Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

OP please ban ChristianGrey.

And once again this thread is getting off topic.

To mastergunner99 - you bragging in others people threads is as pathetic as any others, your mentioned, guru’s started threads, which stated “i will teach you to make a million”.

No, i am not an ICT fan boy. It has been a long time since i stopped “following” someone. But this is quite interesting for me, because more than half year ago i wanted for ICT to share or create myfxbook account. Which finally happened.

But the most annoying thing i find is your nick in every page. Yes, like you stated in one of your 10000 posts i could ignore you, but then i would have to ignore all other people who quote you. Please start your own thread and brag/lead discussion there.

By the way, you saying you have ~1500 pips in running profits and what not, without trying to prove those results are as same as ICT used to tell about snipering few trades in months. I am not here to laugh or point fingers at a guy who is trying to achieve something here, but i find it interesting. So please, tone down your posts or ONCE AGAIN create your own thread.

By the way.2. A guy who claims he doesn’t have time for his own blog you spend a lot of time here. AND YES, i have seen you explain yourself about interesting threads etc. so please don’t repeat yourself. Still… you seemed to be another “talk much” kind of guy.

i hope they don’t ban you too fast, you’re funny :smiley:

Yes, I have proof or else I would not have stated the numbers. But as I’ve already shown proof on demand before in this very thread, I see little reason why I have to continue to do so.

Yeah the sarcasm is quite fun to read, I even have a personalised voice for him, a bit like Monica from friends.

Start a fundy thread and let’s see how you trade. (That’s a serious question too)

Dude! Lets keep things positive here lol! I’m just a newb trying to learn… Nothing to ban me over! I just wanted to support my mentor ICT! I think he is going to surprise everyone here with some professional performance! Just a matter of time :slight_smile:

I like your avatar Pipjoker.

Good luck good trading!!!

Congratulations. This post must have meant a lot to you. Unfortunately I am not finding a way to constructively retort without distracting from the ongoing topic of this thread.

If you find an issue with me, I suggest you bring it to the attention of the moderators.

I wish you the best. I will now be utilizing the ignore function for your user name to allow me the opportunity to focus on the content of this thread and not the deterrents. My recommendation is that you do the same.

As well, I have reported your post to the moderators for their review.

I think it should be mandatory to give source of proof every time you try to state a fact. In this case you talking about running profits and gains. Otherwise you are pulling numbers out of thin air. Like any another lowlife guru (for whom i only feel pity).

No, you are not another newb :wink: you are trolling this thread for god knows what reasons. If you don’t believe it people following some kind of mentors - please state that and wait for ICT to collapse. THEN you can jump in and say i told you so people. Until then, i think you should let people believe whatever they want to.

Hey can you tell me how I can “like” people comments? I see people getting “likes” on their comments and I want to as well. Lol I’ll probably go back and like all of ICTs comments I have read.

Thanks in advance.

Good luck good trading!!!

*edit: I’ve already liked all his videos on YouTube, but I’m new here and it’s not so easy as YouTube :frowning:

Too funny…

I did look over your post with ease until you started talking about your profits and success, which like i said should be based on solid facts. You ARE just ANOTHER fake wanna be, which this site is full of. Thats why some time ago i created “share myfxbook” thread, to help this site sort out trolls and attention *****s from those who want to learn trading and teach trading. With no success by the way. And that’s why i don’t care if you report me. If moderators will still tolerate this kind of behaviour (scamming people is another threat which is out of control here) i don’t really see any future for solid learning here.

Anyway… fed up with people like you in this world :wink: i guess i had to let it out. Going back to the shadows.

you are a real long framer.
it’s interesting to have someone describe this, it is about long frame charts, long targets, long stops, small size, and time. Trade time for lower risk. it seems to require a lot of discipline.

good luck with trading!

ChristianGrey is just trying to get some attention so we can start a book club for “self improvement”.lol

hahahahha, this is way too good!
i’m spending more time on the forums!

Well, I figure everyone needs some “improvement”…lol

I think after ICT’s over the top attack on Mastergunner, he pretty much has the right to stick around and jab ICT and his presence here all he wants. I know I would if I was the subject of that particular post.

If Michael wants to shut him up, he’s going to have to be a little more focused with his trading methinks.

It’s understandable that a woman would feel that way about me. After my book I’ve been having to beat them off with a stick.

However there is only room for one love in my life… ICT is my new Anastasia. walks towards ICT with a neck tie in hand


No jabs. Constructive criticism. I see him losing frequently on the EU and I provided my brief analysis on it, that it might makes sense to not trade it for the time being while price looks indecisive and consolidated. Then later offered a suggestion to work up either a new goal or a more defined trading strategy to accomplish his goal, because his stated plan, the probablility of him achieving it is virtually nil.

Now people are questioning him as he appears to be trading in a way that he has never described before. People aren’t seeming to understand his entries or his reasons for various unit sizes. Granted, ICT stated that this was a personal challenge just for him, so maybe he’s allowing himself the freedom to do without what he has taught others for the last three years.

Never step out of character during a performance. I thought you were making a funny point regarding some of the heavy handedness up until the not knowing how to ‘like’ post. I just know your next persona will be named something like HunterFreeman or something.

Or put him on his ignore list… :wink: (just sayin)

Just a newbie trying to find his way around this forum! :wink:

Good luck good trading!!!