Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Agreed :slight_smile: Letā€™s just hope he turns it around soon :slight_smile:

wow interesting am now watching ict videos they were too complex when i was a real newbie now am a newbie

Although not a trader of ICTā€™s methods, and in a totally unbiased way, nobody can make judgments on someones success over such a small sample size. As much as I would like to gloat about my own trading success, I have enough historical back-testing to prove that you do indeed get losing months in even the most profitable long term methods.

I would like to see ICT succeed, even though we have in the past thrown banter at one another. Lets not forget we are all in the same boat here.

Great session last night ICT. Sincere thanks for the time. Iā€™m long Fiber at 1.33, and have taken first first profit and moved stop to BE.

Lots of joking going on, but for those not on last night, the extra effort to answer questions and make sure we were all clear was really appreciated. I donā€™t know how one could argue against market structure as being a powerful technical tool.

Whose joking?! Iā€™m grateful to ICT for whatā€™s given and like sharing about my success, due to him, to everyone! Iā€™m going to make my own thread today about how to trade ICTs concepts! Iā€™m really excited and think I will be able to share useful informationā€¦ Look for it in a few hours!

Good luck good trading!!!

Iā€™m curious as to what math you used to be confident that the challenge will be completed.

With a starting value of $5000, and assuming there are about 150 weeks (3 years) he would need to gain about 3.6% per week to reach a million.

Every one can crunch numbers until they are blue in the face. Reality is that it is [U]all[/U] subject to change (in either direction)ā€¦just like the markets.

That is not subject to change, the numbers are fact. The question was what type of math was used in determining if the challenge was feasible and I simple supplied the math that would be needed to accomplish said task.

Now break it down by estimated amount of trades.

Hypothetically speaking, youā€™re telling me if he hitā€™s 6.5% for for several weeks instead of 3.6% itā€™s not going to change your overall weekly calculation at all??

Iā€™m not challenging your calculation, itā€™s obviously correct. And my reply was not towards the original question asked. Iā€™m merely stating that the calculation of 3.6% is true as of today BUT it is subject to change tomorrow, week, month or in a year.

I said that I have not written off ICTā€™s attempt to complete the challenge. Not sure where I mentioned being confident in his completion thereof. Can you elaborate?

Anyway bro, by your own admission youā€™re clocking in 25% in less than a month, so why donā€™t you try it since youā€™re in complete mastery of the markets? You should make it in less than a year.

Sure, it is obviously not going to be exactly 3.6% every month. I am just saying from the beginning to the end of 3 years, one would need an average of 3.6%/week return on their 5000 to reach a million.

Like I mentioned above I donā€™t disagree with your statement. But my comment is true, it will change.

Damage controlā€¦ almost have the drawdown recouped.

Last nightā€™s LiveStream I commented on the Fiber and why I felt it was going higher. It panned out today to script. If you want to watch itā€¦ on my LiveStream channel it is titled MxFxBook Review & Market Structure Chatā€¦ itā€™s about 90 minutes.

Watch it hereā€¦

I donā€™t master the market. Nor do I attempt to. I donā€™t control it. I respect the volatility of price movement, and catch what I can get out of the movements of the market as a whole.

25% in less than a month, is not 25% a month. I donā€™t anticipate having these same results repeated. I was able to take advantage of the yenā€™s decline over the last 40+ days. And itā€™s now 24.88% anyways as I took a small loss today of .45% on 42 pips earlier today. No worries though, I still have 1818 in open profits that result in another 20% gain if I were to liquidate my positions. ICT said you were doing well, where were you so far this year?

The math is too simplicitic. It should be broken down to account for at least winrate and amount of trades and variance of pip size.

When you start digging through the math behind the scenes, youā€™ll see that this is literally an Olympic size feat to accomplish. ICT might be good, but unless he changes his strategy or the goal, heā€™s a bit in over his head. Iā€™d just as well like to see him finish it. But it just wonā€™t work as things currently are and are looking to be.

Heā€™s showing 8.5% this week

Kudos Broā€¦ WTG :57:

Youā€™ve been recorded multiple times stating your view. Now allow me to do my thing and show you your error. I have plenty of time and the market will provide me more than enough ā€œopportunitiesā€ over the next 3 years.


What is your thing? People have referenced that youā€™re deviating from your taught strategies of only taking a few trades a month. There were concerns on your entries and your exists, and the amount of pips you were taking.

What strategy are you employing to fulfill this challenge?

Business plans are important. Iā€™m offering to lay out detailed numbers for you so you have an expectation not only for yourself, but for your intended audience on what you would be looking at to accomplish this task.