pretty darn close to the high lol.

Case in point I made 50 pips in two minutes (literally the trade was open for only 2 minutes) this afternoon today trading NZ CPI release and 65 pips trading Aussies employment figures yesterday… News, reports, politics is what determines price moves. Without those for context you don’t know whether a high is being made that will fade or if its a breakout for more highs

But where it moves to is determined by people. And people are habitual.

EDIT: I did just have a thought. Say they increase they’re inflation estimates by 1.86% does that translate to a certain amount versus the other currency. Can you figure out where it’s gonna go or just that it’ll go up or down?

Yeh… We agree on that.

You compare the inflation forecasts and actual released numbers to what the central banks explicit targets are and any indirect concerns they express about the inflation rate in statements and speeches… That’s what commercials do and that’s why it moves markets.

If inflation is coming in low, central banks loosen monetary policy to get it up, they do this typically by lowering interest rates… Inflation is a leading indicator to monetary policy… There are clever ways to predict the direction of a inflation release before its released… But you have to read reports

14.808171% is the number I get. It breaks down into actual numbers like this:

1 : $5,792.78
2 : $6,711.27
3 : $7,775.39
4 : $9,008.24
5 : $10,436.56
6 : $12,091.35
7 : $14,008.52
8 : $16,229.68
9 : $18,803.01
10 : $21,784.37
11 : $25,238.43
12 : $29,240.17
13 : $33,876.41
14 : $39,247.77
15 : $45,470.79
16 : $52,680.51
17 : $61,033.39
18 : $70,710.67
19 : $81,922.36
20 : $94,911.75
21 : $109,960.7
22 : $127,395.76
23 : $147,595.29
24 : $170,997.59
25 : $198,110.5
26 : $229,522.36
27 : $265,914.79
28 : $308,077.51
29 : $356,925.44
30 : $413,518.56
31 : $479,084.92
32 : $555,047.31
33 : $643,054.09
34 : $745,014.98
35 : $863,142.51
36 : $1,000,000.02

Sorry about the two cents. I didn’t want to add another decimal.

It’s 3.4011683 weekly.

That’s a rather pedestrian, and an attainable goal IMHO. The trick is always not to try to force it if the week is a little short. Take what the market gives, and move on:)

Here’s the first 20 weeks:

1 : $5,172.73
2 : $5,351.43
3 : $5,536.31
4 : $5,727.57
5 : $5,925.44
6 : $6,130.15
7 : $6,341.92
8 : $6,561.02
9 : $6,787.68
10 : $7,022.17
11 : $7,264.77
12 : $7,515.74
13 : $7,775.39
14 : $8,044.01
15 : $8,321.9
16 : $8,609.4
17 : $8,906.83
18 : $9,214.53
19 : $9,532.86
20 : $9,862.2

Hey ICT, since you said you will use $5,000 but is only trading with $2,000… and your risk calculations is different from the MyFxbook values, can you shed some light into how you calculate your risks so that we can follow along?

This could be 2 separate trades in the same day, two trades at the same time, two losses in a row, etc.

I just want the math to match and I’m getting confused man.

He would be calculating risk manually as if he had the $5k account. A lot of people do that so not al their money is tied up in an account that can one day go bust. It is unlikely, but it has happened and there are enough people around these forums that have been stung by one that went belly up last year.

I for one would agree with only having what you need in the account, and not your entire actual account. The rest of it can sit in an interest bearing account on call at any time to bring up tot he trading account if drawdown requires it to be so

The difference it appears is that you add the interest (profit) at the beginning of your first month where I add it to the beginning of the second…

My first month is $5000…

With that its 16% and change

That would be the END of the first month, not the beginning.

Start with 5k, and at the end of the first month you have that total. Just like at the end of the 36th month you have 1,000,002.

Look at week 4 on the weekly. The total isn’t exact, but corresponds.

Yeh you got it…

Don’t forget about the TAXman :42:

Adds a whole new dimension to the compounding scheme… which means your guys’ figures will need some adjusting…

It all depends on how he does his taxes. But the taxes don’t have to come out of this account. The broker will send him a note to say how much he’s made. It’s up to him to take it out of this, or pay it from elsewhere.

A good accountant can leave this account alone the whole time;)

Perhaps putting this thread in the trade journal section may be more appropriate.

Hmmm, I was also wondering why he hasn’t put in the other 3k… In his video he said that it would be deposited a while back, so the guys are just speculating about him using a 2k account with risk based on 5k - I don’t recall him mentioning that. Maybe he did a wire transfer and it’s just taking ages to reflect… OANDA did that to me once…