Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

It is interesting the different personalities that trading attracts. I used to think that the “need for speed” was common with traders because they enjoy the rush(higher risk tolerance)… but I think most around here like it just because they are in their twenties. Its also a status symbol for all the “get rich quickies”. haha

Ferrari Club???

Prefer an Audi R8 to be honest

Underground Racing Twin Turbo R8 V10 - YouTube

I have found ICT’s music bank!

ICT, you have been getting your music from [B][I][U]SuicideSheep [/U][/I][/B]havent you?!!?!

Yea I like the fact that most people don’t succeed. And I’m a pretty big risk taker but it depends on the reward. I’ve thought like that since I can remember. I won’t give people rides unless they buy me a meal or give me a good conversation lol. And I don’t gamble even when I went to a casino I couldn’t get myself to actually play lol. But I’ve given people loans that I work with. And if I see something stuck in a vending machine I might try and get it depending on how good I think my chances are lol.

And I’m talking even penny slots lol I just can’t put money in.

You don’t know how to separate Internet from life offline. I’m quite sure that if we were in the same city, I’d pick up ICT after he punched out of work for the day and grab a beer with him.

You too. Gunner knows how to have a good time. Believe that.

Another thing I forgot to mention… I have terrible problems with keeping a normal sleep schedule with a 9-5 job. You see, I’m a natural night owl. When given the freedom to let myself find my natural sleep cycle, I find myself staying up til around sunrise, and waking up early afternoon.

So it’s like this market was made for me, haha. That was a big factor in deciding to be a trader… I realized I could never hold a normal job with my crazy sleep cycles. I have a 8-430 job now… but luckily it requires very little mental focus, and there is no responsibility (in the sense that someones life could be at risk because of my sleep deprivation).

In school I often missed the first class of the day, and my first period teachers would always give me lectures all the time about the importance of attendance or punctuality or other things. One day I’m going to go back and tell them I have a f*cking sleep disorder and that I make more than a Doctor staying up all night… like I have always been naturally inclined to do.


ICT don’t drink yo.

Wow we might need to hang out lol. Then again a lot of times if people are to much alike they don’t get along.

I can respect the 12 steps. NA beer works for me.

Lol… Well I was in my thirties once… Totally know what you mean about being treated beneath others. In financial services companies, unless you’re in the front office generating lots of money, you don’t get treated very well at all. It’s all superficial BS. And you want to talk about strange people… I’d much rather make money at home doing something I really like doing.

The only folks on the threads that I can’t tolerate, are the ones who either try to ruin threads intentionally, or who don’t show any consideration for others. I mostly disagree with Mastergunner’s assessment of ICT, but it really takes all kinds to make the world go round. I hope you keep the good start to the year going - you’ve earned it.

Funny story… I had an Uncle that used to live in Missouri (sorry I don’t remember where). He was a retired physician and had a business breeding horses. Anyways… he would always send me American money (i’m canadian) when I was a kid for Xmas/Birthdays. I thought it was the coolest thing ever… how this different money could be converted into 1.5X the value. That was my first experience with Forex I guess. You never know what fuels a passion…

I used to manipulate the markets in games like world of Warcraft and runescape. I’d buy everything up and then sell it at marked up prices lol.and that’s it I wouldn’t level or quest or do anything but buy and sell and make money lol and I loved it. There was other ways too, like seasonal tendencies and location.

Canadians and World of Warcraft. Now I get it.

Wow - same sleeping pattern. I am up till 3-4am then prefer about midday get up if work didn’t get in the way. Very much a night person

Wow, what an active thread. I love it!

Just checked out your Myfxbook and it doesn’t seem to be doing too much.

I personally think you might have started a little low… to turn $5k into $1mil is a massive task. If you started with $50k it’s possible.

One of the guys I work with has turned $100k into $1.9mil inside 3 years compounding around 5% each month, however you are looking at growth almost 20 times that level which will mean that you need to take risks, which I predict will be your undoing.

A more realistic expectation would be to turn it into $100k.

However I do wish you all the best :slight_smile:

If that is so, I am curious if ICT sees his followers (Suicidal sheep) in that way… :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess that makes him the [I]Judas [/I] goat.

Your friend compounded at 5% per month. Nice. However, I don’t think ICT needs 20 times that level, that would make it 100% per month. He is aiming for 16% per month from memory, and the math all adds up. Possibly think you need to read the thread, and how long some of the people have been here trading real money. He will be giving it one hell of a fright in my opinion.

Watch and learn son :smiley: hahaha


That’s my dream car too in red preferably… I use to like a convertible mustang but I think Audie is much look cooler :). I would definitely need to take classes on how to drive that thing…lol.


It’s always good to find an excuse to take on vacations…Carribean trip sounds good to me :slight_smile: Though, I’ve been to Eastern Carribean…maybe Western is much better :slight_smile: