Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

squeals Is everyone else as excited about this as me? I can’t wait for ICT to clear the air and get everyone back on track :slight_smile: I’ve got a good feeling about this tonight. Can’t wait for tomorrow, gonna make me some more money trading the ICT techniques.

Good luck good trading!!!

Closing half a position (which is what I often do) is counted in myfxbook as two separate trades, so the numbers do track a bit strange. Imagine if you had every trade go to first target, then you close half the trade and move SL to BE which then gets hit. You would always be 50% strike rate although you took profit from every entry

Will you be recording it? So I can go over at home?

Why take less than 20 pips? I thought it was “gambling”

Why enter on double tap and close out both trades and not let anything run?

Is having this deal public affecting your emotions?

On the trade last night it looks like you chased price. Are you sure you aren’t just sugar coating the reasons for entry to like up with the fact that you missed it initially?

I think it will be very hard to do this 5k to 1m. Slow start. It’s also a side account to your actual trading. This is a lofty goal I think it deserves full attention.

This is a really good post tassie! :slight_smile: it’s awesome that everyone is so helpful and knowledgeable on this forum

Good luck good trading!

You started me on my price action career and there is not enough thanks in the world for the motivation you brought into my life. A silly boy looking at bright lights and squiggly lines now simply uses the bars. It is true that traders do not need a system, they need a methodology, and you motivated me to find my own methodology. I watched your OTE, as well as time of day trading, upon many other factors. I have watched all 150 of your videos twice over the last few years. Over the years of following you, this is what I have added into my tool belt.

  1. Time of day intraday trading. Personally, I only trade the London open.
  2. Risk management. No more than 1% risk per trade.
  3. Fibs, including OTE and swing projections
  4. A sound understanding of S&R
  5. ADR
  6. I enjoy the trinity levels and pivot points, because I am used to them, but I rarely use them
  7. Divergence

You supplied me with a multitude of tools that I was able to use and grow with. And this is all you did for me. Simply put, you showed me some tools, and its all you did. Saying its “all you did” is an understatement, it is more than I could ever ask for.

I say “it’s all you did” because I believe traders come here thinking that you will give them a system.

I believe they think that if they draw OTEs everywhere, they can make 20% per month. I believe they think you are a deity and they will follow you to the golden castle. No matter how much you preach testing and screen time, it seems to bounce off people’s heads. Maybe testing and screen time is simply “too hard” for people to do? Maybe they would rather watch an ICT video than actually try it out themselves. What ever it is, I am not sure. I believe most people think this way. That they would rather watch a video, that you will show them the holy light of god. That they don’t really need to put in any hard work, pain, or effort.

Most people do this, and think this way. Well… I come from the mentality that if most people do it, if most people think it, I probably shouldn’t be doing it.

I am truly grateful for the start you gave me.

When you told me to test test test, and practice with screen time, I did. When you said this is not a system, you have to find your way, I believed you. I took trading into my own hands, and now I can say I do it for a living.

Thank you for showing me the way so many years ago,

Right on brother! I too owe my forex career to ICT… I wake up every day, and when I pull up my charts and see my demo account grow I have ICT to thank. He could be charging $100’s of dollars but its totally FREE!!! I’m so excited about the opportunity he’s given me. Thank you Michael!!!

Good luck good trading!!!

Hey guys I saw this on ICT’s Twitter and I was just wondering what the process is to become a “Fund Manager.”

That name fits a host of positions. What specifically are you looking to accomplish?

Trading only my funds, but without the fear of the company I am trading with to go out of business. Basically the security of my funds if they ever do compound to a large amount.


I asked him via twitter about the Asian Session trade and he was just testing the Twitter/myfxbook link to make sure a tweet would go out when a trade was entered. Seems as though he is the only one around here not worried about the rough start

Arrrrgh, tried to get rid of my post but now you quoted it… :56:

I don’t know hey, if he wanted to test that then why not just open the trade and close it immediately - the tweet would go out regardless… Maybe ICT has us all fooled and he is throwing all the piggy-backers off his back before trading properly? I don’t know.

Bro your post is also visible as I got a email notification. Oh well.

Anyway I think he’ll bounce back, he’s stuff does work. I’m recently up 140% on initial investment using he’s methods. I don’t use all of them either, just slowly introducing new tools as I get comfortable.

there you go PM, I edited my reply to not include your post

I am also not too worried about his trades. A few weeks does not make a trader. I am happy to watch and make some sort of opinion after say 3 months. I had two negative months last June and July - if I showed myfxbook through that period, I would not be getting many compliments compared tot he other months that pulled gains of 17 and 24%.

Give him time, space and a reasonable chance.

I think that is the key Moose40. I don’t think he has ever said “here is the method to use” any time. He is offering an amount of tools and it is up tot he individual trader to use the tools he wants to create his/her own methodology and trading plan.

Oh right on man! I’m right there with you… Trading ICT’s techniques and have been doing amazing. I feel like I have just scraped the surface of what I can learn from him though. I can’t even imagine what my returns will be when I master all of his methods. Awesome dude. So excited!

Nothing is going to keep ICT down btw. He is just in a league of his own.
Good luck good trading!

Hey Anastasia - it was funny to start with but you can only flog the same joke so many times (see what I did there). Its beginning to fade a little - come on try harder !

I guess there are no other things to do for the Banker928!!! :wink:

Tassie, I agree that a few weeks do not make a trader and I have not written off ICT’s successful completion of this challenge, especially since the tools work so well, but for someone who has been trading for 17 years, I would think that they would be immune to price-chasing and would be absolutely resolute in their risk management. Trade 1 day or trade 1000 days, it should make no difference, right?