Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

I actually spit coffee all over myself with that one, luckily i turned away so it didn’t hit my computer

[QUOTE=… dance for me MG99… dance like pinocchio :55:[/QUOTE]

He forgot me… I thought I posted at least 20x unless they kept getting removed… I’m looking at you little su su. Also I kept saying it before his biggest fan why else is he hawking over this thread every minute of they day vs operating his “more successful business endeavors”

Maybe the mods should intervene since their “stern talking to” didn’t seem to have any effect on MG and considering how Boo whoo a ban is since you can just boot up another account in 2 mins and seeing is how he constantly dodges the light whenever he gets asked to prove his own merit

32% YTD or MONTH[/U][/B]

Doesn’t really count as a real track record
I do not disclose my traders or my results because…

If he was really that terrible and if you really didn’t care so much why are you wasting your time harping with us rather than “running your much more successful businesses” I can guarantee if you see him drop the account down to say -20% DD and continue to drop I think many people will demand questions I mean look @ Jay/Eremarket XSquaredTrading System | Myfxbook, he traded profitably for the first 3 months, then the trader’s trap which is an amateur pitfall came into play and really showed.

My alternative suggestion is to wait for the 3 months at least, stop making yourself as you would say Act’ a fool and tearing at other’s personal flaws because your veterancy here does not hold you above anyone else that includes your phony army service with probably millions that could look like you but isn’t you.

I can guarantee if you wait the 3 months or when he at least hits 10-20% DD you’ll have 2 supporters I can name off the top of my head davidlee and jackmarkets. The separation between you and them right now is those two have some respect and are given respect in return for patiently waiting until an irrefutable and ironclad point can be extracted and shown. Till then the claws are sharpening and their standing over the roof top with the capes blowing in the night wind looking over Gothapipsm.

Also, I like how people are respecting his (MG99) new thread and not trash talking him down like he does on most threads.

I’d like for it to stay that way, just a shame all ICT’s threads seem to get hijacked.

I can not agree with you more .

Seems like slot of Jesse Ventura false flags going on.

My only gripe was the commercializing comments you made which were clearly false. I can’t comment on the rest. I assumed he was sand bagging this week and the livestream comments surprised me also.

For anybody that has studied ICT’s concepts and followed him for a while this last week should have been pretty obvious that he was holding back and making mistakes on purpose. Just about every trade I saw him take I was asking myself wtf is he doing. Then on Thursday we got a long setup in fiber that he said he was looking for and he doesn’t take it… it was obvious. I’m willing to give him a few months. I believe he’ll do well and if he doesn’t it’s not going to affect my trading anyway.

And btw ICT said he overslept a few days… that’s impossible ICT doesn’t sleep. :wink:

What do you mean the live stream comments surprised you?

He didn’t take a single LO trade in two weeks that I could see, his bread and butter, and lots of 7-9gmt judas setups that even I could see happening. I look forward to the next two weeks.

Well I guess he just fooled us silly. Not sure why he decided to lie though. That part just makes no sense.

And as much as he’d like it to appear that he’s some grand wizard, consider this. I never watched the video until the transcript was brought up here.

Are you all suggesting that ICT lied to you, knowing two days later he would reveal the truth on this thread, have one of you notice that he lied, transcribe it and post on here, just so I can spot the discrepancy and call him out on it?

At best you now all have become the Trolls. I’m raising valid questions and points and no one is addressing them directly. Everyone is dancing around it. Rather they go after my character. Even to go so far as to drag my children into the conversation.

That is a very tired and old tactic. Don’t want to accept the message, so demonize the messenger.

Which of you can man up and admit ICT lied?

Or would you prefer to continue the willful ignorance of blatant facts and continue your attempt to somehow defame me.

My thread is clean of this, because I don’t lie to people. I don’t play games. I bring the real deal to the table every time. I don’t develop a cult mentality. When people praise, I put it in check and bring it to reality. That is how you build trust. And I certainly would have expected better from ICT and his following.

Hell dude move on let ICT do what he does and you do what you do and move on!

How am I preventing him from doing anything? He’s largely absent from here now and has mentioned his own retirement from the forums.
ICT is moving on.

Re-read your own posts, you referred to the Video days ago, clearing stating that you had “watched” it, LOL. [/QUOTE]

Your thread is clean because the majority respect threads that are started and leave the OP to run them, unlike yourself who just loiters looking for someone to wind up.

from a totaly noobs perspective, the only thing i’m still looking forward from this thread is this :

‘Now what am I saying? The next step in this “Challenge” is to show you how to apply the tools and use them more effectively and as they were taught. If you were wondering where the Mojo went… it returns next week. I will use more intraday trading and provide more framework leading to my trade decisions… prior to the trades.’


