Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

oh, my apologies. I think people wanted to see ICT explain his trades in detail on this thread… but when ICT himself used the thread to pick fights, it kind of set the tone for everyone else to do the same. Where I differ I guess, is that I don’t see that as a problem. When you went to elementary… there was classroom time, and there was recess. One was kind of boring, and one was fun. So if you’re here to learn (boooooring) there is a thread or 2 for that

This thread is entertaining though. I initially thought he would post trade details in the the reserved posts at the top. Trader’s do need a thick skin ?

You are right on here akeakamai. People are freaking out about a little draw down in the first couple weeks. Its going to be fun to watch them flip out when ICT has a string of 8 or more losses in a row. It will happen. Three years is a long time. For the experienced trader this is just business. 8 or more losses in a row has no effect on their trading(or it shouldn’t at least).

I did find your $12 USD ICT :stuck_out_tongue: It did get converted into AUD though.

Yes, consecutive losses are normal in trading :stuck_out_tongue:

He can’t afford for strings like that to happen without using additional risk to rebound.

With this you are just wrong, That’s exactly what noobs would do. try to get money back as fast as possible.
Instead what you should do is reduce risk until you start making positive trades again, get your confidence up and then risk with the previous risk.

The most important lesson I ever learned from ICT’s videos is patience in allowing your account to grow. That even increasing an account 50% every year will mean you make more money in 15 years than the average person does in a lifetime.

I get the feeling that way too many people asked ICT how long he intended to take to reach his goal of $1 million when he didn’t really set a time frame himself, and he felt pressed to give an estimate. Only that some people took his estimate of 3 years and turned it into an absolute, and then started number crunching. Then came the accusations on how the mathematics said it was impossible. Then he went through a drawdown as all traders inevitably do and now people are saying he cannot make it in 3 years without using additional risk etc…

So what if he answered an estimate of 3 years, does that mean you have to constrain yourself to 3 years? So what if you only make half of your target in that time? Are you going to kill yourself because you only managed to make $500,000? Are you saying that you can do better?

The sad fact of the matter is that I believe these people have the wrong impression of trading, they still view it as a “get rich quick” scheme, when people should settle in and be prepared for a long ride with many ups and downs. As far as I’m concerned, there is no time frame, and I’ll be checking in on ICT from time-to-time over the next decade for inspiration…

Aim for the stars, land on the moon. Best of luck to ICT and to all of us. May the markets have mercy on our trading systems…

That’s practical. I’m speaking in terms of the challenge. For

I just had to share this quote from someone I was talking to this morning. English is not his first language but that can be good sometimes because it came out sounding like something from Shakespeare.

“Shall haters and menacing forces stay and be doomed in those dark places of theirs”


Someone else told me I spend too much time on forums, he’s right, I do! ciao amigos

Well the babypips community as a whole is such a microscopic portion of the population worldwide. We would want each other to prosper. If you can solve human conflict you can solve world peace. That being said this is still a trading forum, htfu.

People are seeing this as a challenge but I don’t think that was his intention. People want to see proven results from a teacher that shows they are qualified to teach. I think this is his way of showing that he is qualified and that his methods work in todays markets.

He has the ability to let winners run though… You can make up for a string of 10 losing trades in one or 1 or 2 good ones.

Also remember that he said he was going to do it with $5,000 but initially only deposited $2,000 so the percent risk is currently based on $2K. When the other $3K is deposited he’ll still be able to risk the same % but will be able to make more on his winners than he’s lost on his losers… Right?

Current risk is based on 5k account.

If not hit intention, and he’s trading as he usual does, why the more frequent trades than what he says he usual does? Why not stick with the 90% win rate he’s used to that was able to derive him 600% gain in a year.

If you set aside $5,000 for trading, that does not mean you have to deposit it all at once. Because of this wonderful thing called leverage, you can just deposit $2,000 and pretend that it is $5,000. This is of course assuming your stop loss isn’t ridiculously tiny and you don’t exceed the free margin by using a massive lot size.

2% risk on the total $5,000 available is $100. A $100 loss is not going to deplete the $2,000 account already in your account. It actually equates to 5% of the $2,000 if you want to make it comparable.

If things gets bad, then you might consider depositing the rest of the money.

Hang on, you dont make things up? Haha

Sorry but couldnt resist:20:


I was correct. He did say it in the chatroom.


Should have been see me trade 5k to 50k in a year

Not sure if I got the willpower to sit around for 3 years

That right there is the real challenge. Three years is like a lifetime on internet forums. lol