Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Yes, it will change, but what is your point? Of course in the future when new information (account balance, compound periods) becomes available you can determine the new weekly percent increase needed to reach a million. When calculating variables needed to reach a future goal you use the current information that is available

Why is it too simplistic? Because it doesn’t align with what you think it should be? Those are the numbers that he need to reach his goal, I don’t care how he does it. BTW, what is his current strategy?

can we really say he is in ‘error’ when it takes three years or more to prove? if it takes 3 years then we should wait 3 years before saying so. don’t mean to upset no one, but straight is straight.

Because it doesn’t outline a sound plan or strategy. It doesn’t take into account a wide variety of variables. It’s simple mathematics like this that get people saying, “Oh, it’s so easy! I can definately see this happening! It’s for sure possible”, yet no one duplicates the math.

You need to do more than just say, hey, I’m going to get this percentage a month. Based on how many trades? On what win rate? Just those additional questions at the very least to round out a better picture. Then you can drill down to an average per trade.

It will literally help him redesign his gameplan. He can keep his tools. But he can’t trade 3-5 times a month as advertised and expect to hit it. Even trading once a day for three years is a tough route to take if you’re not up to par on what you need to be hitting to get there.

If I said, “error”, and I don’t recall saying that, then I shouldn’t have said that. Improbable is the better word. I already ran the math per trade based on his teachings and it would limit him to less than 150 trades, each trade needing to reach 3.6% gains, assuming zero losses. So think about that.

When you’re hitting a target, you need a plan of action. Forex is a business is it not. Maybe the real challenge should be 5k to a million in 5 years, or 15 years. But when you create the goal without the plan to get there, you’re just hoping to get there. And if that’s the case, hope tends to not generate the same focus as a well devised and well executed plan can provide.

3 years of videos online and multiple threads about his teachings doesn’t trump mathematics. There needs to be an underlining plan of action.

ICT, please just restate what I said, so people actually take it as gospel.


he said he’s taking it slow for the first year. and gonna turn it up in the last year.

man don’t jump the gun :slight_smile:
was actually saying that you are not in error as it was stated in another message about something else you might have said.

these semantics…

That puts even greater pressure on year’s two and three. We don’t know market conditions in the future. Why take it slow just to amplify it later? What does taking it slow mean? What does turning it up mean? More risk? More trades?

If the mathematical probability is this difficult already and he burns off a year just to take it slow, that makes it all the worse come years two and three.

Take a look at my original post on the subject for my point.

Maybe you should start a thread and open an account with $XXXX and turn it into $1 Million within a year or two. All this while showing us on FXbook.

Why would I do that?

Better to have it turned up in the first year. it is good to have a good start especially considering compounding. It makes sense to let compounding do the work for the account starting as early as possible, this is not an easy task and it needs a careful strategy, i think

I have been staying out of this but Mastergunner has a very very good point.

After compounding it would make more sense to hit the cruse control in the last year and grind them gears in the beginning.

I think we’ve all tried to stay away from this thread!

I’m just saying what michael said.

When you run a marathon do you sprint the first third then ease off or do you PACE yourself? It makes sense for ICT to pace himself, remember if he goes in aggressive first year, and has a bad year, there is no year 2 or 3. I don’t know what all this fuss is about!



Good point.

Idk if 5k to 1m is a marathon tho lol.

I know! Great post Mr Chilled, puts everything in perspective for the new traders in here. We all just need to let ICT breath here… Lets all give him some positive energy! Seeing what I’ve been able to do with my demo account in the last few weeks using his methods I don’t doubt for a second ICT can get to a million even if he took the first year off. Lets just kick back, drink some brewski’s and admire his trading. :slight_smile:

Good luck good trading!!!