Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

He stated he would risk 2-3% and generally only takes trades that are AT LEAST 2:1 win ratio, but with the one shot one kill method it should be closer to 3:1 or 4:1 so that makes it a little more feasible (can’t do the math right now). Risking 3% that’s 9-12% per trade, but it wouldn’t be that much if he takes portions off his trades.

As I mentioned before, his results are not directly correlated to my results using one of the tools he has presented. Opened this account same day Michael did just for sh*ts and giggles. I’ll post once a month to see how an ICT “student” does. Balance and details are irrelevant at this point, just % gains. (proof in the pudding). No questions let’s just see how I fair.

He also deviated from his 2 trades maximum a day rule. Not even mentioning the over 3% risk on a trade. Also that entry today where price was already moving upwards with incredible momentum. Thats a perfect example of what he’s been saying to avoid at all costs.

Oh I’m so biting my tongue (so to speak)… lol

He’s really only taken 4-5 trades. Double tap.

It was more so luck with a bias because I was too tired to wait for London Open. Got close to getting stopped out. I am not at my charts right now, but based on the quick glance this morning I believe you could have found an OTE on a smaller time frame in there… idk.

I believe there was also SMT divergence, but I found myself getting confused with divergence after the long break of trading.

I’m do the same. Wish you luck and lots of fake demo money wins!

Practice System | Myfxbook

Dang nice … Did you use the us treasury bonds like ICT says too? Do you know where I can find this… Seemed like a really helpful tool! How long have you been trading? I think I will be able to go full time soon, I just need to watch all of michaels videos first though :slight_smile: he has so many good ones.

Good luck good trading!

I generally have between 15-20 trades open out of the 25 pairs I monitor. Currently I have 15 trades open with 1523 pips in open profit.

My pip size fluctuates based on the equity of my account. For every dollar in equity, I enter an equal amount of units in each trade.

This keeps me risk under control despite having such a large number of positions open.

I view my account as a portfolio. Psychologically it does wonders. I focus on my overall equity, and as long as it continues to rise I’m content with any mess behind the scenes. If I hit a string of short term losses in a row they are almost always offset buy some decent runs on open trades.

Typical excited newcomer with Billion $ dreams in mind. :29:

ChristianGrey = Banker928 for anyone who hasn’t yet picked that up.

Going off topic again here, oops!

Please don’t ever go full time until you have at least been making money in a business for a significant period of time reliably and making several times more than your living expenses.

A business plan in forex or for anything is just that a plan. Don’t go packing in jobs and cutting your income down to nothing based on a plan. You need real cold hard cash in your pocket from you own business before you can take that gamble on its future success.

Its basically financial suicide.

That is a lot of pairs to monitor. Do you have a certain max percentage of your account in open trades at one time?

Lol notice at the top of mine it does say “Real”. But good luck on your fake demo money wins! haha.

Well after learning from ICT I’ve been doing really well on my demo account so I think I’m really close! :slight_smile:
I have a little bit saved, and can always get a job if it doesn’t work right? I’m still young… Chase your dreams brother!!

Good luck good trading!!!

Lol!! Why do people keep saying this?!? I was just the first one to notice he was banned!

Good luck good trading!!!

Less forty shades of crispy dollar green sock puppets - more like 40 sheets to the wind! raises a smile nevertheless.

A lot to monitor is a relative term. I spend twenty minutes a day reviewing and making adjustments. I don’t over analyze with news reports or related jargon. I just look at price action patterns, areas of support and resistance, trendlines, and Fibonaaci retracements.

I don’t think my account margin has ever surpassed 50% yet of the trades I have open.

That 1500 pips represents about a 17% gain in my account. So while the number of pips seems impressive, it’s rather practical. I care more about percentage, then pips. It just sounds cool when you tell someone you closed a trade for 986 pips like I did yesterday with EURJPY.

The reality was that it was a 7.87% gain and I held that trade for 42 days.

Do you have any proof otherwise these are just words that anyone can write… which by the way doesn’t mean that I don’t believe you … to be honest if it’s true then well done, if it’s not then I don’t really care. Either way it doesn’t affect or impact me one way or the other.

Wow… 1700 pips is really impressive! How did you learn how to trade like this?

Yeh I totally agree with you about not looking at news and fundamentals. It’s way confusing and never helps! That’s why I like ICT so much! No confusing fundamental analysis for a newbie like me. :slight_smile:

Good luck good trading!!!