I thought you had moved on from this topic as you previously said so we can get on with the thread, or however you put it 10 or so pages back. Perhaps you should take a look at your own posts as they tend to veer into the personal and character realm (even this post). Perhaps as a distraction tactic when you are stuck. The children comment was uncalled for and dealt with, please do not use it as a crutch to gain favor for you arguments.

If your point is valid, please show, by direct quote and not anecdotal references to this lie. Show me where he said he lost on purpose. I really don’t think he directly said that, but if you can bring forth the evidence then we can all agree. Otherwise move on. Trying to win with poorly executed trades is not trying to lose, although I admit it is a fine line.

If not stop hammering away at this. Misleading? perhaps. Trying to make a point? Perhaps. Part of the plan? Perhaps. Lying? I don’t think so.

We’re all looking forward to that. It definitely will be an entertaining week regardless of results.

I have no trading experience to share with you (the community) as have spent recent months looking for resources to assist in my understanding of this particular market. And therefore I am an ‘outsider’ looking in and today I have been absorbed in what can only be described as a shameful gladiatorial flexing of words and counter words which really have no meaning or useful purpose given the passage of time. Whatever the point of principle was/is, that formed part of the current and reoccurring debate.

ICT has suffered a personal loss post Xmas and is in presently in bereavement and that should be respected amongst intelligent adults who share this thread. I think we can all give him license (if indeed it is needed) for any interpretation/explanation that has been provided. This constant challenge of what was said, when it was said, and the malicious goading that underlines the pursuit of it, is unpleasant and wholly unnecessary. ICT has provided an explanation and he is not here, standing in judgement, in a court of law…!

This is a great resource (free to boot) with an amazing community of characters who, in the main, share their knowledge and expertise for the benefit of those who, invariably, have less experience/knowledge of the contributors! For which we thank you appreciatively…!

ICT has provided a truly epic resource to share amongst us which has to be acknowledged because it is an undeniable fact. No doubt an altruistic commitment that has taken a very long journey which has without doubt helped many members change their personal circumstances.

If he does decide to move on (on a personal note I hope he doesn’t) I will be disappointed as I am about to place myself into this arena and it frightens me to death…!

I personally believe, based upon the contributions he has made, that he is a man of integrity and an upstanding citizen. I sense his community outside of Babypips are fortunate to have such an ultruistic and loyal family man in their midst.

Furthermore, he has placed his integrity on the record today for future scrutiny, so let’s take a pause and see what develops over the coming weeks and give the chap some respect, regardless.

It is very easy to barb from within the cloak of anonymity. I am sure his ‘absence’ is due to the fact it is the weekend and he is rightly spending time with his family.

Best to you all, Jacqui


I’m not knocking his absence. I think you misread what he said. Nor do I find his personal loss relevant to the discussion.

If his loss is causing him to unwind physically or mentally, then he really should take a back seat and throw in the towel. Family is vastly more important than mindless bantering on the Internet.

I learned something.

I spent some time wondering why each trade was taken, I gave this thread and twitter visits every day to keep up with the developments. I was keen to see how you would trade. I’m just let down because that time was wasted. I have my fingers crossed that the twists and turns are finished now.

Of all the things taught I have little idea how you personally can trade intraday profitably. I see the theory I just cannot make it all come together. Thats why I was so focused on those last two weeks. I wanted to see real live intraday trades. I was told I would see a couple high probability trades a week. Thats why I spent a significant amount of time looking over all the entries.

Thats why I’m feeling let down, because I feel lied too and the result of those lies was my free time wasted.

Look at it this way, if someone advertises free Jujitsu lessons and I turn up after a twenty minute drive and it’s a Zumba dance session I would not be happy about it. I was told to expect X and got Y, even if it’s free in terms of $$ time was still wasted.

in this case i’m thinking the argument is no longer really necessary, unless of course promoted for a higher teaching purpose. ICT could easily pull the strings that would make Mastergunner into a friendly and supportive character

I am sure ICT, as a grown man, will know if he is ready or not to face his challenge - however, he should be allowed to remove himself from it when he feels the need without recrimination. Of course there is additional pressure placed upon him now. I am/was merely pointing out that the conditions have changed from when he first set his personal goal/challenge. We cannot change the laws of nature, great sadness has occurred and I am sure he will perform to the best of his ability. His personal circumstances are relevant as they will have affected his equilibrium whether it is acknowledged generally or not. But It doesn’t automatically mean he will be any less able. I think the ‘unwind physically or mentally’, comment is being expressed in the extreme and is rather unedifying.

I do not believe I have misread what he said as this was a condition of his challenge…

ICT quote; “…I will make regular weekly contributions and reflections by means of video. For the Trolls & Naysayers… keep your tongue held until I bust or blow it out. I don’t want a thread full of praises from friends and flames from haters and those jealous that this thread clocks more views than yours. Let the results speak for themselves…”

Not an unreasonable request I believe…!

best Jacqui


It is not my position or will to edify ICT. I will leave that desire to you.