Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread


3500% is a lot in a year. I’ve never heard of such a return ever in my life and I’m interested in how one was able to achieve that. It’s confusing to me as I can’t mathematically wrap my mind around it, yet so many people just believe it without question. It leads me to believe they know something I don’t. And I’m curious to what it is that I don’t know, as I tend to be a guy that likes to know everything about everything.

You state that as if it’s fact. Could you please show me where ICT said he retuned 3500%? Or again, is that something you “heard” and are now taking to be fact?

About high returns, I recall a story ICT told about his early days when he was just starting out and greatly overleveraged a commodity trade (corn, maybe?) in which he got lucky in a big bull run. I don’t remember the details but it could be related to this big return you are talking about, but you would have to ask him yourself.

Aaron said that he stated it. The fluke you described makes a bit more since, but wow 3500% in a year is still quite the achievement.

Thanks for clarfication. Did that account for the 3500% gain in a single year, or was that the 600% gain in a single year?

Either way, what an incredible amount of luck. What was the reasoning for the other equally impressive gain. Was he attempting the same feat?

You raise some fantastic points Mastergunner and I don’t blame you for being disillusioned. On the internet (and particularly the Forex side of the internet, you know what I mean) you HAVE to be skeptical.

In saying that, why not give him a chance? You’ve raised your point- and I think it’s a very valid one. But the proof is in the pudding, so let’s wait till desert =)

What happens if he proves this to be true? Just curious will you become a student lol?

Yes. I’ll be the biggest supporter in the world.

I don’t know the risk, he just mentioned it once. I have a good memory, I doubt anyone else would remember him saying that… it could’ve been over a year ago. But he did say it, I remember the figure because it was very shocking to me at the time. I do believe it, because why would he lie? Also, I don’t know how many trades.

Feel free to ask him about it. I won’t even accept the possibility that I am mistaken about this, it is very clear in my memory. So if he denies it… I’ll grill him myself :wink:

Why does anyone lie? There’s an unlimited amount of reasons with most of them being needless.

The 3500% gain was mentioned in his “What Every New… Wants to Know” thread as a leveraged return with a Partnership he had. A time frame wasn’t mentioned.

Now, it would be respectful to stop cluttering this thread with pages upon pages of posts that fails to accomplish anything meaningful.

Thank you. Are you familiar with the 600% return?

That’s true. I was assuming he had done it in a year, based on the context of the comment

Get a room you guys…a chatroom! That’s the place for all this jawing…:51:

What exactly would people be talking about if it wasn’t for this back-and-forth with mastergunner?

Half the posts in this thread are people telling people to stop posting. The irony.

This whole thread is filled with garbage… Rubbish talk. How would anyone learn anything here. This is where I “unsubscribe” to this thread.

This thread is not for learning…it’s for live trade trashing …I mean tracking :wink:

This thread would be one post shorter if you didn’t post this. This is the irony I’m talking about. Borderline hypocrisy actually.

I love this thread as it is (and was before it was mutilated by the admins). Do you stop loving your children because they are handicapped? No, I didn’t think so.

So the account is back to break even nearly, do we start the 36 months from now ?

I was at the ICT livestream session, and I think I figured out what the deal is here. Newbies see drawdown as this horrible mark of failure, while experienced traders know that it is an inevitable part of trading. So all these people that are showing concern about the drawdown are really just showing their own lack of experience.

The 36 months starts from January 14, 2012. Although the main part of the challenge is to reach $1,000,000 … the time frame is of lesser importance. Imagine that you are the owner of the ICT account… would you really care if it took a few extra months to get your million dollars? :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: it was an attempt at humor, but seriously people have higher expectations of this thread’s delivery then they do of ICT’s account.