Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

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Cheers! :slight_smile:

ā€œVi veri universum vivus vici.ā€

Well, that is what happens when you ask people to think of hidden meanings and meeting unannounced goals.:slight_smile: They will fill in the blanksā€¦ I am too pragmatic for that. If you have a point, state itā€¦:slight_smile: But that is the superficial me.

Based on the non-trade chats and posts I think that you are a good person, and I think that it is great that you decide to go spent more time with the family (although the decision may be made for youā€¦:wink: [I also have a family and hobbiesā€¦]).

Anyway, happy trading next week!

Tick, tick, tick

and Yet itā€™s missing the most crucial measure of professionalism IMOā€¦ Longevity

Moneynvrsleeps what was the time frame for this performance?

Left some trades open over the wkd? Thatā€™s an impressive growth rate. You still trading demo? Perhaps its time to make some cashā€¦

Yeah, i didā€¦ And my trail stopped it out at breakeven on openā€¦

I try to keep it under 10 minutes tho.

Working on depositā€¦ Scrapin cans and such

I had a dreamā€¦ that one day Traders would take note of the calendar and not risk money on less than favorable trading days.

Cable keyed off the levels noted in last nights videoā€¦ Fiber stuck inside its Asian range. USDX looks like a fake rally OTEā€¦ hmmm

It took about 10 minsā€¦ I used the speak to text funtion. I added a few colorful comments after the rough draft and the pic took 3 of the 10 minutesā€¦ I wanted to scrub to the best mug shot from his video lol

This is not the same as trying to answer questions and avoid creating more prematurely with material and resources. The modules take about a day to createā€¦ this is nothing close to that in work or interest. You give him far too much creditā€¦ I spend more time at the Chic fila drive through than I did on that post.

Having seen first hand what ICT can do to a $400 account in 6 months, I am giddy with anticipation at the number of people who are going to be eating crow in a short while.

Also, ICT, Iā€™ve hopped on the bandwagon. Going for the $1,000,000 challenge as well. Iā€™ve emailed you a link to my myfxbook. Iā€™m not posting it here yet. I want to make sure I wonā€™t make a complete fool of myself before I post a link publicly.

Please note that if I make it to the $1,000,000 mark there will be no end of gloating. If I make it to the $1,000,000 mark before you do then, well, letā€™s just say that you have never experienced a bad winner quite like me.

Should we be expecting some drastic price movement. Comparing them in the 4hour chart, the GBP have been making lower lows while the Eur have been stationary. I dont know what you mean by fake rally OTE. BUt i think the USDX might confirm the lower prices the Eur has to go through? Correct me if I am wrong, please.
Also, from the COT data, the commercials seem to decrease their shorts on the Euro FX while open interest dips down even further. You can also see a clear difference in the government yields between the three countries.

What will the starting balance be?
Good luck Aarnog

Dudeā€¦ Go do some trading contests! If you are doing a demo account anyways you might as well be doing a demo contest where you can win an account balanceā€¦

Iā€™ve won money by doing thatā€¦ Messed up my live trading for a bit lol but if your just trying to get the initial deposit, I canā€™t think of a cooler way then to win it by trading!

Banker, I was talking to a mate about this the other day. Do you think you need to forget your trading rules to win these things? and basically double down (martingale style) to win?

Good one mate, I am about to have my first child so I imagine I have many new life lessons to come :wink: and I doubt FX trading can continue to take up so much of my time.

I would say yes you would need some kind of Hail Mary money management to win. In your own account its about protecting your capital. In a contest it who can get the most money. And since its just demoā€¦just in my head seems like it would work better. And I never even though about doing this sounds like a great idea. (Trading contests)

Yeah, but who cares right, its demo. I thought about entering a comp a couple months back, but didnā€™t want to allocate time better spent building my own account. Winner received an initial $5k deposit in a live account.

However, I guess I could mirror my own trades with a total disregard for risk! Double down to extinction :slight_smile:

In order to place in the top 3 you typically have to be pretty dang aggressiveā€¦ The one I do from time to time is a month long (held every month) and you start with 100kā€¦ The people in the top 3 would regularly end the month with a millionā€¦ The best trader Iā€™ve seen on the contest did that 3 out of 5 monthsā€¦ Google ā€œdukascopy trader contestā€ 1st place gets $5k and a trip to Genevaā€¦ they have prizes going all the way down to 10th place.

The strategy I typically use is to wait for a big news event, and then go all in right before the releaseā€¦ If the release goes my way then I have a huge jump start and taper my risk down for the rest of the monthā€¦ If I get wiped out then I just wait for the next month :slight_smile:

Had a look, but its the same with most of these contests. You win but its with conditions. You need to reach a certain amount of turnover on the live account before withdrawing the $5k, generally the level required is designed to blow your account. :frowning: