Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

now we’re cookin with Crisco!

View image: crisco jan25

you guys came to see ICT’s results. I ain’t ICT but I got his results, hahaha

:slight_smile: well done

Thanks! It’s amusing to have the bigger account for once, lol. I know it won’t last though… maybe that’s why it feels special :57:

Okay folks… I was hoping you all would be more likely to call me out on the account by now.

In case you have noticed there have been two weeks of trading. The trades were made around the concepts but I added some things to illustrate a real world example. I have been genuinely using my concepts… but I have not been using them at the same time.

You see, this is what I see some of you doing with my material and teachings… you learn something new or something from a video and you go in search of that one thing. Nothing behind it… just the “thing”. OTE, Reflection, Type 1&2 Div, Macd, Turtle Soup… Judas Swingers… lol I have to admit it… that is a funny tag.

What was missing from the trades?
What were the results?
What should I have done to be more likely to see more sound results?

Namely, I avoided any top down analysis. I just went with the one side of the market. This is to illustrate the answer to those who ask about directional premise. It helps, but it’s not needed to make money.

I purposely set my alarm to get me up “past” London Open. This illutrates laziness and what happens to you if you are not focused on making yourself available for the Kill Zone.

I took trades after the ideal entry points. I used the concepts to frame the moves then used less than favorable entry points to show how it is not as optimal.

I took more trades than I like to take with Swing Trading and used no first profit objective scaling. This illustrates how you can be essentially wrong and still bank gains. I had over 100 pips in my hands this week… and I purposesly let them go to show you what happens when you do not fund your position. They can and do sometimes turn on you.

I didn’t look at the calendar… this was tough… but I completely traded without referring to it until Thursday. This illustrates how not knowing what’s ahead of you can be harmful and promote “reactionary” trading.

Now I actually did this mock up of a “New Trader” for a larger account in GFT and I built it up from $400 to about 10k in about 3.5 months. It will not be done any further with this account… I used the first two weeks to show how many of you new folks are doing this and if I did it that way… you see the results… flat to nothing.

Now what am I saying? The next step in this “Challenge” is to show you how to apply the tools and use them more effectively and as they were taught. If you were wondering where the Mojo went… it returns next week. I will use more intraday trading and provide more framework leading to my trade decisions… prior to the trades.

The account will begin to build now and hopefully those asking via email seen the questions answered and those wondering if you can turn a string of losses or drawdown back and turn consistent… yes. There is no emotion attached to this account. I read many getting worked up over my performance and leading a defense to and or for me… I do not need that. I respect and appreciate that… but I have performed a great service for many in doing what I did these two weeks.

No big drum roll… no dramatic intro or video trailer. Just me saying… now watch kids. :cool:

So you intentionally traded poorly. Allowed yourself to lose over 100 pips. Just for show?

Alright Bro, let’s see how next week rolls. Not sure about why you claim to play games when you have people counting on you.

Also is this the end of the games? If next week isn’t hot will there be more Friday night just kidding episodes? Or is this the real deal from here on out?

Am I missing something here?
[U]Friday December 24, 2012[/U] $2,974.82
Monday December 24, 2012 $6,012.42

I am assuming you made a deposit?

Nobody is counting on me. Everyone is watching me… there is a distinct difference. I was interested to see if folks were going to use my trades as a catalyst for their own trading… I repeat please do not do that. If you do… please do not post your results in the forums. I don’t want to read that… or be linked to your trading results directly. This is important.

There is no game… I am teaching how to plant, water and harvest. Before you can yield a bumper crop… you need to fertilize and till the ground. The soil is right now and I will not have a losing week from this point on. Week… not day. I know things tend to be taken out of context alot in this thread… so remember that one. No losing weeks.

I was hoping some of the hot shots were going to join me by now… the bait didn’t work. Oh well… but to answer you bluntly MG99… yes there is no more illustrations meant to be made except that crow can taste rather yummy.

I am pleased to see some of the guys using my work doing well and for some strange reason… being ignored? I see many requests for results in my “Students” but when they politely open their trade records and they are good… [Mute]

Bravo!!! :54:


That’s the Judas Swinger Interest Concept… you need to be a baller to get that rate. Aaron no sharing the secrets to the ladies in here.


No one contests the tools you use could potentially create a profit. Each trader has their own demons to fight before they figure this all out.

Kudos to Aaron. Lord knows after all these years he deserves it.

If there is a concern that people are going to copy your trades, you can simply hide your trades from the viewing public.

As far as joining you. My live link goes up upon completion of your task. Till then I will let you know when you beat me for the year.

Well I don’t want anything hidden. Trolls will have fun with that one. I am not doing anything in secret. I actually linked my account to twitter so all my entries and exits and results are tweeted automatically. I WANT full disclosure.

Aaron is doing well.

I wasn’t expecting you to join me… I was waiting on ChristianGrey to climb down out of that tree and join me.

Can you keep me posted on your Monthly 2013 % Return… on the last trading day of every month? You can use last years numbers as well.

Now be polite and refrain from provoking and I promise you… you will have something rather interesting unfold here. Can you do that?

Yes, call it a Christmas bonus.

I explained it on the snapshot I posted last week, sorry for the confusion.

I held my tongue out of respect! You are mortal… But not that mortal lol

WOOOOOWWW… hahahah
If he is getting results like that, let me join [B][U]Juda’s Swingers Club[/U][/B]! :cool:

No no, he didn’t say he lost 20k following ICT method. He lost most of it before following the methods.

Hope you can handle it… we go all night :wink:

I find it funny how the mods specifically removed a lot of people’s posts including mine and stated that if you have a problem with MasterGunner99 do not post it here yet they let him run rampant looking for flame wars to start and antagonizing everyone here. I’m more surprised for a “big shot” as he so claims he is he hasn’t put his money where his mouth is and showed us his track record since he’s always putting everyone else through such scrutiny.

(On a related note in case “Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is”)

^ This was done while I was not at my computer for the past 2 weeks mind you, this was pure bonds, DX, Price action, Levels. He never said you need to use everything and to paraphrase Bruce Lee “Learn what you deem useful discard which is not”

  • My point for this is I didn’t use MMP, wolf waves, MS/MF, COTS, etc… I used the DX because it was in conjunction with the euro and the pound at key levels for a reversal, as for a directional bias I was right more often than I was wrong and this is where my mutation of his system comes in to play because where he usually waits for something to form per week I am in there nearly everyday, but not everyday just more often than he is.
    P.S. trading on a tablet = a HUUUGE PAIN.

I should note I had about a 8.46% draw down and it should be 2.5% less but I got a bit over zealous, still I ended with 5.94% for the month and a helluva lot better than my old 20% potential DD and pretty much 0 positive gain

Anyways, I’m surprised with how the mods overlook how he adds like nothing then strike at those who have retorts or even calls him out to prove it he becomes just all talk.

We should have a bet to see if Mg can shut up for like a week or show proof of his “business that are much more worth while” that’s a challenge I’d like to see him attempt. Then again insert sarcasm considering this is not his thread I don’t think he wants to steal that much attention eject sarcasm since he loves ICT so much one would suspect he’s secretly his biggest fan. :smiley:

My gains and losses are my own. I learned a lot from ICT, but the way I trade has always been MY method. I lost money because I had a bad habit of doubling/tripling/quadrupling up on losing trades. Doesn’t matter what analysis you use, with money management practices like that… you will lose money, sure as the sun rises

My account status is being updated on the first post of my thread I started detailing my methodology. Other than purposes of showing off how I’m beating you it doesn’t make sense to just spout my numbers unless it’s in proper context.

I don’t recall ever saying the losses were a direct result of following ICT.

You think I’m some exempt child of Babypips? I’m flattered. I had a stern talking to by the Mods last week. I was awarded an infraction by one and another told me I’m on thin ice and that if I don’t stop what I was doing, my relationship with Babypips would come to an end. Since then I have cleaned up my act.

If you want a screen shot of my results, I will provide one if you ask nicely. Be sure to use the magic word.

I wish you nothing but success and learning in your endeavor, InnerCircleTrader. I haven’t followed this thread but for the past 5 pages or so. Please forgive me if this is now “old news”. For further clarity and interest (especially in regards to whether you intentionally lost – skip to the last quote), I’m taking the liberty of sharing with the rest of the folks what you stated during your most recent video (created 1/24/13) entitled “MyFxBook Review and Market Structure Chat”:

[B][U]Beginning at the 3:30 mark:[/U][/B]
[I]“Well, firstly I did expect to have some step up to the plate and trade live with me on BabyPips and offer their, uhm, rendition of trading. This week, I really literally have had my hinder parts handed to me. Uhm, there’s been pips available to me. I could have banked them, but I’m trying to establish a long position in the Fiber because I do believe it’s going higher. Uhm, obviously you can see on your own charts it’s … it’s been sideways – it’s been very choppy. Uhm, today, I just basically got blown out of the water.”[/I]

[B][U]Beginning at the 5:38 mark:[/U][/B]
[I]"I am going to be moving away from BabyPips Forum, not because I don’t like BabyPips or not because, you know, I’m trying to do something commercially, I just want to remove myself from that forum because I – please don’t take this wrong – but I’ve gotten too big there, where it’s offensive now to people. And that wasn’t my intent when I got there; I wanted to, you know, make an investment to you guys and, you know, give you some resources, and I think now it’s become, you know, too much, too excessive, and, you know, people are just basically tired of hearing about ICT, so. Uhm, like I said, I was going to return that forum back to its pre-ICT condition [laughs], so, uhm, it doesn’t mean I won’t ever come back to it and make deposits in terms of, you know, resources, I just won’t be there as a steady diet.

Uhm, everything will stay there, and I’ll finish the productions of the [Forex Missed Videos?] and stuff that’s, you know, that’s yet to come out. I will deliver on that, so. I do want to communicate there is no absense, uhm, because, uhm, I’m upset or mad – I just really want to make a clean break, so I’m not really being a distraction to the folks that really are into my stuff. Okay, 'cause I got a lot of guys that do like me, and they want to spread the word and that’s great, but, you know, it’s just way too much of me on that forum right now.

So, and not only that … I get a lot of uhm, stupid, really stupid emails, okay, about, you know, am I upset about … I’m not. I mean, we have a lot of characters on there [laughs], and they’re funny, okay, but I’m not worried in the least bit, so."[/I]

[B][U]Beginning at the 15:50 mark:[/U][/B]
[I]“PipHanger made a comment at the beginning asking if I have intentionally lost, and – no – I have not intentionally lost. If anything, I have legitimately took lumps. I’m using the concepts I’ve been using for years, but – obviously you can see in this market condition – it’s rather unfruitful.”[/I]