Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Pipstradamus here. Time to put this thread back on track. Please post only relevant comments and information related to the original post and topic. If you have problems with ICT, this is not the place to voice them. If you have problems with Mastergunner, this is not the place to voice them. If you have problems with any other member, this is not the place to voice them. PM the mods, PM the member or send us a support email. Report posts using the Report feature found within every post.

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Thank you. I almost posted a, “why are you saying that” post, but it’s not necessary now. THANK YOU SO MUCH. This is in fact off topic itself, but you did the right thing and I wanted to say THANK YOU. DO IT EVERYWHERE ON THIS SITE. Delete this post now, and know that I LOVE YOU.

The remaining of my yen pair closed a few minutes ago. Along with a few stragglers I cut loose. Now I’m up 25% for the year. And have 1500 pips in floating profits.

I’m open to discussion as you had alluded to waiting to hear back confirmation from my results prior to further commenting.

To clarify a question that was in the chat room, yes that’s pips, not pipettes.

You still found 33 pages of “useful” posts?? I’ll have what your drinking…

Hmmm, why isn’t ICT taking any profits on his trade I wonder… Doesn’t he normally take half off after hitting 1:1 R:R? Also, would love to know why he entered at such a weird point… 1.3319 is kinda in the middle of nowhere - anyone got any ideas?

I have a question concerning today’s trade.

23.01.2013 09:28 EURUSD Buy 25000.00 (open price) 1.33192 (stop lose) 1.3295

Where was ote, or any other technical for longs? Because this seems like chasing price. Yes, we have a strong moment going up, but i believe brakeout strategy is not what you teach.

These are his words from twitter: Woke to Fiber stop at BE and missed ideal reentry. I repositioned under Asian Range high. Looking for large range day today
and > Note the minor highs at 1.3315 I waited for minor retrace then bought while under Asian Range high. If its good it wont re-enter Asian Rng

Sometimes intuition defies explanation. I see you are short… counter-ICT… very brave!

i was wondering the same thing, profits need be taken when available… the entry at 3319 seems late, unless treating this as momentum trade and possibly waiting for the close of the thrust bar on m15/m30

I’ve always suspected he only takes profit off on his intraday scalps after the 20-30 pips. Just because its introduced in the scalping video. He said that this one was going to be a swing trade so perhaps he does not scale the profit if he’s planning on holding for over a certain period of time.

Yeah, not looking good for me… Ah well, I’m trading my own analysis at least - can’t fault that :wink:

Yeah but isn’t it safer to “take some profits off and pay yourself”? I guess he has to hold on more if he is aiming for $1m, but anyway I’m sure he’ll explain why either way :slight_smile:

I missed the Optimal Trade Entry… I used the Possible Trade Entry lol

Think Power of Three concept… under Asian Range for longs is kosher… looking for movement higher permits the imperfect entry.

I livestreamed notes this morning as well.

Hope that helps… :57:

Ok I must be missing something. Where are you guys seeing his trades? I look at the my fxbook link but only see a page that shows he is currently down .38% which is up from yesterday. I dont see anything else.

Open trades towards the bottom.

Must be something on my end then as I still dont see it. Thanks though

Go down to the ‘Systems’ box and click on Inner Circle Trader under Name. There you get the full monty.

Any merchandising available? T-shirts, caps, sitckers, Big foam pointy fingers?