Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

oh are we doing real cash account screen shots???

haha, not quite 48.29% but good enough for now :wink:

Well, considering the response on Gunner99 his claim, I thought it was good to provide some proof. 38% Year-to-date? Nice going Jezzā€¦

well I have a confession, the 29.98% was the last four weeks that I traded last year. The 6.32% is since last week when I started againā€¦ I am such a bad trader lol :wink:

Not bad eitherā€¦ January was not an easy month to tradeā€¦

I would rather watch paint dry then subscribe to a signal service, I would rather quit trading, I would rather eat Applebees every meal then have a signal service. However many of us are curious about your thought process. I admit that I am curious about how someone like yourself approaches trading. Iā€™m sure you could care less about my approval, but if I learn something of value from you, Iā€™d be the first to acknowledge it. This post probably belongs on your thread, so Iā€™ll leave it alone, but I do plan to follow along.

When I first started trading, I regarded 10%/month (average) as the epitome of success. I thought that was the best I could do, and even if I could do better, that is all I would need.

Well I know now that I can certainly do better than that, but still hold the belief that it is all I need. That is a really good place to be I thinkā€¦ happy with what you can do currently, with still the potential to improve a great deal.

Everyone seems like they arenā€™t happy until they can beat someone elseā€¦ what a toxic and petty mindset!

You have yet to been rude to me, despite differences of opinion. I observe value in that.

Competition is fun. Iā€™d rather have us all my money so we can start having annual Babypips conventions in the Caribbean.

*be (not been) #grammar

lolz :wink:

I really wouldnā€™t wanna meet any of you in real life, you all kinda seem like nutjobs to me

I think it would be very awkward.

Iā€™d try and sell pineapples to all of you, and then buy them back at a reduced price at a later dateā€¦

For that reason I will not be attending our Caribbean trip.

Goes with the territory I suppose. I donā€™t think any normal person would want to trade currencies after knowing what is really involved

Agreed. Iā€™m really just trying to get some folks to fire back at me ā€œbut [I]Iā€™m[/I] normal!ā€

ā€¦then Iā€™ll know who the real crazies are :50:

Iā€™m definitely a bit dry and at times and a little self deprecating. I saw ICTā€™s comment about Applebees, and I just thought it was funny. I was surprised that MG thought I would want signals. The fun of this is in the fishing, not having others giving me fish. I donā€™t care about being better than anyone. I hope to trade professionally one day because itā€™s something I love to do. ICT has helped me tremendously, but the truth is that I am not a good enough trader that I would resign my job tomorrow with the expectation of paying my bills around the house, and assuring my wife that she has nothing to worry about. Iā€™m not a million miles from that dayā€¦ but it will not be tomorrow. I get the impression that MG knows his stuff and if I can learn something from him, Iā€™ll thank him. And honestly if he even makes the effort to share information but itā€™s not for me, Iā€™ll still say thank you. Iā€™m grateful to ICT, and rooting for Ake this year. I promise you Ake if we worked together you would think I was a lot funny, a tiny bit odd, but weā€™d still be friends. My primary motivation with trading is not the million dollar dream, itā€™s the idea that Iā€™ll spend every day doing something that really makes happy.

WoW! Good luck man

Iā€™m in love with the idea that I can make all the money I need, without having to interact with anyone. I like the idea of business, but hate the idea of selling stuff, or working with ā€œclientsā€. I donā€™t mind being servient to the market and its scheduleā€¦ but goddamn do I hate being ā€œbeneathā€ anyone. I donā€™t like controlling people but I just canā€™t stand when they can control me.

I love the ā€œeat what you killā€ type of business that trading is.

I wonder if weā€™d be friendsā€¦ there must be a significant age gap haha. I read you had a daughter doin Karate, so you must be in your 30s??? Close? Iā€™m only 25. The weirder the better, unless you do hard drugs. Weird + Hard Drugs = Cya later!

Thatā€™s exactly how I feel. i donā€™t wanna be a boss but I donā€™t wanna be controlled or have to depend on anyone. I like warren buffet style management. Very far away and hands off. Just buy the company and let it do its thing.

Whatever bro. You know we will all be in the same Ferrari racing club one day. lol

Youā€™re probably rightā€¦ so everyone here has the Need for Speed too?? I live in the wrong climate for fast cars