Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

thank you for your gracious latitude…!
Best Jacqui


All I can say is WOW! I’m at a loss for words from comments such as these.

You’re pouting over two weeks, I doubt you will last 3 years. And even after 3 years you will have to devote more precious time. How bad do you want it? How much commitment are you willing to put in?

How will you react emotionally when your up 15% one month and the next your down 10%? Will you say you feel cheated because you spent a month of your free time increasing your P/L only to lose most of it the subsequent month? Time wasted?

Nobody HAS to spend time here following anything.

Talk about, Wow.

Certain things trigger me. Looking a gift horse in the mouth is one.

Everything you need to learn to trade profitably is in video on Youtube. It takes some effort, but he’s already given us what we need. His Trading Plan Series and Trading in the Range is everything you need assuming you understand the tools like S/R, Fibs, etc. I’ve spent mega hours watching and re-watching videos (and I still have not done a good enough job watching everything) and I’m telling you the information you need is there. He’s already provided a FREE TRADING COURSE that others would value in the $x,xxx.00. It looks more like you want the Jujitsu teacher to follow you around and fight your battles for you.

I apologize for the rude response here, but if you think your time was wasted from a teacher who has showed you how you can trade successfully and for free, than I think it was his time that was wasted in your case. Is your time wasted watching videos that teach market structure, support and resistance, risk management, and dozens of other professional concepts.

the equity curve will go str8 up…

Plus those the mods delete.

Don’t misconstrue my previous response. I can shut it off at will. Just chose not to this time around.

i actually replied to the wrong one lol. you said something about gaining 15% then losing 10%. i was being a smartass saying you wont have any drawdown.

nothing against you it was just a joke :smiley:

Ha! No wonder at first it didn’t make sense to me…so I took it as sarcasm. No worries!

ICT I would love to follow you on twitter but see it is locked. Just wondering what steps I need to do to follow you. Thanks


If you think it doesn’t work for you, then don’t waste your time here and move on. So what if ICT make millions with his live account? That doesn’t mean you will make it as well. Cos each person has his own way of trading! Unless you are asking ICT to hand held you with each trade that he does, but how much are you going to pay him? You are not paying him anything and you want to blame him for wasting your time? You mean you can’t even invest a little bit of time and effort to find out for yourself if it’s working for you or not? Then maybe you should not waste your time learning from forum. It’s too dangerous a place for your kind.

ICT has laid down all the tools which he uses to make his OWN trading plan. It is up to you to try the tools to help you make YOUR OWN trading plan. He had showed us how he use it, it is up to you to try it for yourself. If ICT makes a million, it does not means you will make that million. If ICT blow his account, that does not mean you can’t be successful. Everyone trade differently even if they uses the same tools. If you can’t understand this simple fact, then maybe you shouldn’t trade at all.

I, for one, appreciate his sharing. Most of what he shared is not new to me. Some of them are new but most of them I knew it long ago but couldn’t figure out how to use it for my own day trading. But he showed me how I can use them to formulate my own trading plan is something I wanted to thank him for. Even if he make some losses, that will not change the fact that I find some of his tools useful for my own trading.

Agree. Isn’t trading similar to personalities - It can’t be replicated.

Look at copy traders, follow a good signal and some of them still lose.

There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict. Walk away. The battle they are fighting is not with you, it is with themselves

Was pretty much expecting that reaction to be honest.

He lied. It’s not about the material its just about calling someone out and letting them know a point of view of from someone who did not appreciate the lies and deception. I made my post because someone beyond Mastergunner someone needs to highlight the fact that lying is offensive to some people, so rather than get mad I made a post explaining how the lies affected me. To perhaps offer context to it. Still its a sin in pretty much every world religion so I don’t think it’s just me who does not appreciate being lied too.

Did you know not everyone has the same learning style?
While watching a youtube video over and over again then going to the charts will work for some it won’t work for others. Thats why I was spending time checking out his trades, i’ll learn better seeing examples. I learn better from what he said was coming up here. So thats why I won’t leave because I have not understood it yet.

As an additional rant the hive mind mentality thats prevalent here is awful.

Anyone slightly critical of ICT is always told “Well why not move on nobody is keeping you here!” type comment. Points that are critical are left unaddressed, then there is a barrage of praise and worship thrown in ICT’s direction. Criticism can be constructive, in fact it almost always is when it does not have name calling all over it.

Mastergunner has an attitude on him now because of this type of mentality, but some of his points are/were really quite valid and can/could be answered maturely. Instead we have people insulting his family and all sorts. I point out that lying has negative effects on people and am told to leave. He asked some genuine questions in the earlier posts before the drama kicked off that were not loaded but highlighting some of his concerns of turning 5k into 1M. They were valid questions to ask. Instead he was attacked personally on multiple occasions.

Always question points but attacking the person raising them personally is a weak move. It’s not how adults debate, its certainly not how people can learn.

Your rant sound as if the whole world must revolve around you.

He lied to you? What does he gain from that? What did you loss from it? Are you paying him anything? You choose to read his post, not him forcing it on you. You sound like a fragile kind of person that needs all round protection 24/7. Like I’ve said, this place is too dangerous for your kind. Stay out of the internet so that you won’t get hurt. :18:

For me, I’m smart enough to know what he shared has any use for me regardless of what he said she said they said.

I think woolo you are mad not because of lies, you are mad because you dont understand the concept and you thinking im gonna stay in ICT fx book and copy his trades then… right?

Ok… But lied?? I’m sorry, its hardly constructive criticism is.

If ict had being 20% up would you go off and put total faith in YOUR learning and if you blew your account you would feel really poor about yourself, at least this way we can say oh yeah it was a bad week let’s carry on.

I don’t undetstand how calling someone a lairer it constructive. I’m sorry but you come on to rant and then try to cover it up with “im the brave one” please… I suppose when you have a minor accident in your car you blame the driving school, if you get pulled over for drunk driving you blame the bar that sold you the booze. I’m a real life teacher and some of my kids go of to oxford uni and some go off to the benifits office, what do I lie to the ones that end up on benefit?? It a crazy destructive attitude you have, I’m not being nasty but you gotta sort out your attitude to learning and more importantly processimg I.formation into knowledge. I’d have loves to have seen ict make a good solid profit it would have bolstered my confidence on one hand but at the end a week in which saw my drawdown 1.5% it kinda gives me a boost and shows me that sh** does indeed happen. Anyway its about risk and loss management and the way we deal with that. I’m fighting the urge to chase my 1.5% drawdown all the way to 15, 25, 100% and ict and many others here have taught me to resist and for that alone I’m eternally greatful, because I know that the information given to me allowed my knowledge to grow without which I’d have being in a massive spiral of drawdown… teachers of techniques cannot lie, but learner can and do oftern lie to themselves… My 2 pips anyway. Peace, pips and happiness x

It’s one thing to dismiss his lie on the account of your strong belief system.

It’s something entirely to act as if it was not a lie at all. That’s just a delusion.

ICT lied. That’s a fact. Accept it. Move on.

You lied too. It’s a fact. Let’s move on.