Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Still a free 5k to practice and build with. May make your trading less emotional also.

I think money would have trouble with the rule about having to set a tp and SL of at least 10 pips.

Yehā€¦ There are many other contests that he could find if he googled it though.

Or he could learn how to swing trade :wink:

Lolā€¦? I think it only took me 100 trades to clear mineā€¦ If you arenā€™t able to make 100 trades without blowing your account it doesnā€™t matter if you can withdraw the money immediately and put it in your normal trading account or have to trade it in the sponsoring brokers account.

I read a million of turnover. So could probably do it in 10 trades. 50k lots, didnā€™t read all the terms but I imagine there might be a time limit and other terms etc

ā€œWhile the other guyā€™s sleeping, Iā€™am working. When heā€™s getting ready, Iā€™am ready.ā€

There is not a time limit. Should not be anything to hold one backā€¦ If your good enough to win the money then clearing the funds is the easy part :slight_smile:

London close counter trend scalp?

ADR used up, LC kill zone. Really small time frame divergence between cable and fibre.
Any other reasons?

Among all the chit-chat on this thread, itā€™s difficult to find out how ICT is doing with his challenge.
Howā€™s the challenge going mate?

Just go to his first post and pull up his myfxbook linkā€¦

he has 36 months folks, not 36 hoursā€¦

The proā€™s say you can lose 50 in a row, and be back in profit with that 1 tradeā€¦


IMO even if the guy dont make it in 36 months (IMO thats a stretch) but show consistent profit. Then who cares. Everything he taught I have seen nothing wrong with. He does has a bit of an ego but who wouldnā€™t with that many followers. A few days is hardly enough time to say he is not who he says he is. But I will let ICT defend himself. I will check in from time to time to see progress but this is probably my last post on this thread.


On your open trade did you use Reflection pattern do find an OTE given that price was hovering above strong support?

If this works are you going to give more details on exactly how you are trading?

Cable outlook

Donā€™t think Iā€™ll personally be touching the cable for a while, gave me a good good kick up the rump yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

The beauty of the ICT ā€œconceptā€ is not that Michael is developing new innovative tools to reach a goal. But just the mere pointing out the availability of many toolsā€¦heck just showing us newbs where the tool isle is greatly reduces the learning curve so we can get started in the experience of finding out for ourselves what tool works best for different occasions. What works for me and what doesnā€™t. Finding my own individual style.

Do I consider myself a fanboy? YES, absolutelyā€¦without a doubt. Iā€™m a fan of anybody taking time to share that I can learn from.

Pay it forward is the concept.

lol this has got to be the funniest thread I read on Babypips!

Itā€™s a testiment to the levels one reaches in self indulgence in Forumism. Modsā€¦ I do not have anything against this threadā€¦ please keep it open.

Mastergunner99ā€¦ you say you are up 16% on this year 2013? I just want to make sure I understand you correctlyā€¦ before I continue. :slight_smile:

The Batman quote was soooooooooooo freakin funnyā€¦ I nearly broke a rib pipgameā€¦ very good :35:

I should have put the word fanboy in qoutes. I was being facetious. I donā€™t let emotion anywhere near my trading. Heck I even have my wife call me a stone by the way I can releave myself of any emotion. :slight_smile:

I meant to say that I am a fan of anyone that freely shares their knowledge to others. I can pick and choose the golden nuggets to use from it. This includes you.

ICT for me lays out a map of many roads to take. Itā€™s ultimately up to us to determine the best road for us and try to avoid accidents. Which we all know are unavoidable, we just need to make sure we have seatbelts and airbags at our disposal. howā€™s that for an analogy :slight_smile:

Whether Michael makes his goal or crashes and burns is irrelevant to me. That will not change what I have learned from him. I obviously want him to make it and wish him all the best In the world in reaching his goal!!

The 16% is closed profit yes. However, to be fair, I would really have to calculate it based on trades that were started in 2013. I tend to carry trades for weeks sometimes, and a few of those big hitters were entered at the end of November and early December. I would imagine my overall to be half of that, with about 1000 of the 2000 I have open, being in 2013. I have a 1000+ pip trade on EURJPY thatā€™s looking to close here shortly if it continues on down.

If this is some demand for myfxbook, donā€™t bother. Iā€™ll post it as soon as you hit your million.

And it be specific, itā€™s 16.34% for the year and 6. 2% for the week. Letā€™s dance.